Page 77 of Tease Me

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Did he ever know this woman? She was going to get him drunk, get impregnated and, what, they live happily ever after?

“You’re unbelievable. Unbelievable!” He stalked away, only to return a moment later. “You and I will never get back together again. And after this stunt?” He couldn’t even finish his thought. All that was running through his head was thoughts of ways he could hurt her more than she’d hurt him.

“It’s over, Lisa.”

“Beau,” she started, desperate.

“No! Fuck you.”

Pushing past her, he began walking back to his car. He passed loved-up couples as he walked, hating them all just a little but hating himself more. How could he have been so stupid to believe Lisa? He should’ve asked more questions, realized there was no possible way she could’ve been pregnant by him. If he actually bothered to think it all through, he would’ve realized it sooner.

He wondered if this changed anything with Vee. Vee. He stopped dead, making one guy behind him swear at him.

“Sorry,” he muttered, stepping to the side to let the foot traffic flow past. This changed everything, didn't it? Lisa wasn’t pregnant. He wasn’t going to be a father. He had no reason to remain loyal to her.

“But that wasn’t the issue,” he told himself. Lisa being pregnant didn’t mean a thing to Vee. The fact that he’d failed to tell her about it in the first place was the problem. So how could he make it better? How could he fix this? Evangeline was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, have a family with.Shewas it for him and he’d lost her twice now. He wouldn’t be doing it again.

Spinning around, he began back toThe Nightingale, determined to explain to her that he was going to prove himself to her, that they were going to be together again. He rounded the corner, seeing the line to get in. This time, he waited—somewhat impatiently—to be let back in again.

At the front of the line, the same bouncer who let him in before looked him over.

“She didn’t go back in,” he told him. “She got an Uber or something.”

“I’m not here for her,” he replied. “Can I go in?”

With a curt nod, he stepped aside and let Beau inside. It took him a few minutes to get adjusted to the dimness of the club, his gaze traveling over everyone in there, scanning the crowd for Evangeline. He hoped she was still there.

He saw Natasha in one of the booths, chatting with a guy who looked like he’d just stepped off a surfboard. She turned her head just then, seeing him there. Turning back to the guy, she said something and got up.

“You know the truth then?”

He nodded. “You were the one to text me?”

“I was. You deserved to find out what a snake she is.”

“How did you—”

“Find out?” she asked. “Vee and I were in the bathroom when we overheard Lisa talking to her friend. She was actually laughing about how she played you and believed every single lie she fed you.”

“I’m glad I found out. I mean, it would’ve all come out eventually, I guess.” Although as he said the words, he wondered whether her plan would’ve played out like she wanted.

“What are you going to do now?”

“Where’s Vee? I’m going to make this right.”

Natasha’s expression fell, but she pointed to a table about thirty feet away. Beau turned, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. Evangeline was sitting beside a guy who had his hand on her knee as he leaned in and whispered something in her ear. He could feel his blood pressure rising but jerked when someone touched his arm.

“I know this sucks, and I was rooting for you, Beau—really I was—but you hurt her for a second time.”

“I love her,” he hissed, irrationally angry at Natasha for stopping him from killing the guy eye-fucking his girl.

“If you love her, let her be happy.”

“She can be happy with me. I know she can.”

Natasha shook her head slowly. “She was happy with you, but I can’t let you break her again.”

“I wouldn’t. I won’t.”

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