Page 84 of The Reaper

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He shrugged. “He’s been an arsehole. Why should I help him?”

The elevator car arrived, the doors opening with a quietwhoosh. I stepped inside and looked at Keir but stopped the doors from closing.

“I’d like to call my brother,” I said, wondering why I was telling him at all.

He nodded and stepped toward me. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a phone and handed it to me.

I glanced at it, then back at him. “You’re giving me your phone?”

“It’s a burner,” he replied with a shrug. Then he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. He handed it to me too. “So, you can feed yourself, lass.”

Reaching out, I took the money, squeezing it tightly in my fist. “Thank you.”

The elevator alarm began to ring, and I jerked my hand away. Keir slipped back into the car and turned on the engine. The elevator doors slid shut on him backing from the space and driving away.



I haven’t felt this out of control sinceher.

My rage was channeled differently this time, though, and it was directed squarely at me. Watching Fallon leave in that Rover felt like my soul was being ripped apart. After speaking to Finnan and being defiant in my need to send her away somewhere I wouldn’t have to see her, I’d vacillated between wanting her gone forever and never letting her go.

The problem was I’d seen her tears. I’d fucking hurt her while we were together and that had been the one thing I hadn’t wanted to happen.

Was I fucking surprised that she’d escaped the first chance she had?

No, but that didn’t mean that her leaving still didn’t hurt like a motherfucker.

After Finnan listened to my demands with a barely disguised grin on his face, he told me what I had to do. After what happened in Westport, he wanted to know if any other strategic towns had been flipped by the Fiach Clan. I was supposed to be gone already—heading north—but I couldn’t bring myself to leave without waiting a little longer.

Without holding out hope that Fallon would return.

I stopped pacing the living room when I heard a car pull up.

“Fallon.” Her name was a whispered plea on my lips, and I raced outside. She had come back. She had changed …

“Where the fuck have you been?” I barked at Keir as he got out of the Rover.

He glanced at me briefly, then away. “Out.”

My instincts started to blare in warning. “Outwhere?”

Walking slowly toward the door, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweats. “Just out.”

“With Fallon? Where the fuck is she? Where did she go?” My monster bellowed inside me, and I grabbed Keir by the shirt and threw him against the entryway wall. Shoving my face close to his I demanded, “Where is she? Did you hurt her?”

Keir’s expression looked sad. “I didn’t fucking hurt her, Orin. Why would I hurt her?”

I’m not you.

They were the words he hadn’t said, but I heard them loud and clear.

The darkness inside me was in a frenzy now. “Where. Is. She?”

He sighed, resigned, and completely unaware of how close to losing it I really was. “She’s safe, okay? She wasn’t going to stay here so I made sure she went somewhere secure.”

“Where. Is. She?”

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