Page 22 of Daddy's Firm Hand

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Tears pricked at the backs of my eyes, the sincerity in his words piercing straight to my heart. I covered his hand with my own, twining our fingers together. "I never thought I could have this," I confessed tremulously. "Someone who truly sees me, who accepts all of me."

David brought our joined hands to his lips, brushing a tender kiss across my knuckles. "You deserve nothing less, Candy. I'm honored that you've chosen to share yourself with me, flaws and all."

I smiled tremulously, emotion threatening to overwhelm me once more. "I'm not always going to get it right," I warned, a hintof anxiety creeping into my voice. "Breaking that rule... it wasn't the healthiest way to ask for what I needed."

"No, it wasn't," he agreed, his tone gentle but firm. "But we'll learn together. We'll communicate openly, honestly. I'll help you find the words when you struggle."

In the flickering candlelight, cradled by jasmine-scented water and David's steadfast devotion, I finally understood what it meant to be truly cherished. And I knew, with bone-deep certainty, that I would never let this precious gift slip through my fingers.

Chapter 7

Three days.

Three long, empty, frustrating days.

I stared at the empty chair across from my desk, my stomach in knots. It had been three days since our last play session, since that moment when our lips had met and everything had changed. Yet once again, David was nowhere to be found.

My finger hovered over the mouse, the cursor blinking on his name in my Outlook calendar. Another canceled meeting, another postponed session without explanation. What had I done wrong?

I closed my eyes, replaying every detail of that night in my mind for the hundredth time. The sting of his palm against my backside. The command in his voice, sending shivers down my spine. The gentleness in his eyes as he lifted my chin. And finally, the soft brush of his mouth on mine, both thrilling and terrifying.

Had I misread the signs? Crossed an unspoken boundary? The doubts swirled in my head, an endless loop of second-guesses and recriminations. I should have known better than to kiss him.I was only his babygirl during playtime, nothing more. He didn't want me that way.

My gaze drifted to the neatly-stacked ledgers waiting on the corner of my desk, the numbers swimming before my eyes. With a sigh, I reached for the top file, trying to will myself to focus. But as I started entering figures, my fingers faltered on the keys, making careless errors. Stupid, stupid girl.

Tears pricked hotly at the back of my eyes. I blinked them away, refusing to smudge my liner. Crying at work was unprofessional. I had to keep it together, no matter how much it felt like I was unraveling inside. I couldn't let my mistakes interfere with my job. David would be so disappointed in me.

The phone on my desk buzzed harshly, making me jump. My heart leapt into my throat when I saw his extension on the display. With a shaking hand, I answered.

"H-hello?" My voice came out as barely a whisper.

But it wasn't David on the other end. Only his brusque executive assistant, informing me that Mr. Peters would like to pass on his apologies, but would be out of the office for the rest of the week. No other details given.

"I see. Thank you for letting me know," I managed through numb lips before hanging up.

“He really does want to pass on his most sincere apologies,” Sandra, his assistant insisted.

“Where is he?”

“I’m afraid that’s privileged information.”

“Of course.”

I walked home with Geoffrey held tightly to my chest. It was raining, and soon, I was soaked.

When I got back, I decided to call Molly. I really needed someone to talk to.

I pressed 'call' and held the phone to my ear, my heart pounding. Molly answered on the second ring, her warm voice flooding the line, "Hey, sweetie! How's my favorite girl doing?"

"Hey love, are you still atSweetheart’s Lattes?”

“Yeah, I’m gonna close up in an hour or so.”

“Can I come by for a chat? I’ll help you close up if you want.”

"Of course, honey." Her tone softened with concern. "Is everything okay?"

"I just need to talk. I'll explain everything when I see you."

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