Page 10 of The Reaper

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“Because you look like you’re about to fall over.”

He was right. With the adrenalin wearing off, I felt the exhaustion roll over me.

“Where are you planning on stopping?”

“Rathowen. I have a … friend who runs a bed and breakfast. We can stay there tonight.”

I didn’t know why, but the fact that he hesitated over the wordfriendgave me pause.

“Who’s your friend?”

Orin cast his eyes over me, then returned his attention to the road.

Only a few minutes later, we were passing through a low sandstone wall and driving down a stone driveway. The house we pulled to a stop in front of was white with gabled windows and a covered porch. The lights were on like we were expected.

Orin put the car into park and got out. I expected him to leave me to get out on my own, but he opened my door and helped me from the car.

“Where are we?” I asked, eyeing the quaint cottage.

“It’s called Inny River Cottage. We’ll be safe here.”

Before I could dig for more information, the house’s front door opened. A tall, willowy woman with green eyes and long mahogany hair stepped outside, smiling openly at Orin.

“Blakely,” Orin said in that rough way he had.

“Orin,” she replied, wrapping him in a hug. I noticed he was stiff in her embrace like the touch wasn’t welcome. I found it strange considering he called her a friend. The woman—Blakely—turned her green eyes on me. “Who’s your friend?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he replied matter-of-factly, stepping away. “Thanks for letting us stay.”

She took the hint and didn’t pry any further. “Of course,” Blakely replied, folding her arms over her chest. “You know which room is yours. Do you have a lot of luggage?”

Orin flicked me a look, then said, “We left in a hurry.”

Blakely licked her lips. “Because you couldn’t wait to see me, Orin?”

He shook his head. “Something like that. I promise it’ll only be one night. We’ll be gone before the sun comes up tomorrow.”

Blakely’s gaze darted between Orin and me, her jaw tight. “Fine. I won’t ask questions. I just hope it’s not something illegal you’re running from.”

Then Orin did something I had never seen him do.

He smiled.


And it looked good on him.

Clasping her gently by the arm, he leaned in and kissed her briefly on the cheek. “I swear on Dee’s life it’s not illegal.”

The lie rolled off his tongue so easily, I wondered whether it was a regular occurrence for him.

“Once you’re settled, come downstairs for a cup of tea and something to eat,” Blakely called out as we stepped inside.

I climbed up to the second level of the house, hanging back while Orin opened the second door on the left and entered it. I hesitated in the hallway, biting my bottom lip as I waited for the fear to surface. To take over. The one that screamed that being alone with a man would lead to something bad.

But it never came, and I realized I hadn’t felt that way with Orin earlier either.

“Are you coming?” he asked, setting the bag of supplies on top of the dresser.

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