Page 4 of The Warlord

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Having more of her soft curves against my body. That was just what the fuck I needed.

“Ease off, gobshite,” I bit out.

Torin did, but not before his dark eyes flickered to the rearview mirror to look at me.

“She’s pretty,” he said.

“Yeah, what of it?” I barked back.Fuck. I needed to put a lid on this territorial bullshit. I glanced down at Sloane, then forced myself to release a breath and added, “Just get us back to Galway in one fucking piece.”

He smirked. “Yes, sir.”



I becameaware of my surroundings slowly. At first, I wasn’t sure anything had changed from the last time this had happened, but I let myself absorb the sensations. My face was pressed against something warm and slightly scratchy, but when I inhaled, I damn near moaned in pleasure. It smelled of sandalwood, leather, and pine.

Something hard and hot was banded around my shoulders, holding me close to the firm, muscled body I was lying on. There was a low-level growl of a high-powered engine. I knew it was an engine because my father had cars that sounded the same. Supercharged. Lots of torque.

We were moving, and until we’d slowed down to take a corner and I nearly rolled off whatever delicious thing I was laying on, I hadn’t known just how fast.

Whoever was behind the wheel was driving like they’d stolen it, accelerating rapidly, braking late, and yanking on the wheel like they were over-correcting.

“Ease off, gobshite,” someone said acidly with an Irish brogue that seemed to have the ability to melt my panties.

The flat-out roar of the engine became a subdued purr.

“She’s pretty,” another voice said.Male.He also had an Irish accent, but this one didn’t do it for me like the first man’s.

“Yeah, what of it?” Another terse response and I wondered what had this guy’s panties in a twist. “Just get us back to Galway in one fucking piece.”

“Yes, sir.”

I stayed still for a few moments more, intending to continue pretending I wasn’t awake yet, when the man said softly and too close to my ear, “I know you’re awake, lass.”

I needed a little more time to figure out what I was going to do. I could keep pretending, or I could face the man who had abducted me from my estranged mother mere hours after reuniting with her.

I jerked into a sit, and he let me go, resettling one arm onto the top of his thigh while casually propping the other onto the passenger window sill. I would’ve enjoyed the view a little more if my stomach wasn’t revolting at the same time.

The man staring back at me was tall with ice-blue eyes and dark blond hair. His jaw was chiseled and covered in careless stubble, his nose just slightly crooked like it had been broken and not reset perfectly straight. I swallowed, feeling my libido sit up and take notice even if the rest of my body was trying to escape out of my mouth.

My gaze dropped to look at the rest of him. Even though he was wearing black slacks and a white, open-collar business shirt, I suspected he was stacked with carefully built muscle. When I saw the tattoo of what looked like a dog created in Celtic whorls on his right hand, my tongue swiped across my bottom lip.

His arctic eyes dropped to my mouth and his jaw bulged. “How are you feeling?”

Doing a mental inventory of my body, I realized the nauseous feeling I’d experienced when I’d woken up was only getting worse. “Like I’m going to be sick.”

He leaned forward, reaching into the pouch at the back of the chair in front. He retrieved a plastic vomit bag, like what you get at the hospital, and pulled out the bag from the hard inner plastic ring. Handing it to me wordlessly, he sat back in his chair and watched me.

I studied the tattoo on his hand while holding the ring that served as the mouthpiece. It smelled of cheap plastic and the leather from the chair. I wondered whether the leather I’d smelled before was from the upholstery or whether it belonged to the man beside me.

“Do you remember who I am?” he finally asked after studying me for longer than socially acceptable.

Did I?I racked my brain, trying to work through what had happened. I’d met my mom and her partner, Dagger. He’d gone all Neanderthal on her and dragged her to bed. I’d gone to bed too, changing into an oversized t-shirt—glancing down, I saw I was still wearing it.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You better not have taken any liberties with me.”

He cocked an arrogant brow. “Liberties, lass? What kind of liberties?”

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