Page 17 of Magic Unbound

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The room was filled with advanced technology—computers, wires, strange machines humming with power. But interwoven with the tech were elements of dark magic—symbols etched into the walls, glowing runes that pulsed with malevolent energy.

“They’re really doing it,” Riker muttered, his voice tight with disbelief.

Catalina moved to one of the computers, her fingers flying over the keys as she accessed the files. Her eyes widened as the information flooded the screen. “They’re close. They’ve nearly perfected the fusion of technology and dark magic. If they succeed, they’ll be able to control the flow of energy between realms. They could tear open the barriers.”

Before Riker could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed from down the hall.

“Get ready,” he muttered, drawing his gun as the door burst open and armed guards stormed in, followed by the unmistakable stench of sulfur—demons.

The fight was immediate and brutal. Riker shifted into his bear form, a massive creature of raw power as he charged at the guards, swatting them aside with lethal force. Catalina unleashed her magic, bolts of lightning arcing from her fingertips as she struck down demons and guards alike.

The room became a battlefield, sparks of electricity and bursts of magic lighting up the darkness. The guards’ high-tech weapons fired, but Riker’s thick hide absorbed the bullets, while Catalina’s magic shield deflected the attacks.

Together, they fought with a fluidity that came from growing trust and understanding. Riker’s brute strength and Catalina’s magical finesse combined in a deadly dance, each of them covering the other’s back as they tore through their enemies.

Just as they were gaining the upper hand, the air around them shimmered, and a figure materialized in the center of the lab.

It was a malevolent mix of magic and tech—part robot, part shifter, and part something she didn’t even want to name. Glitch had found a name they couldn’t attach to anyone—Cipher. This had to be him.

The mastermind behind the conspiracy, Cipher was a shapeshifter unlike any Catalina had ever seen. His body was a grotesque blend of flesh and machine, his features shifting and warping with each passing second. His eyes glowed with a sickly green light, and a faint mechanical whir accompanied his every movement.

“You’re too late,” Cipher said, his voice a metallic rasp that sent chills down Catalina’s spine. “The endgame is already in motion.”

Catalina stepped forward, her magic crackling at her fingertips. “We’ll see about that.”

Cipher’s laughter echoed through the lab. “You can try, little fae. But the barriers are already weakening. Soon, the realms will merge, and you will all fall.”

Before they could act, Cipher’s form blurred, and he vanished through the door, leaving only a faint shimmer of magic in his wake.

“Damn it!” Riker growled, shifting back into his human form. “We can’t let him get away.”

Catalina nodded, her heart pounding as she clothed him with her magic—this was getting to be a habit—and they bolted out of the lab, chasing Cipher through the labyrinth of corridors. The pursuit led them out of Crescent Nexus Tower and into the dark alleyways of the French Quarter.

But Cipher was fast—too fast. No matter how hard they pushed, they couldn’t close the distance. Finally, they lost him, the shadowy streets swallowing him whole.

Panting, Catalina leaned against a wall, frustration coursing through her. “We were so close.”

Riker clenched his fists, his jaw tight with anger. “We’ll find him. This isn’t over.”

Taking her hand in his, he brought it to his lips to kiss her fingers. She wondered who the romantic gesture had surprised or comforted more—him or her.

They returned to Riker’s flat, both of them still buzzing with adrenaline and frustration. The night had been intense, and the weight of the conspiracy hung over them like a storm cloud.

Catalina sat on the couch, her mind racing. “We need to regroup. Cipher might have gotten away, but we know more now than we did before.”

Riker poured them each a drink, his gaze lingering on her as he handed her the glass. “We’ll figure it out. I believe, together with the people we have on our side, we’ll get this bastard and put him down.”

There was a pause, a charged silence that filled the room. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the tension that had been simmering between them since The Thorny Rose finally boiled over.

Without thinking, Catalina stood, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. Riker set his drink down, his hand reaching out to pull her closer. Their lips met in a fierce, urgent kiss, the kind that came from pent-up frustration, attraction, and the undeniable connection that had grown between them.

The kiss deepened, and soon, they were lost in each other—an unspoken understanding passing between them. This was more than just an attraction. It was trust, respect, and the knowledge that whatever came next, they would face it together.

And for now, that was all that mattered.



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