Page 71 of Empire of Savages

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She blinked at me with lust-soaked eyes. “Where am I going?”

Even though it killed me, even though my cock was aching to be inside her again, I forced myself away and returned to her dresser. “Find a bag, baby. Something small that can go on the back of my bike. You’re coming back to the clubhouse with me.”

I honestly expected more of a fight from Alex, but she’d done as I asked, packing the clothes I’d thrown onto the bed into a small duffel she pulled from the closet. As I suspected it would, shock had started to set in, and she moved on autopilot, uncaringthat her bare breasts were still out. Wrapping my hand around her forearm, I told her softly, “Get changed, baby. I don’t want anyone to see what’s only for my eyes.”

With a nod, she pulled a bra, clean t-shirt, and a pair of running shorts out from the pile and got dressed. I finished packing the bag, but before she could grab the bag’s handles, I hauled it up and slung it over my shoulder.

Her eyes landed on Lucifer as we walked out into the living room. “What about him?”

“He can stay here the rest of the night. I’ll send someone to get him in the morning.” I moved to the door, but Alex stayed behind, staring at Lucifer.

“Alex?” I called.

“He put his body between mine and Maddox. He would’ve gotten hurt to save my life,” she replied in a small voice.

Maddox. I filed that name away for later. Unable to think of any reason why Lucifer did what he had, I gently coaxed her from the apartment. While she waited in the hall, I went back inside to give Lucifer a scratch and set up a bowl of water.

“You did good, mutt,” I told him gruffly. “Be back soon.” Lucifer whined but settled more deeply into the couch, shutting his eyes.

I took Alex down to my bike, setting her on the rear seat with the duffel in her hands. Getting into position in front of her, I turned the engine over and began making my way back to the clubhouse.

The whole drive back, my mind regurgitated all the ways shit could’ve gone wrong tonight. What if I was ten seconds too late? What if Lucifer hadn’t escaped the bathroom? What if the bullet that had missed him had hit me instead? All the different possibilities—the different variables—were driving my anger higher. I would find out everything I could about this Maddox motherfucker, then I would tear him apart with my bare hands.

Alex’s hands tightened around my middle as I pulled onto Marion Avenue, and I knew it was a gut reaction. She’d found herself in enemy territory again. Turning into the driveway of the clubhouse, Marco opened the gate and let us in. The sound of the motorcycle was loud in the early morning air, startling the alley cats and rats that lived in and around the compound.

Lowering the kickstand, I killed the engine and waited for Alex to dismount before I swung my leg over. She hugged the duffel to her chest, staring at the dark building ahead of us. Practically tasting her trepidation, I took her hand and led her inside. The entryway was dark. So was the bar. As we entered the small hallway down to the bedrooms, though, sounds began to filter through. Music turned down low. Video games. Moans of pleasure that sounded more like porn than the real thing.

“There are only a few members here right now. Most are still on the run back from DC.”

Tugging on Alex’s hand, I pulled her closer to the safety of my room. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. Alex stood on the threshold for a moment, just looking at everything before carefully stepping inside. What people thought of my private space before had never bothered me, but I wanted her to like it—to feel comfortable in it.God help me.

“The bathroom is through there,” I said, gesturing to the door to the side as I took her bag and put it at the bottom of my closet. “And your clothes will be right here.”

She turned to face me, wrapping her arms around herself. Tears sat in her eyes, hovering there, waiting for the permission to fall. Moving toward her, I bundled her into my arms. She fit perfectly against me, her face tucked up under my chin.

We hadn’t spoken about my breakdown after I told her of Molly’s death. I had no desire to rehash that horrible moment again, but it felt like being vulnerable with her had given her the permission to be vulnerable with me.

With her shoulders shaking, and the sound of her soft, broken sobs against my chest, I held her close.

“I’ll kill him for you, Alex,” I vowed. The words had surfaced unbidden—just as my need to protect this woman had.

She continued to cry. Stroking her back, I waited until the sounds dried up before I scooped her into my arms. Carrying her around the bed, I laid her down, then settled beside her. She turned on her side, looking into my eyes.

“Even if you killed him, that wouldn’t be the end of it.”

“What do you mean?”

She nibbled on her bottom lip, curling her hands into the fabric of my shirt. “What I mean is, I think Maddox is just one cog in a much bigger machine. Killing him would only piss off the wrong people.”

“I’d kill anyone who threatens you,” I vowed.

“It’d be a long list.”

Swallowing down the growl of displeasure, I asked, “Who would be at the top?”

She blinked, looked away, then met my gaze boldly. “My father.”

I bit my tongue to stop the snarl that built in the back of my throat at the mention of Talon La Croix. “What did your father do?”

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