Page 18 of Amelia

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“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says, and my smile tells him that I’m not joking; Gilly really doesn’t get the subtler hints.

I don’t bother looking for Smitty’s number, it’s been the same for twenty odd years and he answers on the third ring.

“Smitty,” I say once he answers. “This is Amelia Thorpe.”

“Amelia?” he says shock ringing through his voice. “What are you calling me for?”

“I’m calling on behalf of Lemans. I know you were let go five months ago but as of today Lemans is under new ownership and my boss Rafe Gordon would love to have you back if you’re…”

“I can be there in ten minutes,” he says cutting me off.

“Smitty it’s nearly five now. Why don’t you take the rest of the day and enjoy the sun, tomorrow morning will be fine,” I tell him, my humor ringing through the phone line.

“Of course Miss Amelia, thank you…thank…thank you,” he just keeps repeating.

“Thank you Smitty, you always knew exactly how to fix whatever it was we needed fixed, and I know there’s a certain door handle calling your name. No don’t worry about it today. We’ll see you in the morning,” I reassure him before hanging up.

My nod to Rafe is all he needs to know that Smitty is now re-employed with Lemans and his ownership is off to a blissful beginning.

As five o’clock rolled around some employees disappeared, off to pick up kids from daycare, but a large group stayed behind hoping to speak with the new owner. It amazes me to see howmany of the women, married and not, swooned over Rafe or blatantly showed their interest in him.

Finally, it seems, he’s managed to pull himself away from the crowd surrounding him and he heads in my direction. His gaze shaded and it hits me, he’s jealous, and that completely bemuses me because I’m surrounded by men who I’ve worked with and never felt anything for in the slightest and he’s worried that I’m going to like them better than him. Has he forgotten the ring that’s still sitting on my finger?

You should take it off, a voice inside my head says and I push it backwards. I’ll take it off when I know for sure it’s safe to do so. Most of the guys here believed that I’m involved, and if Rafe doesn’t get that look off his face they’ll assume he’s the one I’ve been involved with all this time.

“Ready to go?” he asks me, putting his hand on my arm, warmth filling his eyes as they rest on my face before turning stony again when they survey the crowd that I’m with and the looks of the men towards me.

“Of course,” I say, I mean really what else could I say? No I love being the center of attention and these guys are doing nicely? Yeah right.

The temperature felt like it dropped a hundred degrees as we left and all I could think was I am so screwed. Again language, I know, but give a girl a break already. I was just subjected to a not so subtle extraction, which is giving the very real impression that I’m totally sleeping with Rafe. This is not the way I wanted this day to go, and we still have the club to look forward to tonight.

Our drive back to the hotel was strange, there was no talking and even fewer moments that felt comfortable. Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?

“Amelia…I’m sorry,” he says as he turns the car off.

I feel like giving him a retort but really, what can I say other than ‘you should be’?

“I shouldn’t have been so rude while…I shouldn’t have…”

“You shouldn’t have acted like a jealous fool when I was talking with people that I worked with for two years?” I offer figuring if I’m going to put my foot in it I might as well do it right.

“Pretty much,” he agrees effectively shutting down my annoyance regarding the situation. “We said we’d take it slow and now…”

“Basically half the people think we’re sleeping together, and the other half thinks you’re the one I wear this ring for?”

“Something like that. I shouldn’t have acted like a jealous lover since I’m not one and I don’t have a right to be. I honestly have never been that type.”

“First time for everything right?” I say giving him my forgiving smile because I honestly can’t stay mad at him, and the one he gave me in return was enough to make my heart skip a few beats.

Damn the man is simply too put together. He’s gorgeous, smart, can admit when he’s wrong, doesn’t frequent strip clubs, and he’s rich. Not that I care about being rich…I don’t. I like having a cushion but that’s not what Rafe has. He has a multibillion-dollar company and houses in at least four countries not to mention his yacht.

What the hell does he see in me?

“I suppose there is, including me going to a strip club with a woman on my arm. You still want to go even though I was an ass, right?” he asks, and I can see the intrigue resting behind his gaze. He wants to see what I’m capable of apparently; well, I hope he has a strong constitution.

Chapter 8

“Well, hello gorgeous,” Tony crows as we slide past the bar. “You are a sight for sore, sore eyes Ames. I take it from the smile on your lips that you’re not coming home to us?”

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