Page 5 of The Reaper

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She bit her bottom lip. “Grayson has a safe in his room.”

“Where is that?”

“Upstairs. Second room on the left.”

More shadows continued to fall across the floor, and as much as I hated to send her up there on her own, it was better that she went. She knew exactly where to go.

“Go. Now.”

Without argument, Fallon took off out of the room, the creak of the stairs the only indication of where she was in the house. The handle on the front door rattled again before it shuddered as someone attempted to kick it open.

I hauled myself onto my feet and stood behind the living room door, where I could remain hidden from view for as long as possible.

A loudcrack!thundered through the room as the wood finally yielded to the force being exerted on it.

I heard only one set of boots on the floor, kicking through the debris, moving toward the living room. Fallon would’ve had to have heard that. I hoped to God that she was smart enough to stay out of sight. She was already collateral damage in this. Having her blood on my hands would make this already fucked-up situation ten times worse.

The sound of the boots stopped suddenly, muffled by the carpet as they stepped into the living room. First, my gaze zeroed in on the muzzle of a gun, then the leather-clad hand holding it. Despite my injuries, anticipation drilled through me, the monster lurking in the back of my subconscious already salivating with the knowledge that blood would be spilled in the very near future.

He stepped fully into the room, and I saw the clan tattoo on the side of his neck.


“Where the fuck are you, cocksucker?” the Bèar Clan member asked the empty room in a bass growl.

Glancing down to my left, I saw a horse-shaped stone paperweight on the mantle. Picking it up, I tested the weight in my palm.

A floorboard creaked on the stairs.

The guy spun around, his gun raised, but he was aiming at the door, while I was standing a few feet to the left. Adrenalin hit my bloodstream like high-octane fuel, making me forget about the pain that was pumping through my body.

I lunged for him, swinging my fist, and the paperweight clutched tightly in my hand, into the side of his head. It made a heavy thudding sound as it connected—the blow and my momentum sending us both to the floor. The gun fell out of his hand, and I crawled over his body to snatch it up before he could. The hit must’ve stunned him for only a moment because the next thing I knew, we were wrestling for control of the weapon.

I didn’t hear the heavy footsteps of the other guy coming to help, but I did feel the cold bite of metal against the back of my skull.

“Ease off, arsehole,” the other man told me, pressing the weapon in a little tighter. I recognized his voice immediately. It was Brian Farrell. The fucking Bèar Clan’s Reaper. “Let Will go. Nice and easy now.”

Pulling back, I released my hold on Will and sat back on my heels. The gun muzzle followed my movement, the same amount of pressure applied the whole time.

Farrell laughed. “Orin Lynch, on his knees. You know, if I did men, I’d get you to suck my cock right now. Hell, I should get you to do it anyway. A little degradation and humiliation before death never goes astray. Right, Orin?”

I didn’t dignify that statement with an answer. Instead, I kept my mouth shut because there was a chance they would leave with me now, and they wouldn’t have to know that Fallon was in the house. She would be safe.

“Where’s the bitch who lives here?” Will asked, getting to his feet.

Since I’d been brawling with the bastard, I hadn’t been able to get a good look at him, but now that I could see his face properly, I realized it was Brian’s brother, Will.

I bared my teeth in the parody of a smile when I saw the blood trickling from his lip. That little show of defiance earned me a strike to the head with the butt of his gun. My ears rang from the force of the blow, and that paired with my already damaged body, left me feeling like I was going to be sick.

My defiance earned me another strike—this time from Brian. “Where’s the woman?” he hissed.

“I don’t know anything about any woman.” My words were surprisingly steady.

“Bullshit. We know she lives here.” There was a brief pause before he said, “Did you put a bullet in her head? Get her out of the way? I heard you were ruthless like that.”

“There is no woman. She left a couple of hours ago.” The lie came out as smooth as butter.

Brian growled in frustration. “Will, go and check upstairs.”

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