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“Papa.” Lileas tugged on his sleeve. “I finished all my meat. May I have more?”

“Here, take this. I’ve already cut it into small pieces.” Davina offered the meat from her trencher.

“Thank ye.” Malcolm considered Davina as he placed the food in front of his daughter.

The burden of parenting would most definitely be lighter if he had a wife. And there would be more bairns. Companions for Lileas and an heir for the clan. He could feel a curious smile flitting across his face as he opened the part of his body he usually kept shut to unrelated females—his heart.

Malcolm thought himself hardened, even jaded toward the fairer sex. His marriage to Margaret Douglas had ended when a mysterious fever had taken her life and while he mourned the loss of a mother for his young daughter, he did not miss the responsibility of a wife.

Margaret had been clinging and demanding, quick to cry and quicker to complain. He would not go so far as to say she had ruined his taste for women—a willing widow or a softhearted harlot were always welcomed in his bed. But life with Margaret had convinced Malcolm that marriage was not something he was eager to embrace again.

Yet there was no denying that Lileas needed—nay, she deserved—a mother to fuss and care for her.

Why not consider Lady Davina? Lileas was already taken with her. Clan alliances were strong—the threat from the English weaker than it had been in years. He need not make such a strategic match this time. He had already done his duty by marrying Margaret Douglas and Lileas’s birth assured the blood tie between them.

Aye, Davina deserved strong consideration. Besides, he had promised his daughter a new mother. And a McKenna always honored his word.

A trencher piled high with roasted meat and winter vegetables was set in front of Davina. She took a sip of the mulled wine, then another, finding it to be heady and strong. It warmed her body from the inside out, a pleasant sensation.

The tension that had been building since she had left the familiar gates of Armstrong Castle eased a bit, replaced by a sense of peace. Astonishingly, instead of being panicked, she felt a sense of safety surrounded by such a large crowd of people.

The laughter flowed as freely as the wine and ale. There were many smiles among the servants as well as those folks sitting at the tables and partaking of the meal. ’Twas all so different from the meals at her home, where everyone always seemed to be on their guard.

’Twas also a pleasant change not to be stared at with anxious eyes. Part of the reason she seldom took her meals with her family was the discomforting scrutiny she was usually afforded by her aunt and uncle. Of course, that was preferable to the looks of curiosity and pity the other clan members and servants bestowed upon her.

A few of the men started banging their tankards on the table, demanding more ale. They were soon joined by a group sitting at the table next to them. A harried bevy of servants rushed forward and Davina saw a brutal-looking warrior pull one of the serving wenches onto his lap and kiss her soundly on the lips.

Davina cringed, fearing the girl was being held against her will, then realized the lass was laughing the hardest. Still smiling, the girl pushed herself off the man’s lap, reached for the pitcher and the man’s tankard. Davina felt the suffocating tightness in her chest start to ease.

“My husband allows no abuse in his hall,” Lady Aileen said smoothly. “All are treated with respect.”

Davina smiled and stole a peek over Lady Aileen’s shoulder to her husband. Laird McKenna did not strike her as an enlightened man; affording his female servants the freedom to reject any advances hardly suited his character. Or so it seemed.

Feeling his eyes upon her, Laird McKenna turned his head. He favored her with a brief grin, then turned to the priest who sat beside him. Davina guiltily lowered her chin, realizing she should not be so quick to judge.

There was more food and dancing as the night wore on. The troubadour sang several songs, then told a fine tale of a mystical maiden and brave warrior, earning a shining coin from Laird McKenna for his efforts. He was followed by a talented group of jugglers who leaped and jumped about as they tossed a variety of objects in the air.

They finished to loud whistles and shouts of approval from the crowd. Clapping along, Davina turned to Lileas, eager to see the child’s reaction. But it was Malcolm’s brawny form that captured her attention.

He was sprawled in his chair, staring at her with eyes that were heavy with interest. Normally, such scrutiny would have her squirming in her seat, but for some reason it didn’t bother Davina. It was probably the wine making her less guarded. Or perhaps seeing how caring and devoted he was to his daughter aided in easing her fears. Whatever the reason, it gave Davina hope and encouragement.

“I’m very pleased that ye are here.” Malcolm caught her hand and ran his thumb slowly, intimately over her palm.

Davina gasped, her relaxed mood instantly vanishing. His touch was warm and hypnotic. Her first instinct was to snatch her hand away, run to her chamber, and bolt the door behind her. But she conquered her fear.

“’Tis most kind of yer lady mother to invite me,” Davina muttered. His hypnotic caress brought on a vulnerable feeling that was not entirely unpleasant, for it was gentle and calm.

He brought her hand to his mouth.Mercy!That was too much. Davina twisted her arm and jerked away before his lips could connect with her exposed flesh.

His brow lifted in surprise. Davina held her breath, bracing for the possibility of a violent reaction, but instead Malcolm smiled. She saw the firelight from the flicker torches that lined the hall reflected warmly in his eyes and calmed.

“Ye must cease trying to seduce me, milady,” he teased.

“Me! Seduce ye?” she protested breathlessly. “Have yer wits gone missing, Malcolm?”

He laughed, the sound deep and wicked and utterly delightful. Davina sputtered with indignation, but then found herself grinning back at him.

“I cannae help myself. Ye make it too tempting and far too easy to tease ye, lass,” he replied.

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