Page 19 of Magic Unbound

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Riker increased the pressure on her swollen clit with his thumb, circling it in teasing motions that elicited a throaty moan from deep within her. Her muscles tightened around him, drawing him in further as if begging for release. And when he finally granted her wish, it was as if an explosion ripped through both of them.

Her back arched off the bed, a primal scream escaping her lips as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Riker watched in awe as Catalina rode out her climax, her nails leaving red trails down his back. Her orgasm triggered his own release—a torrential flood that consumed him and filled her completely.

Riker awoke to the quiet rustle of fabric and the soft glow of early morning light filtering through the windows. He blinked his eyes open, the memories of last night flooding back in vivid detail—Catalina’s touch, her breathy moans, the way their bodies moved together as if they had been made to fit. But now, she was slipping out of bed, moving silently, as though she hoped he wouldn’t wake up.

He watched her from the shadows, her bare back exposed as she moved across the room, her wings hidden once again, only faint traces of their shimmer visible in the morning light. She picked up her clothes from the chair and quickly slipped into her pants and shirt. His heart sank for a moment. She wasn’t just leaving. She was slipping away like she was pulling back from whatever had sparked between them.

Catalina reached for her phone, a small smile tugging at her lips as she glanced back at him, clearly thinking he was still asleep. She grabbed a pen and started scribbling something on a piece of paper—probably a note to explain her sudden disappearance.

Before she could set the pen down, Riker moved silently, closing the distance between them in one smooth motion. He slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest, and nuzzled into her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent.

“You really thought you could sneak out without waking me?” he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, his voice a deep, rumbling growl that sent a shiver through her.

Catalina stiffened at first, then relaxed into his hold, the note crumpling in her hand. “I didn’t want to wake you,” shereplied, though her tone was softer than usual, a hint of warmth betraying her. “We both have things to do today, and I thought… this was just a one-time thing.”

Riker chuckled low in his throat, his grip tightening slightly as he turned her to face him. “One time, huh? Did you forget the tunnel or the number of times we made love last night?” He brushed his lips over hers, teasing her. “Like it or not, Catalina, there’s something between us. You feel it just as much as I do.”

Her eyes flashed with a mixture of amusement and defiance, but she didn’t pull away. “Shifters and fae don’t mix,” she said quietly, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. “It’s forbidden. The fae have rules about this sort of thing. We’re not supposed to be with anyone but our own kind.”

Riker’s laughter rumbled through him. “Your parents didn’t care much for that rule. And last time I checked, Phoenix wasn’t exactly following the fae rulebook either, considering she’s head over heels for a dragon.”

Catalina sighed, her head resting against his chest for a moment as she absorbed his words. “True,” she admitted. “But my parents paid the price for their love. And Phoenix… she’s willing to face the consequences.”

He cupped her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. “And what about you? Are you willing to fight for something that might be real?”

There was a long pause as Catalina studied him, her expression unreadable, but her eyes shimmering with emotions she wasn’t ready to name. After a moment, she shook her head softly, stepping back from his hold, though her fingers lingered on his skin for a second longer than necessary.

“We both have work to do,” she said, her voice steady now. “There’s no time to think about… this.” She waved a hand between them as if trying to diminish the connection that had been undeniable last night.

Riker nodded, though his gut twisted with the knowledge that she was putting distance between them. “You’re right. But don’t think you can run forever. I’m not going anywhere.”

She offered him a small smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes, before grabbing her jacket and heading for the door. “I’ll think about it,” she said quietly, glancing over her shoulder one last time before she left.

The moment Catalina stepped out of his flat, Riker’s mind switched to the escalating danger in the city. She was right, whatever personal feelings were brewing between them would have to wait. Cipher was still out there, and the plan to destabilize the barriers between realms was already in motion.

Riker pulled out his phone and dialed Captain Moreau, his thoughts racing with everything he’d learned from his encounter with Cipher. The mastermind’s plan was bigger than any of them had imagined. It wasn’t just about corrupting magic; it was about collapsing the fragile balance between the realms.

“Moreau here,” came the familiar voice from the other end of the line.

“Captain, it’s Riker. We’ve got a problem.” He wasted no time relaying the details—Cipher’s plans, the increasing magical disturbances across the city, and the potential for an all-out collapse between the human and supernatural worlds.

There was a pause before Moreau responded, her voice low and serious. “I had a feeling things were about to get worse. Meet me at the precinct. We’ll put together and mobilize a team.”

Riker ended the call, grabbing his jacket and holstering his weapon. He shot a quick text to Catalina, letting her know hewas coordinating with Moreau and that they needed all hands on deck.

The precinct buzzed with tension when Riker arrived. Officers moved in and out, taking calls, gathering intel, and preparing for the inevitable chaos that was about to hit the city. Captain Moreau was already in the center of it all, barking orders to her team. Riker noted the only ones present were non-humans.

Riker made his way over to her, nodding to Griff Broussard, who stood beside her. The dragon-shifter had proven himself, and though Riker’s distrust of non-shifters had been hard to shake, working alongside Catalina and her sisters had opened his eyes to the strength in unity.

“We’re coordinating with both human law enforcement and magical forces,” Moreau said as soon as Riker reached her. “Griff’s pulling in some of his shifter contacts, and I’ve already reached out to the Duvall sisters. We’re covering as many key locations as we can. We’ll try to keep humans and non-humans separate, but humans learning about the magical world may be inevitable.”

“If that happens, Phoenix and her sisters have a kind of backup plan to use the drug O’Riley uses at The Thorny Rose to make humans forget anything unusual they might see. It isn’t harmful and could easily be disbursed through the water system.”

“Good,” Riker said, glancing at the map laid out on the table in front of them. Red markers dotted the map, indicating areas of concern—places where Cipher’s influence was strongest. “Any idea where Cipher is hiding?”

Moreau shook her head. “Not yet. But we’re closing in. The disturbances are escalating, and it’s only a matter of time before he makes his next move.”

Riker shook his head and swore. “We can’t let him tear down the barriers. If he succeeds, we’ll have an all-out war on our hands.”

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