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“Is that why Ian asked if you were okay yesterday?”

Slowly, I nodded.

He let out a small noise of understanding—half hum, half groan—pinching his eyes shut and pushing away from the table. While he put the first-aid kit away, I could practically see the resolve on his face.

“And are you?”

I blinked. “What?”

“Are you okay?” He shifted, taking a deep breath. “Or do you need to, like, talk about your feelings or whatever.”

“You want to talk about my feelings?” I asked, doubt coloring my tone.

“Or whatever,” he bit out.

I bit down on my bottom lip to hide my smile, but it was too late. Jax made a small scoffing noise when I couldn’tcontain it, and he crossed his arms tight across his wide chest. “It felt like something a friend might ask.”

Tilting my head, I stared at the tense way he held his body, the darting eye contact that couldn’t rest on mine for more than a few seconds. A nervous Jax Cartwright was my crack, and that was a dangerous realization. “And if I said I wanted to sit and watch a sad movie and cry because it would make me feel better? Would you do that?”

His jaw tightened, grim resignation filling his face. “If that’s what you needed, sure.”

“Titanicis my go-to cry movie.”

“Shit,” he muttered, swiping a hand over his mouth. “I’m out. Call one of your sisters. That’s fucking torture.”

Laughing, I sat back in my chair.

His entire frame relaxed, and he gave a slight eye roll. “You’re evil, woman.”

“A for effort,” I told him seriously. “But I promise, I’m fine. I think single is a good look for me at this point in my life.” Slowly, I stood from the chair, hand on my stomach. “We’ve got enough going on right now, don’t we, nugget?”

The smile faded off my face when I looked back up to find Jax staring at me intently.

“That’s a good look for you too,” he said quietly.


“Pregnancy.” He swallowed, the tops of his cheekbones flushing a slight pink. “It looks fucking incredible on you.”

My heart raced, and I tried to ignore it. “That something a friend would say too?”

Jax merely held my gaze for a long moment, then the side of his mouth hooked up in a slight grin. “Yeah, it is.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded, pausing after he opened the front door. “Can you do me a favor the next time you think someone’s breaking in?”

I grinned. “What’s that?”

His eyes traced over my face. “Call me before you leave the house, all right?”

Slowly, I nodded, pulse racing as he disappeared through the door. Thank God the chair was directly underneath me, because I immediately sat back down.

“Right then,” I whispered. “I can totally do this.”

Chapter 23


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