Page 22 of Silent Shadow

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“Hmm. That would be unfortunate for you, wouldn’t it? After all, vampires can be killed with fire, can’t they?” she replied, her heart racing with exhilaration. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was doing this—why she was pushing him so hard—but the look on his face, the power she had over him in that moment, sent a thrill through her.

Satisfied with her victory, she bent to pick up her robe, taking her time, giving him a long, lingering view of her naked body before she straightened. “I think we’re done here.”

She moved to close the door, but before she could, Hunter’s hand shot out, catching it before it could slam shut. “Coward,” he muttered, his voice low and dangerous.

Mercy froze, her hand on the doorknob, the word hitting her like a slap. Slowly, she turned back to him, her eyes blazing with anger. “What did you just call me?”

“I called you a coward,” Hunter said, his voice even, though there was a sharp edge of anger behind it. He leaned forward, his face inches from hers, the tension between them crackling like electricity. “You’re scared, Mercy. You’re afraid of what you feel, of what’s happening between us. So, you’re hiding behind these games. But it won’t work.”

She bristled, her pride rearing its head. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

Hunter’s lips curved into a dangerous smile, his eyes locking onto hers. “Oh, I think you are. You’re terrified of me, of us, because you know this isn’t just some fleeting attraction. You know there’s something real here, and that scares the hell out of you.”

Mercy’s pulse quickened, her anger battling with the undeniable truth in his words. She hated how he could see right through her, hated how his proximity made her heart race. She shoved at his chest, but he barely moved, his gaze never leaving hers. “I’m not scared of you.”

“Prove it,” he said, his voice dropping to a low growl. He leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “Invite me in, Mercy. Let me show you just how much you’re not afraid.”

Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, she was tempted—tempted to give in, to let him in, to feel the heat of his body against hers. But her pride wouldn’t let her.

Instead, she shot him a defiant glare. “You’ll never get that satisfaction—not from me, anyway.”

Hunter’s hand shot out, his fingers wrapping around her wrist in a firm but gentle grip. “I don’t need your invitation to do this,” he said, his voice dark and dangerous. He tugged her forward, pulling her out of the house and into his arms, his body hard and unyielding against hers. “I can drag you out here any time I want. If I can reach you, I can have you.”

Her heart hammered in her chest, her skin buzzing with the proximity of his body. She knew he wasn’t lying—he could easily overpower her if he wanted to. The thought sent a jolt of adrenaline and desire through her, making her dizzy with conflicting emotions.

But before either of them could move, their phones rang simultaneously, cutting through the thick tension. The sound was jarring, pulling them both back to reality.

Mercy blinked, her thoughts still spinning as she stepped back into her home, picking up her phone and moving away from the door. It was Adriana.

As she stepped away, Hunter’s hand went to his pocket for his own phone.

“What?” Mercy snapped into the phone, still rattled from the intensity of the moment.

“Mercy, it’s Adriana,” came the calm, but urgent voice on the other end. “The fae-shifter has awakened. She’s… well, let’s just say she’s not exactly in a good mood. I need you to come to the abbey. Now.”

Mercy’s heart sank. She had known the fae would eventually wake, but she had hoped she’d have another day or two to continue with her research. Her breath hitched as she heard Adriana’s voice on the other end of the line, her mind still buzzing from her heated confrontation with Hunter. She forced herself to focus, knowing that whatever Adriana had to say was important.

Adriana continued “She’s awake, Mercy, and she’s causing chaos. It’s like she doesn’t know where she is, or evenwhoshe is. We’re trying to contain the situation, but we need you to get to the abbey as fast as you can.”

Mercy’s heart clenched, the tension of the moment with Hunter fading as the gravity of the situation set in. “I’ll be there soon,” she replied quickly before hanging up.

As she lowered her phone, she saw Hunter still holding his to his ear, his expression darkening by the second. His gaze met hers, and she didn’t need to ask—she knew he had received the same message, probably from Colby.

“Colby,” Hunter said into the phone, his voice clipped. “I’m on my way.”

He ended the call, his brow furrowed with a mix of frustration and concern. “The fae-shifter’s awake. She’s losing control.”

Mercy nodded, feeling the knot of anxiety tightening in her chest. “Adriana just told me. We need to get to the abbey.”

For a moment, the sexual tension that had been crackling between them was forgotten, replaced by a shared sense of urgency. Hunter’s earlier arrogance was gone, replaced by the same determination that mirrored Mercy’s own. Whatever was happening at the abbey, they were both needed there—and they had to set aside their personal issues, at least for now.

Mercy closed the door and dressed quickly. Opening it again, she stepped outside and didn’t wait for an invitation; she moved past Hunter toward her Range Rover. Her mind raced with questions—why was the fae-shifter in such a state? Was she dangerous? And how much magic had she retained after the ritual?

Hunter fell into step beside her as she moved toward their parked vehicle his usual swagger replaced by a grim focus. They didn’t speak as they stepped off the porch and walked downthe stone path, the thick tension between them shifting into something different—something more intense. It wasn’t just about their attraction anymore. The stakes were higher now.

The early morning light cast long shadows across the cliffs, the air still crisp and cool. She could feel Hunter’s presence at her side, his energy a constant, buzzing force that she couldn’t ignore.

They reached their vehicles, and Mercy hesitated for a split second. She glanced at Hunter, her mind flashing back to their heated exchange only moments before. Her body still hummed with the memory of his touch, the way he had looked at her like he could devour her whole. But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that.

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