Page 15 of Love Always Wins

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“Youburnt this place down? That’s why you spend every single spare second out here taking care of it now, isn’t it? It’s not so much the plants and wildlife you’re tending to, it’s been your love for Justine,” Grace said understanding him far better now.

“Yes, this was the one place where I could openly show how much she still meant to me. I love her, I will always love her and I’m not about to let her slip out of my life again.”

“And your parents’ reaction to what they might potentially do when they find out?”

“Isn’t enough for me to walk away, not even close. If I have to choose between being with Justine and the Andersons…I will choose her instantly. I’ve lived ten years without her, I’m not about to go ten more days with her away from me.”

“And what about the twins? You’ve been there for them for everything Tyler; first day of school, first dates, first heartaches…can you really give them up for Justine?”

“I’m not saying it’ll be easy to do, but I want a life with Justine. I want a family with her. Maybe they’ll understand—the twins,” he expanded, certain his parents likely never would, “and they’ll be part of our lives. Who knows maybe the prospect of joint grandbabies will end this stupid, pointless feud, and allow us all to finally just move on with our lives? I was adamant about not getting married and having kids because I would neverbe able to do that, have kids without Justine in my world. Now she’s back, finally within my reach, I refuse to let anything tear us apart this time. The feud, our families, and certainly not her fear…none of it is going to stop me from making her mine. She already is. She knows it, I know it, and soon this entire town will know it too.”

“You have one member of the Anderson family behind you Tyler,” Grace promised giving him a hug and encouraging smile. “Who knows, maybe with her being away for ten years her parents will accept you two together, especially if it means you’ll be here in town or nearby. I know they’ve missed her and don’t want her to be across the country from them again.”

“I hope so, because I don’t know if Justine will fight for this the same way right now as I will. I don’t know what she’s scared of, or what she’s trying to face alone right now, but I guarantee if they start in on the feud the way they’re aiming to, it’ll take me forever to have her as mine and I can’t wait for forever, not after finding heaven again with her.”

“Good luck Tyler, I have a feeling you’ll need it in order to get things worked out the way you want,” Grace warned, and he nodded knowing it was true.


Justine slid back into the woods, watching Tyler talk to his cousin. She couldn’t believe he’d told her the truth, told her everything, but it made her happy to hear him admit how much he loved her.

She was shocked that he’d burnt down their spot but in a way, she understood it. In her own way, she’d done her best to burn out the memory of him. Using her job to forget her pain, but it hadn’t worked, and it seemed neither had his attempts.

She waited until Grace left then slid back through the woods, hopping over a few stones to get over the creek before taking the bridge over it so he’d see her.

This time when she turned around the gazebo, she wasn’t surprised when she careened into a hard body. A smile settled onto her lips, and she slid her arms around his neck as he lifted her further against him. “Hi…”

“Hi baby,” he said brushing a few strands of hair from her eyes as they’d slipped from her ponytail. “Having fun?”

“Mmm I could be having more,” she said giving him a long look that had him groaning as his body woke fully and swiftly.

“When will you be back at the hotel?” he asked kissing the side of her neck as he ran a hand down her side.

“About thirty minutes,” she guessed, giving him a lingering kiss before heading out to finish her run. She wasn’t surprised to find him already in the suite waiting for her and she slid the ‘do not disturb’ sign into the lock before flipping the inside bolt heading straight for him. His hands quickly lifted her against him, and she wrapped her legs around his waist needing him more than she’d ever needed him before she thought.

“You’re going to kill me woman,” he sighed moving her into the bedroom discarding her clothing as a desperate need overtook him.

“Show me,” she stated letting him into her heart—back into her soul as they crashed through oblivion together.

Tyler held her, her head resting on his chest, her body fully relaxed for the first time since she’d been home. He felt her begin to move and held her a bit tighter not about to let her go when she was so at ease.

“I’m not going anywhere Tyler,” she said kissing his chest as she grabbed a pillow, propping herself up on it so she could see him easier.

“What’s going on behind that little smile, Just?” he asked seeing the way it spread across her entire face.

“Just remembering us. How this always was with us,” she stated as he rolled onto his side to watch her. “It was always you for me, even when I hated the way you treated me, it was always you for me.”

“That’s the same with me baby. I love you. I have always loved you,” he stated brushing the hair off her neck as he leaned over, dropping kisses along her shoulder and down her back as she sighed happily.

“I know…and I’ve always loved you,” she admitted, gasping when his lips instantly covered hers with a kiss she’d never experienced before—a kiss that stole every thought from her mind and simply made her feel again.

“You’re mine again?” he asked letting his fingers trace her face and she nodded kissing them before he kissed every inch of her body and sent her to the stars for a delightfully long time.

He napped beside her, waking to find her gone and his heart stopped for a moment before he saw her things still scattered around the room. He grabbed his pants and stepped into them as he moved through the suite looking for her.

“Justine?” he called out when he didn’t find her in any of the rooms. She didn’t answer and he looked around the room trying to figure out where she’d gone.

A key sounded in the lock, and he waited with bated breath as the door opened. He spied the bags she carried and moved over to hold open the door for her, letting her put them down on the table before pulling her into his arms to hold tightly.

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