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Naturally, the wedding night followed the wedding celebration, yet another event that led to discussion and speculation, for the earl took his new bride to his bedchamber and did not emerge again for four days.

Two months after her wedding, exhausted from too little sleep, Fiona sprawled in the center of Gavin’s enormous bed—nay,theirenormous bed—and regarded her husband. Naked, Gavin lay on his side facing her, bathed in the streaks of morning sunshine that streamed through the chamber window.

The sight of him sent her stomach spinning and her heart skipping. The love she felt for him was so complete, so intense, so overwhelming at times she couldn’t think straight. So, too, was the need to be near him. Feeding that need, Fiona reached out, caressing the curve of his jutting hip with her fingertips.

His eyes remained shut, but a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Have ye need of me again so soon, dear lady wife?”

“Gavin,” she admonished in a tone that usually had Spencer bracing for a lecture, “we cannot spend every waking moment making love.”

“Why not?”

“’Tis indecent,” she said primly. “And sets a lazy example for our people.”

Gavin released a rumbling shout of laughter and pulled Fiona into his embrace. “My former mistress is now lecturing me on proper behavior? What has happened to the world?”

“Enough,” Fiona shrieked as they tussled on the bed. His flesh was hard and hot. As always, the feel of him entranced her, but Fiona refused to be distracted. “I am no longer your mistress, but your wife. And I say there is more to marriage than bed sport.”

Suddenly, his mouth came over hers, silencing any protests. Sprawled on his back, Gavin drew her down on top of him, showering her face and neck with kisses. Fiona felt her body start to respond, her resistance slowly melt. She slid her fingers into his hair and stretched, twining herself around him.

“Feel what ye do to me, love,” he groaned.

“The same that you do to me,” she whispered, lifting one leg to climb astride his hips.

Heat enveloped Fiona as her body joined with his. She breathed in his familiar scent, savoring each sensation, every delicate caress as though it were the first time they were together. Following his erotically voiced instructions with an almost languid reverence, Fiona moved her hips with daring sensuality, beckoning her lover to share her passion.

Gavin ran his hands up her legs, over her hips, and along her back. She leaned forward and his eyes darkened. She adored how every emotion he felt showed so clearly on his face, in his eyes. It made the connection between them more forceful and intense.

She could feel urgency inside her building and she answered the need with a faster rhythm. Gavin approved, lifting his lower body off the mattress, thrusting upward. Clinging to him tightly, Fiona moaned as the sensations surrounded her. The strain was climbing higher and higher until it felt as though her very soul was clamoring for completion.

“Now, my love, now,” she panted, begging him to take her to that place where nothing else existed except the two of them and their intense love and need for each other.

He obliged, reaching down between their bodies, caressing her most delicate, sensitive spot. Fiona screamed as she lost all control. She felt the sparks skitter over her heated flesh. Quivering and shuddering, she let the pleasure wash over her, almost melting her body.

The muscles in Gavin’s body seized as he climaxed, too, his cock pressed to the very edge of her womb, pulsing and spurting deep inside her tight warmth. Unable to keep herself upright any longer, Fiona collapsed against him. Resting her cheek against his chest, she could hear his pounding heartbeat gradually begin to slow.

Afterward, when she finally came back to herself, Fiona stirred in his arms and perched her chin on Gavin’s broad chest to look up at him. Could a person die of pleasure and happiness? She almost asked, then decided she would relish the delight of the moment instead and worry about dying another day.

“’Tis two months since our wedding and you have yet to tell me everything that King Robert said to you when he pulled you inside the chapel. You were with him a long time. Was he truly that angry over our marriage?”

“He wasn’t pleased,” Gavin admitted.

“Yet the king sat beside you on the dais at our wedding celebration. He smiled at me throughout the day, kissing me heartily and wishing me well. He even offered a toast to our good health and happiness, so somehow you managed to make amends.”

“I did.” Gavin cast her a teasing grin. “It will cost me dearly, but ’twas worth every piece of coin.”

Despite his joking manner, Fiona shuddered, pulling her fingers away from the springy hair on Gavin’s chest.Pay? He had to pay the king for forgiveness so that they could marry?“Oh, Gavin.”

“’Tis a hardship, I know, make no mistake about it,” he said with an exaggerated sigh. He placed his hand on the top of Fiona’s head and gently stroked her hair. She pressed into his touch, stretching like a kitten. “I’ve thought it over and have decided that ye’ll have to start working off yer debt to me as soon as possible. Since I, my good lady wife, intend to take yer bride price out in trade.”

Fiona felt the vibration of his chest when he laughed. She turned her head and he flashed a wicked grin. Fie, he was handsome when he smiled. She moved closer, rubbing her nose against his, then pulled back.

“I’ll have to start making payments another day, husband. We mustn’t stay abed so late,” she said forcefully, tossing back the bed linen. “The servants will gossip and then the entire castle knows our private business. Heavens, my face already turns ten different shades of red every time I go near the barracks. Why, just the other day I heard two of your soldiers wagering on how soon after our wedding day I will bear the fruit of your prowess and quicken with child.”

Gavin sat up suddenly, nearly knocking her off the bed. “Tell me who dared to speak so disrespectfully and I’ll have them severely disciplined.”

Fiona placed her hand on Gavin’s shoulder. “There’s no need for punishment. If you disciplined every man who makes a bawdy jest, there would be none left to guard the castle walls.”

“Their words were hurtful,” Gavin said, his eyes blazing with concern. “I’ll not have any man cause ye pain, especially one that is pledged to serve ye.”

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