Page 85 of Empire of Savages

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“We’re moving against the Devils.”

The color leached from her face. “When?”

“Tonight.” Leaning in, I kissed her deeply and said, “Take care of Myla while we’re away.”

Her eyes flickered between mine, her bottom lip drawn between her teeth. “Don’t get hurt.”

I kissed her again. Hard. Fast. “I promise.”

And I meant it. Because there was no way in hell I was going to leave her in this world unprotected.

Chapter 29


Nick leftthe clubhouse with Vox walking beside him. I was still numb from his words, and from the position it now put me in. My father’s club was in the crosshairs of the Savage Hunt, and I had no idea what to do with that information. Scanning the room, none of the other men looked as if they were preparing to leave just yet, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen.

I glanced down when a much smaller hand wrapped around mine. Myla was staring at me with tears sitting unshed in her eyes.

It’s going to be okay, I told her, trying to stay strong. Trying to be brave.

I can’t lose him, she replied, shaking her head.I can’t lose my brother on top of losing my parents. I can’t.

Pulling her into my arms, I did my best to soothe her, but the noise of the room was grating on my nerves. Holding her away from me, I signed,Do you want to go and see Nick’s dog?

She sniffled, quickly wiping her hand under her nose.Nick has a dog?

Steering her by the shoulders, I led the way down the hall, explaining,His name is Lucifer, and he is the biggest softie you’ll ever meet.

Why is his name Lucifer?We walked down the hallway slowly, weaving around the members of the Hunt as they prepared. My anxiety pitched up another notch, but I refused to let it take over.

Letting out a deep breath, I said,I actually don’t know.After entering Nick’s room, I introduced Myla to Lucifer, then made sure they were okay before I went into the bathroom and pulled out my phone.

With shaking hands, I pulled up the chat chain I had with Hayes. The last time I’d willingly reached out to him had been over three years ago—around the same time my mother’s death had rocked me to my core. What I was contemplating went against everything I swore I wouldn’t do. When I’d left all those years ago, I’d made a promise to protect myself by never getting involved with my father and his club again, and now, here I was on the precipice of breaking that promise.

The Savage Hunt were going to attack them, and if the level of destruction they reaped on them was what I thought it was, they were going to be wiped out completely. It wasn’t my father who I was concerned for. He could rot in hell for all I cared. But it was Hayes who I needed to protect. He was the only one—beside my brother—who had believed me. Unfortunately, he’d only been a prospect at the time and was unable to do anything except aid my brother in his retribution.

He had my back then, and now, I had to have his. Inhaling sharply through my nose, I let it out in a rushed exhale through my mouth and began to type.

When I emerged from the bathroom, Myla was sitting cross-legged on the floor, Lucifer lying beside her with his head in her lap. She absently stoked the dog’s head as she read.

I tapped her on the shoulder.Where’d you find the book?I asked.

It was on the nightstand.She flashed me the front. It had a portrait of a black comedian on the cover, and I recognized him from a comedy cop show I used to watch. Myla added,It’s pretty good for an autobiography.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

She closed the book and looked at me.How long will we be locked down for?

Stepping closer, I lowered myself to the floor as well, reaching out to scratch Lucifer on the head. He made a satisfied groaning sound before shutting his eyes once more.I honestly don’t know.

Have you ever been in a lockdown before?

I nodded.A long time ago.

How long did it last?

From memory, about two days. Us kids were all crammed into the clubhouse while the moms cooked and cleaned and tried to keep everyone’s spirits up.

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