Page 62 of The Reaper

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“Why not?”

Instead of answering me, he said, “I’m going out. You need to stay in this room the whole time I’m gone.”

I grabbed his arm as he strode past me, making him freeze. His muscles were practically vibrating beneath my fingers. I knew I was pushing past his boundaries here, but if he didn’t want me to touch him, he could so easily brush me off. The fact that he was allowing it spoke volumes.

I swallowed over the lump in my throat and asked, “Where are you going?”

He turned his head, his dark eyes dropping to my mouth, then back again. “Out.”

Suddenly wild with jealousy, the words seethed out of me. “You’re going to see her? The same woman as before?”

“None of your business.” He tried to pull away, but I didn’t let him. I dug my fingers in, drawing a hiss from his perfect mouth.

“If you’re leaving to find sex, let me … let me be the one to give you what you need.”

His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “What?”

“Do to me what you were going to do to her.”

“You wouldn’t like it,” he reasoned oh-so-calmly.

“I’ve never tried it.”

“I like my sex rough. Are you ready for that?”

There was something in his voice—a hesitancy that said more than his words ever could.

Lifting my chin, I met his eyes. “I’m ready. Show me what it’s like. Show me how you need to fuck.”

He dropped his head, shaking it. “Jesus, Fallon, you don’t know what you’re asking of me.”

I eased the pressure of my fingers. “I do know, Orin. I know I want to be with you in whatever capacity you’ll have me. If that means I must be submissive to you, then I will. If that means being bound, then that’s what I’ll do. If it means being unable to touch you, then that’s what I’ll do, too.”

His pupils blew out to consume his whole iris. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

We stayed there for a long while, caught between my offer and his desire to take it. My gaze dropped to his hips, where an impressive erection was pushing against his jeans.

“I do,” I said with a finality he couldn’t deny. I released him, giving him the opportunity to move away or stay.

We stayed suspended there in time, staring at each other, breathing each other’s breaths, tasting each other’s hunger.

My willingness to bend to his will.

His reluctance to show me this side of himself.

Eventually, he said, “No, you don’t.” He stalked away from me and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him loudly. I stood there for a minute, thinking about how I could get him to see I was ready to try it his way. Walking closer to the bathroom, I placed my hand on the wood separating us and decided he was worth it.

I dropped to my knees, sat back on my heels, and bowed my head. Then, with my pulse trying to crawl out of my throat …

I waited.




I sucked a deep breath in through my nose and stared at Fallon kneeling outside the bathroom door. My dick, which had been hard before, was now uncomfortably straining against the zipper of my jeans. I should’ve turned around and left the goddamned room, but I couldn’t seem to move away.

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