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“There are other ways to fulfill my duties.”

Ah, now that got her attention. Fiona’s head jerked toward him and he saw a full range of emotions play across her features. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that I can serve my king just as well with an English wife,” Gavin announced.

Fiona let out a squeak. At least Gavin thought it was a squeak, though in truth it might have been a squeal. “You cannot marry me,” she said in a whispered rush.


“Why? Why? Saints preserve us, that seems to be your favorite word this afternoon. ’Tis maddening.”

She nearly stamped her foot for emphasis. The gesture brought a smile to Gavin’s lips. He loved her so much. It didn’t matter if her heart was not as engaged as his; he was confident that in time she would come to love him as deeply and completely as he loved her.

“Why are ye getting so upset?” he asked, holding back an even wider grin.

“I don’t like being taunted, my lord. ’Tis cruel.”

“I beg yer pardon. I never meant to be cruel or brutal, but I know I’ve treated ye poorly. I only pray that ye can forgive me.” He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. And her nose. And each cheek. “Oh, Fiona, ’tis past time I told ye what was in my heart. I love ye, lass. And I always will.”

Her expression went blank and Gavin’s heart skipped. Wasn’t a woman supposed to feel joy at hearing a declaration of love?

“Say it again,” she whispered.

Relief poured through him. “Why?” he teased.


“I love ye, Fiona. I lay claim to yer heart and live with the hope that one day soon ye will return the feeling.”

Fiona blinked at him. “Truly? I know you want me, desire me, but love? Are you certain?”

He crushed her to his chest, almost squeezing the breath from her. “Ye must know the reason I was near out of my mind with worry when I discovered ye were gone was because I cannae bear the thought of losing ye. I love ye that much and now that I’ve got ye back, I mean to hold and keep ye.”

They pulled apart, but he kept his hand wrapped around her waist. The smile that broke out on Fiona’s face was brighter than the glistening sunshine rippling on the loch. She leaned forward suddenly and kissed him, her mouth tender, but passionate.

“You’ve made me very happy, Gavin,” she said, nuzzling her nose against his chest.

“I’m glad.” Bracing himself to hear the truth, whatever it may be, Gavin once again asked, “Now, tell me truthfully, why did ye run from me, lass?”

Her brow puckered slightly and then she smiled. “Because I love you, you damn fool.”

The hope Gavin had been clinging to sprang to life. He threw back his head and bellowed with laughter, then lifted Fiona in his arms and swung her in a wide circle. He could barely believe his good fortune. He was being given a second chance and by the holy rod, he was not going to waste it.

“So, my sweet English lass, will ye do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”

She paused, staring at him in wonder. “Aye, my Scottish lord. I will marry you.”

The joyful emotion in her voice matched the feelings coursing through his veins. “Then come along, Fiona. ’Tis past time to return home. We’ve a wedding celebration to arrange.”

Chapter 19

A strong breeze whipped through the trees, the birds chattered nervously, and dark rain clouds threatened in the distance. But for Fiona, seated in front of Gavin on his horse and snuggled tightly in his arms, it was the perfect ending to a harrowing day.

Her head felt as though it always belonged cradled in the crook of his shoulder. Here at last she felt the wholeness and peace that had been missing from her life. She hadn’t moved from this position since they left the glen, not even when they had stopped by a brook to water the horses.

No, she had stayed safe within her love’s embrace, observing the craggy hills in the distance with mild interest. Happiness and wonder filled her chest, swamping any other feelings. Worries about the future, concerns about how others—namely King Robert and Laird Sinclair—would react when they heard that Gavin intended to make her his wife, faded.

He loved her. Gavin loved her.

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