Page 40 of Little Bird

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He folded his meaty arms over his chest. “They were also asking questions about Sanderson’s man who turned up dead.”

“Did you wipe all evidence?”

He gave me a flat stare. “This isn’t my first fucking rodeo, boss.”

Of course, it wasn’t. Dagger was ex-military. The government had trained him themselves. I tapped my desk as I thought about options. Since the cops were only fishing, and there was nothing to connect me to the dealers, I decided not to worry about it. “Just keep an eye on things, but I’m fucking confident we’re not a serious suspect.” When Dagger just stood there for a moment too long, I barked, “What?”

“Detective Cox said she was coming to talk to you this afternoon.”

“Jesus-fucking-Christ, like I need this right now?” I slammed my fist onto the desk, making everything rattle. Pain hummed through my hand, but it did nothing to soothe the dark beast lurking inside. “Get rid of her.”

Slowly, Dagger shook his head. “I’ve been fobbing her off for over a week now. She’s done waiting.”

Fuck!“Fine. When?”

“In about fifteen.”

Motherfucker. I glared at Dagger like he was personally responsible for the heat from the cops. Working my jaw, I bit down the urge to shoot something, took a few deep breaths, then said calmly, “Fine. Send her in when she gets here. Anything else you want to bring to myattentionthis morning?”

His dark brows drew down over his eyes. “We need another Doll to replace Syndy.”

I knew this shit was coming. Opening my laptop, I entered the password and went into the directory I kept of all the women who had applied to work here. “All right.” I highlighted three names, then turned my laptop around for Dagger to see. “These three. Vet them again. Who knows how much has changed in the last however long since they applied, then get them in for interviews.”

“You got it, boss.”



I openedmy apartment door to find Bane standing in the hallway, looking seriously out of place in his ten-thousand-dollar suit and black silk shirt. I smiled, then pulled him into my apartment while I finished finding my other shoe.

“What are you doing, Little Bird?” he asked as he watched me checking under furniture and in cupboards.

“I lost a shoe,” I tell him, frowning. Which was fucking strange since I always made it a point to put all my shoes away in the closet as soon as I get home. Granted, I was looking for a black pump, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d worn them, so I was even more confused.

I sighed when his arms came around my waist, the feeling of his solid chest against my back a welcome distraction. “Pick another pair.” He flexed his hips into my ass. “I need to feed you, so then I can fuck you.”

He let me go, and I peered at him over my shoulder. “I’ll just grab another pair.” Walking back into my room, I pulled out a pair of red pumps. They would clash a little with my dusty-rose colored dress but beggars-choosers and all that. Sliding them onto my feet, I wandered back out to find Bane staring out the window.

“Not much of a view,” I tell him.

He turned around, his expression serious. “The lock on your window is broken.”

Broken?“Fuck, Hawk must’ve done it last time he was here. He’s all about brute force rather than logic.”

Bane’s jaw bulged as he ground his teeth. “I hate that you live here.”

“I hate it, too,” I told him, running my hands up his chest, under the edges of his suit jacket. He felt so warm beneath my fingers. “But it’s what I have to work with. And before you ask me to do something insane like move in with you, the answer is no. I make my own way in this world. Plus… what happens when this is over?” I gestured between us.

If I thought his expression was unhappy before, now it was downright murderous.

Snaking his arm around my waist, he took control of my neck and forced me to meet his gaze. The intensity with which he looked at me was a fucking turn-on. I shivered in the wake of his desire. “I hope to fuck this never ends, Wren.” He kissed me, pouring all his savage emotions into that one action, his fingers digging in and caging me against his hard body. I sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility bleed from my body.

Only Bane could do this to me.

Only Bane could take over that constant weight, that unrelenting drive to keep all the balls in the air.

And that terrified me.

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