Page 5 of Tease Me

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"I heard he already got the other girl pregnant," Chastity sobbed.

Natasha, Evangeline's best friend, sucked in a breath of air, the sound hissing through her teeth. "That bastard."

Evangeline wanted to add something comforting, something meant to lift Chastity's spirits, but she found she just couldn't give a fuck. She'd been watching this train wreck from the day it started. She'd seen the signs, seen the way Chastity had been too involved, too “into him” from day one. She'd kept her mouth shut though. What was the point of trying to interfere? Chastity would have just told her to go and fuck herself, and that she was just jealous... and—regrettably—she would have been right. Evangelinewasjealous. Not of Chastity dating Chad, but of having that intimacy with someone. She had only experienced it once before and she'd vowed never to let herself get hurt like that again.

"—don't you think, Vee?"

"Huh? Sorry. What?" Evangeline shook her head, clearing away her thoughts. Everyone was staring at her, all poised to hear her words of wisdom. She guessed running a nightclub gave her plenty of chances to see lots of different kinds of relationships. Sheknewpeople, recognized personalities.

"Umm..." She swallowed the rest of the drink and winced. "Sorry, I wasn't listening."

Chastity emitted a squeak of disbelief at her statement before tipping the rest of her cosmopolitan down her throat. Reaching out her hand, Evangeline squeezed her friend's hand. "I am sorry, Chastity. He's made a huge mistake."

Chastity gave her a weak smile before looking up toward the bar. "I need another drink," she announced in a higher-pitched voice than normal. Standing up, she wobbled briefly on her six-inch heels then sauntered in the direction of the alcohol.

"How long before she's getting over Chad with her legs in the air?" Natasha asked, talking out of the side of her mouth.

Evangeline laughed out loud before slapping a hand over the sound. She shouldn't be laughing. She should be supporting Chastity; they'd been friends since high school, although they'd drifted apart a little since they went to different colleges. "You shouldn't say stuff like that."

"Why not?" Natasha shot back with a wry smile. "We both know it's true."

Evangeline looked around at the other girls, seeing they were chatting among themselves and not paying attention to her and Natasha's conversation. She sighed. "I give her five days."

Natasha smiled, her eyes on the bar. "I give her two."

Evangeline followed Natasha's gaze. Chastity was surrounded by a group of three young businessmen. She was beaming at all of them, wiping away the tears that were still clinging to her cheeks.

"She is so getting laid tonight," murmured Natasha.

"Probably by all three of them," Evangeline added. "At the same time." Twisting back in her seat, she looked forlornly at her empty glass. She needed another drink. All this talk about relationships was getting to her. She hadn't wanted to come out and commiserate tonight, but Chastity had insisted.

Someone reached down and placed a glass of bourbon in front of her. She glanced up at the waitress questioningly.

"From the gentleman at the bar," the woman said, pointing over her shoulder at a man.

Evangeline glanced over. With his own drink in his hand, he raised it toward her and smiled. Giving him a nod, she picked up her own glass and took a sip.

"Wow, Vee, you really know how to attract men."

She turned back to Natasha and shrugged. It didn't matter. She wasn't interested in anything a man could give her—apart from the obvious. Despite her swearing off love, she still had some itches that needed scratching. She found herself staring at the man again, her eyes locked on his eyes, his lips, his jaw. He was attractive—a businessman, she guessed, from the suit he was wearing. She also guessed he was somebody with a “C” in front of his job title. The Rolex on his wrist winked when his sleeve drew down his arm as he took another sip from his glass. He probably worked out six times a week, ate the right food, looked after himself.

She could go over there and get exactly what she needed. It had been a long time since she'd fucked someone. It would be simple; all she had to do was stand up and say six words to him.

Want to get out of here?

Six simple words and she would be leading him to her apartment—or him leading her to his—and stripping off her clothes. They wouldn't talk because they wouldn't need to. They would take what they wanted from each other and leave satisfied. No mess. No emotions. Just fucking.

She could do that. She could.

"What are you still doing sitting here?" Natasha asked, interrupting her thoughts. "Go and speak to him."

Evangeline licked her lips then looked away, efficiently dismissing the businessman with nothing more than a thought. "Not tonight."

Natasha sat back in her chair, staring at Evangeline with a look of consternation written all over her face. "I don't get you."

"What's to get?" she replied, sipping from her new glass of bourbon. "I'm not interested."

"We both know that's bullshit. You're practically salivating."

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