Page 59 of Savage

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“But we don’t have time.”

“Time? Who’s keeping track of time?”

“Me,” she responds. “Isabella said I should join the girls for self-defense classes today, and I want to.”

This time, I don’t respond because I’m warring between what I want and what she wants. This is new to me, thinking about another person. I’m black and white, as predictable as the sunrise, and I want to keep her trust.

“I want to be the one who teaches you.”

I kiss her again. With her wet hair in my fingers, I tangle and tug until her mouth parts further. I bite her lip and taste mint.

We pull away. “Ollie,” she says gently. “I need to make peace with Isabella. It’s the only way we can truly unite this family. You and I both know how much better off our family will be if we’re allies, not enemies.”

I think it over while I kiss the soft fullness of each breast, one at a time. “True.”

There’s a sharp knock at the door. I adjust my cock and nod toward the bathroom. “Get your robe on. That will be Polina with… Arthur. How aboutKingArthur? I like that.”

“Ooooh,” she says. I let her go with reluctance. “King Arthur is perfect.”

The door shuts with a click. Half a minute later, I’ve got a wriggling, squirming,wayover excited puppy licking my face.


Polina covers her mouth with her hand and giggles. “He likes you.”

I grunt and hold the pup in front of me. “Listen up, King Arthur. You’re not allowed in here until you know where to do your business. You’ll learn to obey, and soon.” I take him by the scruff of the neck and give him a little shake. “Understand?”

He predictably licks my hand.

“You clearly instilled the fear of God in him,” Renata says approvingly behind me.

“Morning, sunshine,” Polina says. “Are you joining us for practice?”

Renata looks at me, and I give her a reluctant nod. “This one time, and only because of what you said you needed to do.”

She grins at me and takes off the robe, revealing workout clothes underneath. I was totally played. I narrow my eyes at her but can’t resist that shit-eating grin she gives me.

“You and King Arthur can bond, and I’ll be back in a bit,” she says, heading for the door.

“We’ll join you.” Polina snaps a leash on the pup and pats his fuzzy little head. I put him on the floor, and he trots beside us with an almost majestic air as if he knows he’s been crowned royalty.

I hold his leash firmly by my side. “Heel, boy.” When he gives me a lopsided grin, I frown at him. “Behave. This is not fun and games. You are supposed to be protecting her.” I point to Renata. “You get that?”

He wriggles his little butt and barks, though it sounds a little more like a squeak than anything.

We’ve got some work to do.

When we reach the training room, Isabella stands in front of the girls wearing a tight tube top and workout shorts. She’s starting to show and isn’t afraid to flaunt it.

When Isabella married Lev, she said the women in our family needed self-defense classes. She wasn’t wrong. We’re a newer group, under new leadership, with my brother taking the reins in the wake of my father’s death. We’ve focused our energies on protecting our family and putting down solid roots. Teaching the women self-defense was not a priority, but it has been helpful.

Renata hangs back. It’s unlike her to be shy.

“Go on,” I urge her. When she gives me a quick glance, I reassure her. “You belong there, Renata. Go.” I give her a hint of a nudge in that direction.

She takes a deep breath, steadying herself as she faces the mirror in the training room. Isabella knows she’s there but, at first, doesn’t acknowledge her.

The afternoon sun filters through the high windows, casting a warm glow on the exercise mats spread across the floor. I stand in the doorway with the pup, who’s fallen asleep against my foot, snoring softly. I lean back farther so I can watch in quiet, folding my arms across my chest. Watching.

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