Page 16 of Savage

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“I see right through you,” I say, talking through a haze of tears, but he doesn’t see. “You’re terrified of being hurt. Guess what? We’re both damaged.”

He scoffs. “I’m not afraid.”

I stare at him in surprise because, for the first time since I met him, Ollie just lied through his teeth.

“You’re lying,” I say softly. I can’t help myself. My voice trembles slightly. “There’s more to this, isn’t there?”

His eyes widen slightly before he catches himself. I caught him off guard. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I can sense it… when people lie to me,” I insist, my heart pounding. It’s more than sensing—it has to do with body language and the eyes, but it’s the easiest, simplest explanation. “You don’t want to admit it, but youdofeel something for me.” I pause and rest my hand on his leg. “Don’t you?”

His face hardens as if his defenses all just snapped right back into place. That only confirms my suspicions. “You’re delusional. Take your hand off of me.” We pull to a stop near the runway. “This conversation is over, Renata.”

“For now,” I say in a singsong voice.

I struck a nerve. The truth is there,right there,hanging between us, and if there’s anything I’m good at, it’s uncovering the truth.



I hate this.All of it.

Being in such close proximity to Renata Carerra, all five foot, one hundred pounds of dynamite, sitting next to me. She’ll be mywife.And while I know exactly why my brother and his wife decided this was the best move, I’d rather marry a total fucking stranger than this woman.

Before her betrayal… this would’ve seemed like the best gift, all neatly tied up in a bow. But now that she can’t be trusted, I’ve just been given the world’s worst assignment: Keep a close watch on a woman who gives you a reason to breathe. Make sure she doesn’t betray us. Oh, and also, have sex with her, but you’d better not goddamn enjoy it because that will only make you weaker. Deal with her in your bed, in your thoughts, in your fucking dreams, but make sure you don’t fall in love with her.

Sure thing, guys. I’m fucking on it.

I take our bags and jerk my chin at the plane. “Go,” I snap. The air is fucking tense.

“What did you take with you?” Her voice is a challenge, a test of her will against mine. She wants control, answers, butI’mthe one that gives orders around here.

“Does it fucking matter? Get on the plane.” The sooner we get to The Cove, and the more distance we put between Renata Carerra and her homeland, the better.

“I want to know what they packed,” she says, standing on the tarmac with her arms crossed on her chest.

Is she fucking kidding me right now? “And I want you on that plane before I count to three, or I’ll drag you on that plane, and you’ll be in big trouble.”

Yeah. Good one, Ollie.

She narrows her eyes at me. “Just because you’re going to be my husband doesn’t give you the right to boss me around.”

I kick up my foot and dust her ass with it. “Fuckinggo.And yes, it does.”

“You just kicked me!”

“I didn’t kick you. I encouraged you to move your ass before I blister it.” I’ll fucking take her pants down right here if she keeps this up.

The sound of tires screeching on pavement is our only warning. I toss the bags to the side and dive into her, knocking her to the ground just as the sound of gunshots explodes around us. My first thought is to keep her safe, to shield her. If anything fucking happens to her, the world willburn.

My men snap into position. Gunshots ring as we scramble for cover.

One, two, three men are on the attack.

I’m gonna guess Carlos got the word.

The first man goes straight for the jugular, his gun aimed in my direction. My shot hits him straight between the eyes. As he falls to the ground, I nail a second. The third is a fighter though. He manages to dive beneath the oncoming fire and lunges straight at Renata. I roll to him and pull the trigger, but someone grabs me from behind, and my shot goes wide.

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