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“Pretty much dead.”

And Ashton, Micah, and Charity had avoidedme as if I hadn’t existed. Which was fine. I didn’t care aboutthem. I cared about Dasher.

Cora elbowed me softly. “Hey, you okay?”

No. I wasn’t. But I did what I always did. Iinhaled the shit inside and smiled. “So, Halloween. Are you askingme out on a date?”

She giggled.

Halloween. Something so mundane and normal.I hadn’t realized I wanted normal. Normal sounded good in mybook.

Halloween had never been my thing. Nickloved it. He always used to convince me to dress up as girls. Oncehe’d even put make-up on me. We’d hide from our parents, but onetime I hadn’t been able to get the eyeliner completely off andMiguel had beat my ass for it. Honestly, I think Miguel beat meharder than necessary that time because he knew Nick was behind itand he took out all his anger on me since he couldn’t on Nick.Daniel had done nothing but sipped his beer and watched. He’d beenokay when our brothers and dad beat me, but he protected me fromanyone else. Mom had to call the school that time and say I had abug that lasted two weeks. She sent me back when she got a warningletter from the state. Apparently, keeping kids out of school wasagainst the law.

“Maybe we can go together?” Cora said.

“Sure. What do you want to go as?”

“Hm,” she said, tapping her cute chin. “Giveme your number and I’ll text you.”

We exchanged numbers and she caught wind ofsome of her friends and took off.

Inside the theatre class, Dasher was on thestage where he worked on the finishing touches of the costumes.Luckily, he did seem okay.

“Tomás!” Mrs. Comiskey shouted just as I wasabout to take a seat. She always yelled regardless of where anyonewas at.

“Yes, Mrs. Comiskey!” I yelled back.

She clapped and it echoed in the almostempty auditorium. “Dr. Shanahan has given us the great news!”

“Uh, yeah. I’m all healed!” I gave her athumbs up.

She waved her hand as if flapping a fly, herwrist bands clicking together. “Not that, you foolish child.”Another of her terms of endearment. “Mr. Blake T has beenquarantined for ten days. Apparently, he has a bug.”

Despite Dasher being on stage takingCharity’s measurements while simultaneously trying to ignore me, Isaw that sly smirk on his face as if knowing I was about to passout. “Bug! What bug?”

“The one that requires ten days ofquarantine. Now go get fitted, young man. You are starting.”


Though she already turned around and startedyelling at Taylor for chopping off her curls. Dasher gave me alittle wave. I made my way on stage quicker than I’d ever been forthe last six weeks.

“What does she mean?”

Charity rolled her eyes. “You sing betterthan Blake,” she said.

“I can’t dance.”

“Neither can he.”

“Why are you not defending him? He’s yourhusband.”

She flipped her blonde hair over hershoulder. “PT Barnum is my husband and that is not him. Youare.”

“I thought you hated me,” I saidsheepishly.

She quickly glanced at me as if not wantingto really look at me. “I don’t hate my husband.”

Dasher laughed, his face so red.

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