Page 29 of Empire of Savages

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“Who’s that?” Isla asked.

“Our road captain, Vox.”

“Is he dangerous?”

I watched the man in question roll past us on his bike, jerking his chin up in greeting as he went.

“No, he’s not. Just… intense.”

Isla nodded in understanding and hurried up to the Hummer. Lucifer stayed at my heel as I joined them.

“… you okay?” Isla was asking her friend.


“What did he say to you?”

“Nothing,” Quinn replied, sounding baffled and looking bewildered. “Literallynothing. He just stared at me.”

Isla looked at me.

I shook my head. “He’s harmless.” I didn’t want to give Isla any reason to not come back. “But you two should probably go. I have some club business to take care of this morning.”

“You take care of yourself, Nick. And don’t be a stranger either. Rixon has my number now.”

“I will. And you, too.”

Reaching up, she touched my face gently, her smile sad. Looking at me must’ve been hard—seeing my brother’s face and knowing her person was gone. Knowing he was dead. On her toes, she pressed a kiss to my cheek, then got into the car and left.


I turned to see Gunnar standing by the door.

“Brooks came through.”

“The daughter?”

He shook his head. “Something else.”

Chapter 10


Twenty minutes later,Gunnar pulled his Mustang to a stop against the curb of a house I’d never been to before. The neighborhood wasn’t exactly known for its upstanding citizens either. You were far more likely to find a drug deal going down on the corner than a couple of kids with a lemonade stand.

I looked around the street, noting the beat-to-shit early model cars that looked as if they’d been in a number of wrecks judging by the dents and scrapes. “Where the fuck are we?”

“War Chiefs’ cook house,” my best friend said, getting out of the car.

I followed. “War Chiefs?”

“The Devils’ puppet club I was telling you about. Brooks found out that Talon has them cooking meth for the Devils in exchange for protection.” Reaching to the small of his back, Gunnar pulled out the gun he had stashed there and checked it over with an efficiency I appreciated. “Kaash thought they might know a little something about who killed your brother. Plus, we can fuck with their production a little at the same time, and that’s always a bonus.”

Grabbing my Glock, I held it down by my side as I eyed the houses again. I didn’t know who was watching and who wasn’t,but I wasn’t willing to take the risk of being seen with a weapon in plain sight. It wasn’t that I was afraid to go back to prison. It was more that I didn’t want to see the inside of those walls again until I’d done what I came to do.

Gunnar took the lead, walking up the street. I followed behind him, keeping tabs on any movement, anyone lurking behind windows or standing stock-still on the porch steps. Gunnar eventually started across the lawn of one property, the long yellowing grass—so long that it brushed against the middle of our thighs—swaying in the hot breeze. The windows on the house were boarded up tight, but between the boards, I could see aluminum sheeting stuck to the inside of the glass.

Gunnar set one foot on the porch, pausing for a moment to see if anyone was alerted to our presence. There weren’t any cameras mounted out here, so if this was a cook house, they were either stupid or they weren’t concerned with anyone approaching from the street.

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