Page 14 of Sweet

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His body trembles against mine once I’m slamming into him. Oh, he is going to fucking feel this tomorrow. I’m making sure of it.


His voice breaks when he says my name, so I switch my focus to stroking the length of his cock more and shallow thrusting. It’s not long before I can hear and feel him approaching climax. As soon as his cock pulses, I stop holding back. I’m fucking him hard and using his orgasm to help him ignore any pain. After he comes, he has nothing. This also happens to be the part my fucked-up brain enjoys most. The whines. The whimpers. The weeping.

“Almost done. I’m so close, Jess.”

And with a few more rough strokes in him, he’s gotten me there. Once I’m done, I ease my wet cock out of him but stay close.

He’s still shaking, and he hasn’t said anything.

“You did such a good job. Thank you,” I whisper, running my hands up and down his arms. See? Not a complete asshole. I get the concept of aftercare. Not to mention, I know he enjoyed himself and I don’t hesitate to remind him. “You came so hard for me, Jess.”

“I… did.” And he almost sounds surprised by that fact.

As for me? Not so much. Usually, I can spot guys like him a mile away—which was why it disappointed me all the more when I thought I’d never get a chance to fuck him.

“What do you need now? You wanna shower with me and we can go to bed?” I nuzzle my face closer and kiss his neck once very sweetly.

Jesse nods again. When he sighs this time, he sounds relieved, and the tension leaves his body.

“Okay. You can stay overnight, and I’ll take good care of you.”

I slide back off the couch and he slowly moves to follow me when I take his hand. The walk to my bathroom isn’t very far and my bedroom is even closer. We get in the shower together under the scalding water and he goes ahead and has a little emotional breakdown.

“I’ve liked you for a really long time, Will.” Not sobbing, but pretty damn close, with a raspy and shaky voice that matches his shivery body.

I run a hand through his dampening hair before leaning closer to kiss him. He goes right back to melty for me as soon as I do. Ooey-gooey trust beneath my hands until he’s nothing but relaxed mush. Then I get us both cleaned up like the responsible guy I am, wrap him up tight in a towel so he won’t get cold, and rub his hair mostly dry before bringing him into my bedroom. Loaning someone a pair of my clean underwear may seem gross, but I’ve decided it’s significantly less gross when you’ve fucked said person. We get all bedded down, and since I am such thenicest guy, I snuggle him real close under my weighted blanket while I play with his hair. He conks out within minutes.

The following morning, Jess wakes me by stirring next to me under the covers. The sun’s hardly up, but he’s used to waking even earlier, I’m sure. I don’t feel amazing, but I paced my drinking enough that I’m mostly okay. When I open my eyes, Jess hasn’t moved away by an inch, and I smile right at him. Probably should not have fucked Jess. He’s a nice guy. A little too nice, even. And I feel somewhat dense for not realizing he was head-over-heels for me, since I definitely would’ve refrained from any sex last night had I known sooner.

He smiles back and looks at me as if he wants to talk to me.

I bring my face to his for a lazy, tender, morning kiss. Jess rolls right onto his back with the gentlest push, where I can trap him under me. His breaths quicken while I kiss down his body and he’s rock hard by the time I grab the band of the underwear and pull down. He looks at me again, almost as if he’s wondering what I’m going to do next. I lock my eyes on his for a few seconds before I gulp that nice cock of his all the way down my throat. Jess suddenly becomes too distracted moaning to speak, and I’m yet again amazed at how inventive I can be to avoid a conversation I don’t want to have.

Chapter seven


Iguess it’s like they say: where there’s a will, there’s a way. And so far, Will has been getting his way—though if it’s more through sheer willpower or unmatched willingness, I’m still not sure. My initial impression of him isn’t unfounded. Will’s proven to be somewhat needy and eager, yet I also had him pegged for anxious and bashful. Now, I’m not so sure anymore. I’m starting to doubt. Not only my instincts about him, but all of this. And a large part of that is… I know who Will is.

When he sends over his photo initially, I don’t take the time to study it closely. Which is also why I make sure to save it so quickly, so I can go back and catalog every minute detail for any clues. The picture showcases quite a few distinct tattoos, enough to make his body unique. I intend to study his ink in the morning and see which can be identified.

Before I can even head to bed, it clicks—Will. I know someone named Will, also tattooed.

After opening my camera roll, I scrutinize the tattoos specifically. The largest one, on his chest, stands out right away:two anatomical hearts sewn together to make the heart shape we more easily recognize. I’ve never seen Will shirtless, so on to the next. Some text in different areas that I can’t make out entirely—not helpful. A 3D snake weaving in and out of the skin around his collarbone—a fairly generic piece and therefore equally unhelpful at this point. What looks like two writhing snakes coiling around each other to form a heart shape with their heads and tails runs the length of his forearm—interesting, but I likely won’t know for sure until I see him in person again. Also, I’m somewhat in denial still and desperately trying to convince myself that I’m wrong this time when I rarely am. Then, there it is, right at front and center—The Lovers. Two embracing skeletons framed within the tarot card tattooed on the back of his hand.

Extremely fucking distinct, and one I’ve seen up close. One I recognize.

At the very least, I’ll see him soon and I’ll be able to know for certain. In the meantime, I’ll keep telling myself maybe I’m wrong and there’s two guys milling around our small town with the exact same tattoo on their hand. Or maybe this Will is… Will, the guy I know.

Sunday morning comes, I’m at the farmer’s market and so is Will. No surprise there. Perverse as it may seem, part of me almost hopes they are the same guy. I have been interested in this Will for alongtime. At the same time, any connection to me also means I absolutely need to back off immediately. And I don’t want that. At all.

I steal glances all day, and the more I look at him, the more I can believe it. The hand tattoo, that’s hard to ignore. Then the afternoon warms while the chilly morning air of late summer in New England recedes. Layers are essential during this time of year. Will’s preoccupied and I happen to look over at the right moment. He pushes up the sleeves of his black hoodie, exposingboth forearms and—the entwined snakes. I can’t even pretend they’re two different guys now. Fuck. It’s enough to get my eye to twitch, that’s how hard I’m working not to lose my shit in public.

Needless to say, this may not work out now. I don’t know about killing someone I know. Not that I really givea damn, but picking someone who can be traced back to me at all is not a smart move on my part. And that gets me pissed off, because I don’t like changing plans and I don’t like wasting my time and I absolutely donotlike when I can’t have what I want. And I already want him.

When my phone dings late Monday morning, I glare at my screen above me while lying down in bed. I’m still slightly annoyed that he never attempted to call me. Again, not that I really give a damn if he does or not. It’s more about making sure all the pieces are moving in the right direction at the proper pace, and him losing interest factors into my moves. Then again, maybe for the best. Maybe Will can make the decision for me. I don’t really like that possibility, either, but at least then it will be out of my hands. Temptation won’t get the better of me.

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