Page 7 of Deacon

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I tied him down quickly enough. Fucker just kept snoring. Once I was sure the place was secure, no one else on board, I took the boat out to sea. What I was getting ready to do was going to take some time. And be very noisy. And messy.

The boat had a personal water craft docked, full of gas, and ready to run. Once I was done, I’d anchor the yacht in Davy Jones’s Locker. I just had to make sure I didn’t go so far I didn’t have enough gas to get back to shore. Which was something I’d trained for and knew very well how to do.

I gave it a few hours. Not only did I want Illivitch good and sober when we started, I needed to rest. Though it had taken little effort to dispatch the guards and the one crew member, I’d been awake for close to forty-eight hours and needed my wits about me. Borris wasn’t going anywhere.

I lay down on a bench in the wheelhouse. It was actually quite comfortable. With the ocean gently rocking the boat and the sound of waves hitting the sides, it was easy to drift off.

I woke to the sounds of Borris Illivitch yelling at the top of his lungs, angry as shit. Yeah. He was good and pissed. He had no idea exactly what kind of trouble he was in or he’d be sobbing in fear. Oh well. There was time enough for that later.

I got to my feet and headed below deck where I’d left Illivitch. Sitting on the top step, was Falcon.

“Christ,” I swore, kicking the other man half-heartedly so he had to catch himself before he tumbled below deck. “What the fuck are you doin’ here, man?”

“Rocket’s orders. Do what you want to the bastard, but I’m here on behalf of Grim Road. You do this in our territory, it becomes our business.”

“You’re here to babysit me, motherfucker. I don’t need it.”

“No?” He raised an eyebrow. “Seems to me you do. Besides, I got a better boat than that pissy little water scooter.”He stood, leaning against the railing. “Youdoplan on sinkin’ the fuckin’ boat. Right?”

“I don’t fuckin’ need this,” I muttered, scrubbing a hand over my face. “Stay or go. Don’t give a fuck. But stay out of my fuckin’ way.”

Without waiting for an acknowledgment, I descended the ladder. Illivitch’s quarters were in the aft of the ship at the end of the passageway. Illivitch’s angry shouts bellowed from behind the door.

I shoved the door open and sneered at the man tied to the bed. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Cliché, but I didn’t give a fuck. The more painful I could make it for this man the better satisfied I’d be. Which included cheesy villain lines.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill --” He stopped mid-sentence as he got a good look at me. “D-Deacon? What the fuck?” Yeah. Motherfucker had a right to be nervous. He knew what I was capable of.

“I warned you. I let you go before because you were of more use to me alive than dead, but I found out that was a mistake on my part. One I won’t repeat.”

“I haven’t done anything, Deacon.” He lifted his chin and tried for an air of authority, like he fully expected me to not only believe him but release him immediately.

“Oh? What about your stepdaughter?”

He gave me a lascivious grin. “She’s a hot little bitch, isn’t she? Perfectly legal. She’s not my daughter, and she’s over eighteen. You can have her if you want. She was a virgin when she ran off so, even if one of those bikers did fuck her, she’s not been used too much. Just let me go and I’ll let you do whatever you want to her. Only thing I ask is that you bring her back in one piece and unscarred.” This guy!

“You really are a dumbass,” I chuckled, crossing my arms over my chest. “You don’t have Calista, Borris. Even if you did,it’s this very thing right here that’s gettin’ you killed.” I yanked the bedding off him and took out my knife. He flinched back, but I just started cutting off his clothes. “You’re telling me --” I kept my tone as conversational as I could, “-- you’re willing to give me your stepdaughter, the young woman your beloved wife left in your care after she passed away, to use how I please. To fuck the shit outta her whether she wants it or not.”

He scoffed. “You know as well as I do bitches like her always want it. They tease us, then get all pissy when we take what they’re offering. Calista is just like all the rest of ’em. She won’t care. She’ll pretend she doesn’t want it, but she’ll secretly get off on it.” He gave me a cajoling smile. “I’ll have her back with me any day now. She’s fuckin’ some guy in a biker gang around here. Girl loves slummin’. Give her a few days to rest up and I’m sure her pussy will be just as tight and hot as it ever was.”

Without a word, I continued to cut off his clothes until he was completely nude. As I thought, he was aroused. Likely from fantasizing about all the things that would happen to Calista. Sick fuck.

“So, a couple things.” I sheathed my knife and shrugged out of the small backpack I had over my shoulders and set it at the foot of the bed. “First off, Calista is perfectly fine and well. She’s with her daddy’s enforcer. And Ringo isn’t the kind of man to let an attack on his woman go without consequences.” I grinned as I watched Borris’s expressions go from surprise to fury in the space of only a few seconds.

“Motherfuckers!” His explosion wasn’t unexpected. Fucker was crazy and had fixated on Calista. Knowing he was beaten was bound to push him over the edge. “She’s mine!”

“No. She’s Ringo’s. Which brings us to the second thing. When you sicced Redwood on Calista, you forgot to tell him not to shoot anyone.”

“What the fuck do I care who he shoots?”

“Because he missed Calista and hit another woman.”

“Bitch shoulda been out of the way.” Borris stuck his chin up, like he was daring me to contradict him.

“Right,” I drawled, digging into my bag and pulling out several large dildos and a jar of ghost pepper sauce I’d use for lube. “See, here’s the problem I have, Borris. You’re a predator. You prey on women. You haven’t gotten to children yet, but you’re flirting with it. It’s why you needed to sell Calista. Right? To pay for the little boy you wanted?”

Illivitch froze, his eyes wide. Like he just realized a hellhound was staring at him from the foliage. “What do you want?” His voice was a raspy whisper. Yeah. He knew he was fucked.

“I want you to die, Borris. It’s really that simple.” I shrugged. “The more complicated part is how you die. And how long it takes.”

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