Page 26 of The Reaper

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This time she looked at me, her ocean-blue eyes locking on my face.

“What?” I asked. “You thought I enjoyed the violence that follows me around?”

Again with that fucking bottom lip. Without thinking, I reached out and ran my thumb over it, pulling it free of the confines of her top teeth. Her breath shuddered out, ghosting across the pad of my thumb. Her throat worked in a hard swallow, and I let myself enjoy this suspended moment—this illicit touch. Her eyes darted to mine for a second before returning to the road. Even though I didn’t want to, I released her and turned in my seat.

“I don’t enjoy violence, Fallon. I was trained in it. It’s my job, but I don’t enjoy it like everyone seems to think.”

After a moment of mulling that over, she asked, “Do you think we can return to the cabin quickly?”

“Why? What do you need from there?”

“All my clothes are there. Plus, the medicine I found in your bathroom vanity. There were enough antibiotics there for the better half of a course. You need something to keep the infection at bay.”

I shook my head. “It’s too dangerous. If I were Farrell, that’s exactly where I would go if my target was still alive after an attempted murder.”

She chewed on her bottom lip this time, and I let out a groan.

Her head whipped in my direction. “Are you okay? What hurts?”

Just my fucking aching cock, I thought darkly. “You keep chewing your bottom lip.”

Her eyes widened. “Sorry, it’s a nervous habit. I do it without thinking … but why did you groan?”

Jesus, fuck, I could hardly take it anymore. “Because sometimes you torture me, Fallon.”

She looked genuinely surprised. “Me? How?”

I shook my head, refusing to have this conversation with her now. How was it possible that she didn’t realize how fucking beautiful she was? It was a damn crying shame, but it wasn’t going to be me who told her. I was fifteen years older than her. On top of that, she was a clan member’s sister. That was more than enough of a deterrent.

“If you’re worried about clothing, I can get you some more.”

“You don’t have to do that. I can buy my own.”

I quirked a brow at her independent streak. “Fallon, I’ve already bought you clothes. Why can’t I do it again?”

“Because we’ll be back in Galway then, and I’ll be able to get my bank cards and phone from the house. I don’t need to rely on you for help.”

She didn’t understand yet that I wanted to look after her. I didn’t want to swaddle her and stifle her independence, but I did want to provide for her. With her brother gone and me being the reason she’d been dragged into this life, I wanted to support her.

Again, that was fucking weird because aside from Blakely, there hadn’t been one person on this earth I wanted to protect more than her.

“It’s probably not safe to go back to your old house.”

“Why not?”

“The Bèar Clan will be watching the place now. They’ll expect someone to go back there soon. I don’t want you getting hurt on account of me.”

“What about when Grayson and Sloane return?”

“They’ll be gone for another three weeks at least. All this shite would’ve blown over by then. Just … trust me on this, okay?”

She began to pull her lip into her mouth, but then thought better of it. “Okay. I’ll play by your rules for now.”

Thank fuck for that.



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