Page 55 of Tease Me

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“Alright, little Erin monster, it is time for something to eat.”

Erin jumped up, running to Gigi and hugging her legs. Hard.

“Whoa, whoa, ease up, Erin,” Vee said, scooping her up. “You need to be gentle with Gigi.”

“She not Gigi. She’s Mommy,” Erin replied, spinning around in Vee’s

arms to face her. She placed her little hands on either side of Evangeline’s face, then leaned in and kissed her nose.

“Okay, Erin, lunchtime!” Max’s mother walked into the room, spiriting the toddler away. Evangeline looked up to find Beau staring at her, in wonder—in awe. Wrapping her in his arms, he placed a kiss onto the top of her head.

“I love you,” he whispered into her hair. “I love you so damn much.”

Turning her face to him, she merely stared. Her eyes told him that she felt the same way, but her mouth and her tongue remained still.

“You don’t have to say it if you’re not ready. I just want you to know.”

She nodded. “Come on, I need a drink.”

He followed her back into the kitchen, unable to take his eyes off her as she moved around the space, completely familiar with her surroundings. He was glad Vee had found a friend in Max and Gigi. It put his mind at ease.

“So I see you found a new best friend,” he said, breaking the silence.

“Best friend? Oh! You mean Erin?” He nodded. “Yeah, we’re tight.”

He drained the last of his beer. “You seem really happy just spending time with her.”

“I am. She’s a kid, you know. She doesn’t judge me.”

He didn’t tell her what he really wanted to say: that she looked like a natural mother, that he could see them getting married and having kids... thathewanted all of those things. With her. He glanced around the room, taking in the number of people that now filled it.

“Do you know any of them?” he asked, gesturing to the crowd.

Vee shook her head. “I don’t have much of a social life,” she said with a shrug.

He leaned back against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms. She joined him, mirroring his position. “So, what do you think she does?” he asked, pointing at a woman who looked like she just got her hair styled by a dog groomer.

“Oh, she’s definitely a spy,” Evangeline said with a smile. “Russian.”

Beau laughed out loud, drawing the attention of the primped and pampered woman.

She dismissed them, making Vee laugh out loud. “Okay,” she said, after she got control of herself. “What about him?”

A rather short man with thinning hair was perusing the table laid out with sandwiches, fresh fruit, and sushi rolls.

“Oh, well, he’s an exotic dancer.”

Evangeline spat out some of her drink, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Clearly he’s retired,” he tacked on, and Evangeline snorted.

Three hours later,they were on their way back to Vee’s apartment. Reaching over, she entwined their fingers as they took the winding road back into West Hollywood.

“Did you have fun today?” he asked, bringing her hand up to kiss the back of hers.

She was resting back against the headrest, slowly turning her face to him. “I did. Max and Gigi are meant to be together, and now their little family is growing.”


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