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“Mmm?” he says, staring at my bare skin just before he slowly, deliberately, reaches to my back and unclasps my bra. It falls to the bed, baring my breasts to him. I look at them as if seeing them for the first time. They’re full, with large, dusky pink nipples that harden just from the intensity of his gaze and his nearness.

“Yes?” He bends his mouth to my breast and kisses the underside. My breath hitches.

“Do you believe me now?”

“I do,” he says with conviction. My eyes flutter closed as relief washes through me. He saidI doearlier, too, and I feel in that moment there are no two words sweeter in all of English.

He believes me.

It doesn’t matter if his family doesn’t. It doesn’t matter if Carlos is after us and will attempt to destroy us. None of that concerns me now. All that matters is that Ollie believes me. We’re married. We’re a unit, a team, and no one will tear us apart.

“You have no power to lie, Renata. It’s not who you are.”

I exhale. “There were times when I wished that I could.”

“Yeah,” he says, kissing higher up my breast. Anticipation makes my pulse race. “Lying comes in useful, doesn’t it?”

He leans in, his lips brushing mine. My chest rises to meet him.

I’m the one who deepens this kiss. I reach for him, drawing him closer to me as his hands roam over my body, leaving a wake of fire in his path. I can feel the urgency of his need in his touch and in the way he kisses me. He moves fully onto the bed, and our bodies press against each other, heat building between us with each passing moment.

His lips trace a path of kisses down my neck, over my shoulders, across my chest, each touch sending waves of pleasure through me. The way he touches me feels reverent, and my heart swells with something like love.

Can I love a man like him?

Could I love anyone less than him?

We move together on the bed, our bodies pressed against each other. The heat between us builds with every second that passes. As we sink deeper into the softness of our shared bed, his movements grow more urgent, his kisses darker. More demanding. I meet him with equal fervor, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. The world outside the two of us ceases to exist. The world could burn to the ground around us, and we wouldn’t notice.

Every kiss makes my need for him more urgent, heat thrumming through my veins like molten lava.

I want him. I need him.

He rolls onto his back and lifts me over him, so my legs straddle his. I’m so turned on, my thighs are slick with arousal. He glides me onto him and groans when he finds my wetness. “Jesus, woman,” he says in a heated whisper. “You’re fucking soaked.”

“Mmm.” I nod, moving my hips to meet his first thrust. My head falls back as my body meets his. It feels so damn good to be connected to him, and for the first time, it feels like… we’re one. United.

“You’re shaking,” he whispers. He places his hand on my shoulder, tracing comforting circles with his thumb. My body quakes gently. I am. I’m as nervous as a virgin.

It feels like the first time, and in a way… it is.

Our first time as husband and wife.

He cups both my shoulders with his large, warm hands, glinting jade holding my gaze. And once again… there’s only the two of us. The world falls away like the cracked pieces of a broken shell, leaving new life in its wake.

Dear God, he’s enormous and so fucking eager for me. I lick my lips as his thick, hot cock stretches me, fills me,ignitingme. My mouth is dry, and my clit throbs as the walls of my pussy clench around him.

Right now, in this moment, words aren’t needed; our bodies are saying all that we need to.

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

We can do this.

I love you.

We draw in synchronized breath, a shared rhythm of desire and intimacy. The rapid beating of my heart seems to echo unspoken words between us.

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