Page 88 of The Reaper

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My heart thudded, my mouth turning desert dry. “What guy?”

She actually rolled her eyes at me. “Please, Fallon. The guy you were just speaking to.”

“Oh. No. That was my brother.”

She sighed, her expression taking on a dreamy sort of look. “It’s a shame he’s married.”

Molly, along with a couple of other friends, had met both Grayson and Sloane at the nightclub we went to a few months back. It had been my first time out where temptation was everywhere, but I hadn’t felt compelled to have a drink or do drugs that night. Nor any other night since.

Molly took a draw from the top of her mug. “Is there any man in your life?”

“Is there in yours?” I shot back, enjoying the look of disgust arc over her face.

She was, for all intents and purposes, a permanent flirt. She never had a long-term relationship, happy to have flings instead. She claimed she didn’t have time for anything more than that, but I could see that deep down she was a romantic who wanted a deeper connection with someone.

Molly smirked. “Touché, Fallon.” Placing down her mug, she slumped down further into her seat. “Have you caught up with everything for school? I can help you if you need. I’m sure I can dig out my first-year notes.”

“Oh, no, that’s okay. I think I have everything under control now. I have a few more hours of study to make up though to be truly back on top of things.”

“That flu must’ve really knocked you around.”

I felt my smile wilt. That’s what I’d told everyone. That I’d been sick with a flu that just didn’t seem to end, but the reality was, my illness was something much more permanent. I was heartsick and couldn’t see the end of my recovery.

Molly and I chatted until our coffee cups were drained and there was nothing left to say. I felt like a completely different person from the one I’d been before. I’d been through gunfire, car chases, infernos, and heartbreak. Iwasa different person now.

“Oh my God, who is that?” Molly whispered, and I looked at her before following her line of sight. Keir was standing just inside the door of the café in a pair of faded jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders. He was scanning the busy space, but when his eyes latched onto mine, he started in our direction with an easy smile.

“Fallon,” he said by way of greeting, his dark eyes flickering with interest to Molly. “And who’s this?”

“I’m Molly,” she said, introducing herself without shame. She stuck out her hand, and he took it, placing a kiss on the back. “And you are?”

“Keir. Pleased to meet you, Molly.”

Keir honest-to-God winked at her before releasing her hand. When he returned his gaze to me, his smile was far less flirtatious and much more familial.

“Grayson called and said you needed something.”

I needed something?Then I remembered. The money. “Ah, yes. I do.”

“Great. Let me walk you back home, and I can get it for you.”

Molly’s eyes were wide as she watched me rise from my seat. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“I guess you will.” She turned her stunning ocean-blue eyes to Keir, batting her long lashes. “And I hope I get to see you around sometime soon.”

“Aye, I’d like that,” Keir replied, giving her a lazy grin.

“See you, Molly.”

After a brief wave, Keir and I were stepping free of the café and walking in the direction of the apartment.

“How much do you need, Fallon?” Keir asked, his regular persona slipping back into place.

“The same as before will be fine. I need to buy a few more clothes, but I can make it stretch.”

Shoving a hand into his pocket, he pulled out another wad of cash and started to count the bills. If it was anyone else, I would’ve warned them that it was dangerous to be so open with the amount of money they were carrying. But Keir wasn’t anyone. And Galway belonged to the Mac Tíre Clan.

I watched him count, gaping when he handed me double the amount he had given me last time. I shook my head. “This is too much.”

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