Page 51 of Velka Manor

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“Naughty fucking girl, getting married with no underwear on. I want your cum dripping down your legs as you say I do. Tell me what you want, angel.”

I lick my lips, my pupils blown wide, holding in the moan as Bastian drags his tongue over my cheeks. “You. I want both of my big brothers to make me come.”

“Good fucking girl,” Dorian growls, capturing my mouth, sucking on my bottom lip before dropping to his knees.

I lean forward, placing my hands on the wooden door that separates us from a room full of people waiting to watch us get married. Dorian kisses the scar of his name on my thigh, then the other one where I let Bastian carve his as well. Can’t have one without the other.

Bastian spreads my ass, his tongue teasing my hole, making my legs shake and a gasp fly free. He’s so fucking good at that. Bastian’s tongue was made to worship my body. Dorian flattens his tongue on my clit, swirling it in a circle, doing that thing I love with his fingers. He slips two inside me and then stretches them out as far as they will go, making me feel so full before adding a third.

My wavy hair starts to stick to my skin, sweat beading as heat builds. They both lick and suck and bite, making every nerve inside me come alive. I bite my bottom lip, trying to hold in the noises I’m making. Every single important person in the bloodline is just on the other side of the doors I’m leaning against. Our wedding has become the event of the century—not one person RSVP’d no. We even had people send in requests to come who weren’t invited. Everyone wants to know how this has been allowed to happen, but no one has had the courage to voice their concerns, according to my grooms.

“Oh fuck,” I moan, slamming my hand over my mouth. Dorian has worked my pussy so much, I feel his fifth finger slip in, and I feel so full, I fear I’m going to burst as Bastian slips two fingers into my ass.

“Don’t you dare cover your mouth, pretty girl,” Bastian growls, sinking his teeth into my ass cheek. “We want them all to hear how much we make you scream.”

They both pick up the speed, not leaving me empty for a second. My legs shake, lightning shoots down my spine, roaring pleasure filling me up from my toes. Dorian moves his head back, flicking my clit with his other hand as he fists me.

“Come for us, angel. Show them all who you belong to.”

My orgasm rolls through me, stronger than it’s ever been. My back bows, my head flying back as I scream. They keep going, not letting the orgasm die out. Dorian fucks me with his fist vigorously until my legs begin to shake and my knees buckle. He pulls out his hand, and I come all over his face.

“Oh god,” I sob, about to fall to the ground, but they both jump up, catching me in their embrace.

“Not God, angel. Your fucking brothers are the only ones who make you come like that,” Dorian whispers harshly, licking up the side of my neck.

Bastian leans over my shoulder and drags his tongue over Dorian’s chin, catching my release before kissing me on the lips so I can taste all three of us.

“Let’s go get fucking hitched.” He grins against my lips. My dress falls back into place, but before I even have a chance to fix myself up properly, Bastian opens the double doors, slamming them hard against the wall so every single person in the room turns back to us in shock. From the looks on their faces, there wasn’t a single soul that didn’t just hear me scream.

“You are supposed to meet me at the end of the aisle,” I hiss quietly as they stand on either side of me, each taking an arm.

“Like we’d ever let anyone else have the honour of escorting you down.” Dorian places a quick kiss on my lips and winks. “I’d kill them if they tried.”

Bastian cackles loudly. “You're ours, pretty girl. No one touches you.”

He smacks a loud kiss on my lips, and then the music starts to play, and my grooms walk me toward the start of our future.


The wedding went off without a hitch. No one objected, no one said a word or even blinked when the officiant saidI now pronounce you husbands and wife, you may now kiss your sister. They specifically requested he phrase it like that. I’m not sure how legal this wedding is—the person who married us belongs to the bloodline and conducts every ceremony, but I don’t know how real it can be marrying three people, let alone when they all have the same father on their birth certificates. It doesn’t matter to me, though. I’ve never not been theirs.

“Beautiful ceremony,” a timber voice says, coming up to my side. My grooms narrow their eyes from across the room where they went to get me food, eyeing our grandfather, but I smile to reassure them.

“It was,” I say, turning towards him. “Thank you for all your help arranging it.”

“You’re very welcome, granddaughter.” He bows his head, bending to kiss my cheek, placing something small in my hand. “I hope my present is to your liking.”

A waiter brings over four glasses of champagne, and he selects two, passing one to me while the waiter leaves the other two for my grooms.

“Oh, I’m sure it is.” I grin, clutching my hand, slipping the two gifts into the drinks. “If there is anything wrong with the presents, I will finish what my brother started,” I warn, eyeing him carefully.

He bellows a laugh that makes me start. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh. “Don’t worry, Octavia. It’s exactly what you asked for. I’m actually looking forward to seeing what both your brothers, or should I say husbands, will do in the future.”

We watch them coming towards us, Bastian scowling, Dorian with a cold, hard mask of emotions. He kisses me on the cheek one more time with a wink. “It gets boring at the top without competition. I think the next few years will be rather fun.”

He walks away just as my husbands get closer, turning once more to look at me up and down before sighing. “Pink? Really?” he tuts, shaking his head, and I laugh.

He actually played a major part in arranging this wedding and came dress shopping with me a few times. He wanted black but said he would settle for white. So of course I went with pink. I saw a side to him that was slightly tolerable, if you can forget what an evil, cold-blooded human he is.

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