Page 3 of The Warlord

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It was another fifteen minutes before the wheels hit the tarmac at Knock Airport. Although mid-afternoon, the sky was dark, and the rain rolling down the windows started to get heavier. The plane taxied for a few minutes before finally coming to a smooth stop.

Outside, I saw a car waiting, where one of the sentinels would drive us to Galway, about an hour away. The seatbelt sign turned off, and I unbuckled my belt. I stood and undid Sloane’s belt, picking her up gently and holding her against my chest.

Eline was just finishing the checks when I approached the front cabin door.

“If you give me a moment, I’ll walk you down, Mr. Kent,” Eline told me. She opened the main hatch and lowered the airstairs. Shaking out an umbrella she’d taken from a stowage hatch, she opened it and stepped to one side.

I followed her out, only getting hit by a few spots of rain before Eline wielded the umbrella like the professional she was. With her arm outstretched, she kept Sloane and me covered until we got to the black Range Rover.

Torin O’Rourke already had the rear door open and I slid into the back seat, settling Sloane in beside me. Torin slammed the door, shutting out the noise of the rain and the sound of plane engines.

In the muffled cool of the car, I let myself stare at Sloane. She was slumped against my chest, and I lifted my arm to settle it across her narrow shoulders.

She made a soft, contented noise, turning her face and pressing it more closely to my chest. Then she exhaled heavily, her warm breath reaching through the fibers of my shirt. The driver’s side door opened and Torin slid inside.

“Caolan is here,” Torin said.

I frowned.Why in the hell was Caolan at the airport?Before I could ask, the passenger door opened, and the man in question slid inside the car, shaking the rain off his jacket.

Caolan Daly was the clan’s Quartermaster. At only a few inches shorter than me but a few years older, he held the rank of sergeant for the clan, and headed the team of my enforcers. Technically, the bastard was my boss, but we’d been friends since we were kids, and our management style was anything but normal.

He shoved some of his wet brown hair from his eyes and shut the door. “This fucking weather.”

“You say that like it’s fucking news,” I replied.

He grinned, then narrowed his eyes at Sloane. “Is this the lass that was promised to Finnan?”

“Aye. Sloane Kavanaugh in the flesh.”

Caolan looked her over, his green eyes lingering on her legs and ass a little too long for my liking. “She’s a pretty lass. Finnan fucking lucked out with this deal.”

I chewed the inside of my cheek. “Yeah. What are you doing here again?”

His smile turned into a frown. “A delivery was supposed to be coming in tonight, but the airplane’s hold was empty when I looked. The airport staff said they didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. It was like someone stole our shit from right under our noses.”

Shit.Finnan had been keeping me updated on the deals that were falling through while I was away. Whenever there was a chance to make some money, another clan beat us to it. I had no idea how they were doing it, but Finnan wasn’t going to hold his dick and do nothing. We just had to figure outhowthe other clans were getting their intel. My gut told me there was a rat in our ranks.

“We need to put an end to this shite,” Caolan said vehemently.

I nodded, being one hundred percent on board with that. “Are you riding back with us?”

The other man’s eyes drifted down to Sloane once more, and my hand curled into a tight fist. Somehow, the thought of having to share a car with him while he eyed the girl like that just about made me want to commit murder.

Which was ridiculous.

Because the lass wasn’t mine.

She belonged to my boss.

“No. I have my own car waiting.” His gaze drifted back to Sloane, and he said, “I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”

My shoulders loosened. I hadn’t even realized they were tight. “I’ll see you around, Caolan.”

With a wicked grin, Caolan popped open the door and stepped back out in the rain.

As soon as the door slammed shut, I told Torin, “Go.”

He went, sliding the car into gear and pulling off the tarmac and out of the airport like he’d stolen the damn thing. With my free hand, I gripped theoh-shithandle, and my arm around Sloane tightened. We went around a corner, making her body slide more tightly against mine, and I gritted my teeth.

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