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Chapter one


None of these strangers can ever be you—because you’re dead. Other people continue on, living their lives around me, yet I have to remind myself you’re no longer one of them. Our time is over, Henri. Time for me to move on.

What does moving on look like in this day and age? Random encounters? Not going to do it for me. I need to cultivate something with someone to be satisfied. We need to have an emotional investment in each other first. So that by the time we actually meet, we have more than attraction. We have a special connection. I’m a romantic like that.

Plenty of apps and websites I could use for this, but I’m looking for someone to connect with on a whole other level. Hmm. Let’s see what the interweb has to offer.

After a few searches, the algorithm takes notice of my needs and suggests a new app. Totally random and anonymous messaging. All initial matches are timed. If you both like each other by the end, you have the option to DM each other, forfurther conversation in the app or taking it elsewhere—but only if you both match. This could be fun for me.

After downloading the app, I click the chat icon and the screen loads. First message. First time getting back out there. Let’s do this.

Purple Puppy:…

Purple Puppy:Ugh. I don’t know about you, but I would pay actual money just to be able to choose a username instead of the randomly generated ones we get for each new conversation.

Purple Puppy:Last person I talked to was Gold Cock. He hit the username goldmine.

Ah, either nervous or hyper. Almost like an actual puppy.

Orchid Mantis:You know, not really thrilled with mine, either.

Purple Puppy:What the hell kind of color is that, and how did you get something exotic?

Orchid Mantis:It’s a shade of pink-purple. Also, an actual animal, like a Black Mamba.

Purple Puppy:And I’ve got username envy again.

Purple Puppy:And wasted at least five minutes complaining about the app usernames. Sorry about that.

Purple Puppy:Not even going to blame you for thumbs-downing me.

Orchid Mantis:I don’t know. Two purples in a sea of colors are an interesting coincidence.

Purple Puppy:…Yeah.

Ellipses kinda piss me off. I don’t mean to bad-mouth my generation, but we use them so damn much it can mean everything and nothing, but no one ever seems to know which.

Purple Puppy:Not gonna lie, I downloaded this app today and I’m already starting to think it was a horrible mistake. I’m not made for this.

Purple Puppy:I don’t do the random and the anonymous stuff very well.

Purple Puppy:And I’m talking too much again.

Kinda needy and even a tad insecure. I can work with that. He’s already got me smiling at my screen.

Orchid Mantis:I actually downloaded it today too… and you’re my first conversation… I haven’t tried to find anyone else since my boyfriend died. Anonymous and random seemed an easier way to start over. Sorry to get heavy on you.

Purple Puppy:Oh my gosh. No, that’s fine.

Purple Puppy:That must be so hard.

Purple Puppy:Sorry. I’m a burst texter. I can’t help it.

Orchid Mantis:You text like you’re young.

Purple Puppy:Is that a bad thing?

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