Page 8 of Love Always Wins

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“The last ten years are none of your business Tyler. You should go,” she stated taking a deep breath to strengthen her resolve and stance. “I won’t live a lie anymore.”

“There’s not a chance in hell that I’m leaving like this, Just. You think the right thing to do is to not give into this,” he argued refusing to give her the space she needed to continue her objections. “You think we shouldn’t be together because of our families but don’t you see that’s exactly why weshouldbe together? Do you honestly want to spend your entire life pleasing your family?”

“I haven’t spent any of it pleasing them.”

“No? Not marrying me certainly pleased them without them ever knowing it.”

“I told you why I left Tyler.”

“To stop my family from rejecting me and to help my sister—yeah, I know Just, but do you not understand what that does tome? Knowing what you gave up to see me keep them kills me because for the longest time, all I could do was complain and grumble about you leaving me, because I swore the only thing I needed to make me happy was you. But it’s different now. One, I know that without you doing what you did, I might not have her now, and if that’d happened back then, yeah, things would have gotten complicated fast. But there’s also the fact that I’m not about to lose my sister and I don’t care if my family acceptsus. I don’t care if your family accepts us, and neither should you.”

“No,” she said trying to stop herself from giving into the connection between them. “We can’t do this.”

“We can’tnotdo this Justine,” he said softly, lowering his lips to kiss along her jaw. “If we try to deny this we’ll simply wind up giving in at an inopportune time.”

“You’re still engaged…” she moaned, breathless from his simple touch already.

“You’re just trying to find something to argue about, but if it makes you feel better I can tell Angela right now that I can’t go through with the wedding,” he offered kissing her neck as he moved the hair from her shoulder.

“We need to be smart about this,” she argued trying to bring some rational thought back into it. “We can’t simply fall straight back to where we were.”

“Can’t we? Did last night feel any different from the hundreds of times before? Did it feel less connected? Did we feel less in tune with each other?”

“It’s been ten years Tyler.”

“Two, ten, ten thousand…it won’t change this Justine. Nothing is going to change us.”

“You just want sex again,” Justine mused seeing the look in his eyes, the way his body felt against hers.

“You can’t deny you want it too baby,” he said with a grin.

“That’s all this can be Ty—it’s all it can ever be.”

“No, it’s not, but right now it’s a damned good start,” he suggested feeling the wall that was up around her. “What do you say you give me the chance to show you hmm?”

“Show me what?” she asked as his hands slid underneath her top leaving flames behind as they trailed along her skin.

“Show you that this isn’t and has never been simply about sex with us,” he answered, and she stopped pretending she didn’t want him as desperately as she always had.

“This stays in here,” she said beneath the kiss she initiated. “No one finds out about it.”

“And Angela?” he asked lifting her into his arms carrying her to the bedroom.

“Is your issue to deal with,” she said not wanting to think of them together.

“She won’t miss me Justine. I’ve never slept with her, rarely kissed her and usually when I did, it was on the cheek even,” he stated, and she relaxed into his arms wanting to believe it whether it was true or not.


“I think you’ve been avoiding me,” Angela said with a full grin as she ran into Justine inside the café.

“Now why would I do that?” Justine asked with a half-smile knowing exactly why she’d been avoiding Angela. She couldn’t stop herself from giving into the desire to sleep with Tyler every single night of the last nearly three weeks. She’d stayed in town far longer than expected but she couldn’t bring herself to leave yet. No matter how much her brain told her to just pack up and go she couldn’t force herself out the door and away from Tyler.

“Because you don’t want to reveal everything you’ve been up to lately,” Angela replied not sensing her distress.

“Lately? Not much—spending some time with the family,” she said with a shrug making Angela laugh.

“Uh huh…and before that? Come on girl, you’ve been gone for ten years, what have you been up to?”

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