Page 2 of Little Bird

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What can I say? I have a fucking reputation for dirty fucking sex that the women always came back for.

“Get back on that dance floor and earn your tips.” Gesturing to the drink, I added, “Thanks for this.”

I watched as Kandy sashayed the fuck out of my office, closing the door softly behind her. Turning back around, I waited until I saw her descend the stairs tucked beside the bar, then went back to what I was doing.

And what was I doing? I was waiting for one of my fucking dealers to turn up with a fucking good explanation. He’d been light on his drop earlier in the day, the kind of money that made me pay attention.

There was another knock on the door, this one firm and unyielding.Dagger.

“Come in,” I barked.

Dagger, my right-hand man, stepped into the room. His short, dark hair was wet, so he’d just come from dispensing some punishment for me.Good man.“Did you get him?”

“Yeah, he’s out here pissing his pants for you.”

A smile pulled at the corners of my mouth. “Just the way I like it. Send the fuck in.”

Dagger grunted and stepped outside. A moment later, a guy named Hawk Montana was shoved into the room with such force that he tripped over his own feet and ended up sprawled out in front of me.

How fucking fitting.

When he tried to get up, I shoved my three-thousand-dollar Italian loafer between his shoulder blades and pushed him back down. I didn’t think the guy would have been inclined to stay if it weren’t for the sound of Dagger shoving a magazine into his new toy—a Heckler & Koch MP5K—before hovering the loud and fatal end over Hawk’s head.

“Where’s my money?” I asked in a bored drawl. Really, I had better fucking things to do with my time.

“It was all there,” Hawk replied. “I counted it. Twice.”

“Then I’d say you need to go back to school, Hawk, because it wasn’t all there.Icounted it twice, and you were at least fifty grand short.”

All the color drained from Hawk’s face as sweat started to form on his brow. “Fiftygrand?”

I held out my hand to him, all five fingers up like good little soldiers. “This many, times ten, asshole, unless you can’t count those up without the help of a calculator.”

“I counted it twice,” he muttered, more to himself than to me. “Jesus, Bane, I’m sorry. It was all there when I dropped it off. I swear!”

I looked over at Dagger, who shrugged.

Now, I wasn’t a fucking monster. I wasn’t going to kill the fucker yet, but I was going to give him one more chance.

“How about I make you a deal, Hawk.” I crouched in front of him. “I give you two weeks to come up with the cash you owe me, and you deliver it to me like a good little boy. If you can’t do that, then I’m afraid our working relationship is over… as is your heart’s relationship with beating in your chest.”

I stood, jerking my chin at Dagger. My man placed the submachine gun on my desk and hauled the other man up. When I was face to face with him, I said, “And to make sure you understand just how serious I am, you now have one week to get me my cash.”

Hawk’s eyes widened until I could see the whites all the way around. Good. He needed to be scared because what I had planned for him was going to go down as one of my messiest retributions in history.

People didn’t steal from me.


“Rough him up a little before sending him on his way,” I said to Dagger as I turned back to the large picture window. I listened as Hawk was hauled away, mumbling something about how a week wasn’t enough time and how he’d counted the money twice.

Honestly, I didn’t give a fuck about the money. Fifty grand was a fucking drop in the ocean compared to everything else. I was punishing the guy on principle. I refused to let anyone screw me out of my money.

No. Fucking. Way.

Reaching down, I rearranged my dick in my pants, then threw back what was left in the glass. I may not fuck my dancers, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the fuck out of them when I felt like it.

Surveying the floor, I spotted a Doll who would do for tonight. Normally, I would’ve called her up here, but I was feeling restless so I hoofed it down the stairs and out onto the opulent floor of The Dollhouse. The décor was decorated in rich reds and glittering golds. The walls were black, the poles and stages where my Dolls danced were polished to within an inch of their lives. Plush red velvet couches and dark brown leather chesterfield armchairs were scattered around, all oriented to get the best view of the Dolls while they worked.

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