Page 44 of Silent Shadow

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The vampire’s smile faltered, and for the first time, Mercy saw a flicker of fear in his eyes.

Hunter moved with lethal precision, his blade flashing through the air as he struck. The vampire dodged, moving with inhuman speed, but Hunter was relentless, driving him back with every blow.

Mercy circled around, her own blade at the ready. She wasn’t going to let him escape. Not this time.

“Stay back, my beloved,” said Hunter. “This one is mine.”

“What if he kills you?” she teased.

“Then kill him and make it very, very painful.”

Mercy grinned at the other vampire. “Will do.”

The vampire lunged at Hunter with terrifying speed, his fangs bared and his eyes glowing with an unnatural fury. Mercy’s instincts screamed at her to join the fight, to defend the man who had saved her life, but she held back. This was Hunter’s fight. He needed to finish this, and she needed to trust him to do it.

Hunter moved like a shadow, sidestepping the vampire’s charge with a smooth, practiced grace. His eyes remained locked on the creature’s every movement, calculating, patient. The vampire hissed, frustrated by his inability to land a blow, and swiped at Hunter with razor-sharp claws. The sound of the air slicing around the vampire’s hand was a deadly warning of the damage those claws could do if they connected.

Mercy’s breath hitched, but Hunter remained unfazed. He ducked under the vampire’s swipe and retaliated with a sharp punch to the ribs, his fist a blur of power. The impact reverberated through the clearing, and the vampire staggered back, clutching his side, a snarl ripping from his throat.

"You're slower than you look," Hunter said, his voice cold, taunting.

The vampire’s eyes blazed with anger, and he rushed forward again, faster this time, his claws extended, aiming for Hunter’s throat. A jolt of fear shot through Mercy, but Hunter reacted with precision. He spun, narrowly avoiding the vampire’s grasp, and in the same motion, drew his blade—a curved, ancient weapon designed for killing creatures like this.

The vampire hissed again, baring his fangs as he lunged once more, this time with an even more frenzied speed. His body blurred as he shifted into the supernatural realm of speedthat made vampires so dangerous. But Hunter was ready. He anticipated the movement, turning just in time to bring his blade up in a defensive arc. Metal clashed against claws in a violent screech, sparks flying as the two forces collided.

For a moment, they were locked in a deadly dance, Hunter using every ounce of his millennia-old experience to deflect the vampire’s relentless strikes. The vampire snarled and growled, his face twisted in fury, but Hunter remained calm, his focus absolute. Mercy watched, her muscles tensed with the urge to leap into the fray, but she reminded herself—this was Hunter’s fight. She would be ready if he needed her, but for now, she would trust him.

Suddenly, the vampire shifted tactics. He feinted to the left, then spun on his heel and launched himself into the air, aiming to drop down on Hunter from above. A sudden wave of dread hit Mercy as she grasped the vampire’s intent, but before she could even shout a warning, Hunter was already in motion.

With lightning speed, Hunter rolled to the side, avoiding the deadly strike as the vampire crashed to the ground where Hunter had stood only moments before. The vampire snarled in frustration, his claws digging into the earth as he struggled to regain his footing. But Hunter was already moving again, his blade gleaming in the pale light as he went on the offensive.

He slashed at the vampire’s exposed back, the blade slicing through the creature’s flesh with a sickening sound. The vampire let out a howl of pain, staggering forward as blood sprayed from the wound. But even injured, the vampire was still dangerous. He twisted, his face contorted in rage, and lashed out with a wild strike, his claws aimed directly at Hunter’s chest.

Hunter barely managed to block the blow, his blade catching the vampire’s claws in mid-air, the force of the impact sending a shudder through his arm. Mercy could see the strain in his movements now, the weariness that came from battling acreature as strong and relentless as this one. But Hunter wasn’t giving up. He pressed forward, driving the vampire back with a series of swift, brutal strikes.

Each blow was calculated, precise, and designed to wear the vampire down. But the creature was cunning. With a roar of fury, the vampire caught Hunter’s wrist in a crushing grip and twisted, forcing the blade from his hand and sending it to the ground.

Mercy tensed, ready to spring into action, but Hunter didn’t falter. In one fluid motion, he stepped into the vampire’s grip, using the momentum to drive his elbow into the creature’s jaw with a bone-cracking force. The vampire’s head snapped back, his grip loosening just enough for Hunter to break free.

Hunter didn’t waste the opportunity. He moved swiftly, retrieving his blade from the ground and driving it upward in one clean motion, plunging the weapon into the vampire’s side. The creature screamed, the sound ripping through the air like a wild animal in agony.

Blood poured from the wound, dark and viscous, but still, the vampire fought on. He lashed out blindly, his claws slicing through the air as he staggered back, trying to put distance between himself and Hunter. But Hunter was relentless. He closed the distance in an instant, his expression hard and determined.

With one final, brutal strike, Hunter drove his blade deep into the vampire’s chest, the sharp tip piercing through bone and flesh until it reached the heart. The vampire’s eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening in a silent scream as his body convulsed.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Then, with a final, agonized cry, the vampire’s body disintegrated into ash, collapsing in on itself until there was nothing left but a pile ofgray dust at Hunter’s feet. Hunter kicked it around, mixing it with the dirt.

Mercy stood frozen for a fraction of a moment, her chest heaving as she took in the aftermath of the battle. It was over. The creature that had been their enemy was nothing more than a memory now, its existence wiped clean from the world.

Hunter slowly sheathed his blade, his movements calm and steady, though Mercy could see the exhaustion in his eyes. He turned to her, his expression softening as their gazes met.

“Well fought,” she said, her voice quiet but filled with a deep sense of finality. “You didn’t need my help.”

Hunter’s lips quirked into a small smile, his dark eyes gleaming with a mixture of pride and something deeper, something warmer. “I always need you, Mercy. But some battles… some battles, I have to fight alone.”

Mercy held his gaze for a long moment, feeling the weight of his words settle in her chest. She understood what he meant—there were battles that only he could fight, just as there would be battles that only she could face. But they were stronger together. And together, they would face whatever came next.

Hunter stepped closer, his hand brushing against hers in a subtle, intimate gesture. “But it’s good to know you’ve got my back.”

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