Page 67 of Tempt Me

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Hewasmorethan aware of how hungryhis expression was. Seeing herbarelydressed and pliant evenwhen shewassupposed to beangrywith himwasturning himon. If she had been sober,he wouldn’thavebothered asking her questions; hewould haveseduced her,knowing shewould give in tohim.


Shewasrolling drunk,andMax would never take advantageof awomanwhilehermental faculties werecompromised. Hestood up,holdingouthishandtoher. Hehauled her upoffthecouch, holding her closetothefront of hisbody.Shehad totiltherhead backtolookhimin theeye,the position exposing her long, lean necktohim.


“Where?”shewhispered,her eyeslingeringon hismouth.


Gigi stumbleda littleashetugged herdownthe hallwaytohisroom.Shedidn’tresist,and she didn’tvoiceanyobjections—all ofwhich hewastaking asa good sign. Softlyclosing thedoor behind them,hebroughthishandstothewaistbandof her skirt,searching forthezipper in the back.

Ashepulled theslidedown,shedidn’ttakehereyesoff hisface. “Areyouundressing me?”sheasked.

“Yes,”Maxreplied,letting theskirtpool atherfeet.Hebroughthishandstothehemofthat minisculehalter neck. Thefabricwasstretchy,expanding and hugging each and every oneof her curves. Hepulled it over her head,her barenipplestightening in thecool breeze.

“Areyougoing tomakelovetome?”Hervoicewashopeful,buthereyeswereglazed.

Touching thesideof hercheek,heran histhumboverher bottomlip.“No.”

Her browfurrowed.“Whatareyou doing then?”

Hestaredather,hiseyesroving hungrily overeveryinch of herflesh. Hewanted topresshimself againsther. Hewanted to getreacquainted with hercurveseven though she’donlywalkedouton himlessthan twenty-fourhoursbefore.“I’mputtingyoutobed.”

Disappointmentflittered acrossher features,lasting only a moment.“Are you coming tobed too?”

Hepulled packthequiltand motioned forherto getin. Her red hair fannedouton the pillow aboveher head whenshelaydown,giving her an almostethereal look. Hearranged thebedding backintoplace quickly,mainlytostop himself fromogling her perfectbodyand ignoring thestern pep-talkhe’d justgiven himself.“Soon.”Leaning down,hekissed her foreheadand walked fromthe room.

When shewoke up,shewould haveakiller headache.Going backtotheliving room,he picked up her glassand refilled it,then wentsearching in thecabinetin the bathroomfor someTylenol. He putbothon her bedsidetable,brieflylooking down at her;shewasfastasleep.

Maxchecked onErinonelasttime,giving her abottleand changing her diaper beforegoing to bed himself.Stripping down tohisboxers,heslid intothebed besideGigi,turning on hissidewith hisbackfacing her. Even though shehad asked iftheywere going tohavesex,he didn’twanther waking up in the morning and thinking thatsomethingotherthan sleeping had happened—especiallyif shewasstillholding on tosomeof thatanger frombefore.

Justbeforehedriftedoff tosleep,hefeltherarmwrap around hiswaist,her hand coming to lieoverhis heart.

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