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“I hate you.”

The easy A turned out to be four weeks ofpractice and four performances ending with the last one for thesponsors of the normies before winter break. This was so nothappening.

Why did I do this?

I got a text from Cora right before I gothome.

Cora:Harley Quinn and Joker?

I stared at her text, my heart warring withmy thoughts of burrowing into a hole and never coming out. Normalwould be good for me. A dance. Halloween. A date. Sure. I could dothat. But DC? Not happening.

I sent her a response.

O, hell no.No. DC.Spiderman and MJ

Cora:MJ is just a regular girl. Ladybugand Cat Noir?

I stared at the words wondering WTF?

Me:Who would I be, the bug or thecat?

Cora:The Cat, silly! It’ll begreat.

I never heard of them, but I agreed anywayand headed inside the house. Guarded, trying not to be noticed orstep on some booby trap my enemies set up, I tiptoed to the stairs.Something crashed to the floor in the living room. Then silence.Curiosity would one day get me killed. I peeked around into thedining room and saw Kieran sitting at the table alone. A glass ofjuice spilled over on the floor at his feet. His eyes focusedforward but unseeing. I still wasn’t sure why he hated me so much.Why he had to be such a dick. But watching him hazed out sent awave of unease rushing through me. I’d never seen him high or drunkbefore. This didn’t seem like him. I broke cover and he didn’tquickly turn to sneer at me. A dead giveaway that something waswrong.

“Hey,” I said.

He blinked out of his haze and for a moment,just a fraction in time, I saw a boy underneath the aged look. Asick boy. But that was quickly replaced by the Kieran I knew.“Hey,” he said and tried to climb to his feet. He didn’t make itwhen he fell back on the chair.

“Woah, are you high?”

“Bagh, negeri, sa,” Or at least that’s whatI thought he said.

The animosity between us took a backseat. Iturned his chair so I could look at him, panic rising to thesurface. I cupped his face. “Talk to me. What do you need?”

He slapped my hand away. The stubbornasshole. If he was on something illegal calling an ambulance wouldget him in trouble, so I dialed Dasher. The only person I knew thatmight still have Fox’s number. I prayed he still had Fox’s number.He did and didn’t ask questions when he gave it to me.

Fox answered on the third try. “Who thefuckis this?”

“There’s something wrong with Kieran,” Isaid, cutting him off. Thank the Greek gods that Fox did not needclarification.

“He’s diabetic,” Fox responded withoutmissing a beat. “Whatever you do, do not call the medical facilitythere.”

The only thing I knew about diabetes wasthat Nick Jonas has it. My brother Nicolás had a thing for Jonasand read everything about him, which meant I learned everythingabout him too. “What do I do?” I felt like screaming.

“There’s orange juice in the refrigerator.Feed him some even if he’s an asshole.”

“Okay, okay, don’t hang up. I have to putthe phone down.”

I sprinted to the kitchen and brought thejug. I placed it on his lips. Fuck it. By that time my hands weretrembling so hard most of it spilled down his shirt. He spat at me,swatted me, but I kept giving him some. Until finally his wordsmade sense.

“Fuck, what the fuck,” he spat, wiping hismouth.

My trembling legs gave out and I dropped onmy knees in front of him swallowing the lump in my throat. Reliefrushed through me. I pressed my forehead against his knee and justbreathed. Feeling him alive eased something inside of me thatshouldn’t have been there. I hated him. I did. He hated me. But hedidn’t push me away at that moment.

“I’m fine,” he repeated softer. And then Ifelt the brush of his fingers in my hair. I closed my eyes savoringthe touch. Alive. He was alive. “I’m okay,” he repeated in thatsame soft tone I’d never heard from him before. The motion of hisfingers against my head felt good. Too good. I lifted my head tolook at him and he cupped my chin. The touch sent heat skitteringthrough me. My cock pulsed and I realized my hand was on his thigh.Every touchpoint and the limited space between us came into clearfocus. “Tomás,” he said. “You weren’t supposed to have drowned.” Helicked his lips, and slowly blinked his eyes, groggy still. “I’m sosorry. So fucking sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

We both jumped when we heard Fox yelling onmy phone. Whatever moment just happened, gone. Kieran plucked thephone off the table as I backed off, feeling slightly embarrassedthat I needed the consoling while it was him who almost died. But Iwanted to hear the rest of his apology. To hear him say he wassorry for hurting me.

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