Page 63 of Little Bird

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My question caught him off guard because he just blinked at me. “What?”

“What else is happening? Dealers are getting killed. What else?”

“Nothing,” he replied. “Cox is fucking breathing down my neck about these hits, and I have no explanation for them. I don’t know who’s taking my guys out. I just know I’ve been left with a huge hole in my operation.” He turned his head to look at me. “Do you think the fire could have something to do with Hawk?”

I recoiled, physically jerking away even though it hurt. “Why would it have anything to do with him?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just speculating here.”

I thought about his question, ready to deny it, but then I remembered what Hawk had told me, that he’d gotten the money for Bane but hadn’t told mewherehe’d gotten it from. Could this have something to do with him? “Hawk had more money to pay you back. When I told him I’d settled the debt, he’d seemed really upset. Likereallyupset. I didn’t know why he’d reacted that way, but maybe…”

“You need to speak to him.”

Numb. I felt so numb. I looked around for my phone, then remembered I must’ve lost it in the fire.

“Here.” Bane handed me his phone, and I dialed Hawk’s number.

“Bane,” he answered half a dozen rings in.

“It’s me,” I replied, coughing a little to clear my ravaged throat.

“Wren? Why do you have Bane’s phone?”

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter why I have his phone. I need to know something, and you’re going to tell me.” When he remained quiet, I inhaled deeply and let it out. “Where did you get that money? The money you were going to pay Bane back with?”

“Fuck, I can’t say.”

“You can say, Hawk, because my apartment was set on fire, and I’m in the hospital, so if it has something to do with that, then you better tell me or so help me God, I will flay the skin from your body.”

“Jesus,fuck, Wren. Are you okay?”

“I’m still breathing. I haven’t seen the doctor yet, though. I’m sure they’ll have some more information for me.”

“When did this happen?”

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall opposite my bed. “Maybe around six last night?”

“Oh shit, shit,shit,” he mumbled.

“What have you done, Hawk? Tell me you haven’t done anything stupid.”

“What hospital are you in? I’ll come to you.”

Putting my hand over the mouthpiece, I asked, “Which hospital am I in?”


I relayed the information to my brother, hung up, and passed the phone back to Bane.

“What did he say?”

“He was shocked. He’s coming down here, although whether or not we’ll get any information out of him is a different story.”

“Ms. Montana, is now a good time?”

I look up to see who’d spoken. There was a young man standing in the doorway. “Ah, sure.”

With a confident nod, he strolled in. “Ms. Montana, my name’s Doctor Watts. I treated you in the ER.”

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