Page 5 of Tempt Me

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Gigilooked uptoseetheywereontheir street. Sheand Jen shared a twobedroomapartment near theuniversity. Jen’sparents had organized everything,ensuring theyhad thelease for all fouryearsand had subsidized rent. Theyclimbed thestairs instead oftaking theelevator,and Jen openedthefrontdoor.Shoving Gigi’sback,Jen directed her intothe bathroom.

“Getshowered. Shaveeverything thenmeetmeoutherein fifteenminutes.”

Shaveeverything?Shaking her head, Gigi walked into the bathroom and lockedthe door behind her. Shestarted up thewater,hearing the pipes knocking togetherin thewalls. Afterstripping outofher clothes,she gotunderthesprayand tilted her head back,soaking her hair.

A shampooand condition later,her thick red hairwasstucktoher headand trailing down tothe middleof herback.Luckily,she’d beenblessedwithstraighthair, whichmadethefactthatitwasred notseemlikesuch abigdeal. Picking up therazor,Gigishaved her legs and under her arms,then paused asshelooked down ather bikiniarea.

“Nothappening,”shewhispered toherself then cut thewater. Wrappingonetowel around her head and another around her body,shestepped fromthebathroomandwentintoherroom. Laid outon her bed werefivedifferentoutfits,allwithvarying degreesof fabric. Jen wasrummaging through Gigi’s underweardrawer.

“Can I helpyou?”sheasked,irritated.

Jen looked up,a pairof Gigi’s underwearhanging fromherfinger. “Don’tyouhaveanything slightlymoreinteresting than blackand cotton?”

Marching over,she snatched theoffending garmentfrom Jen’s finger.“No.”

“I needto get you somenewunderwear,Gigi. You need to feel a bitof laceand silkagainstyour skin.”Jen ran her hands over herstomach,hipsand thighs,wiggling her ass a little. “Trustme whenI saythatonceyou getatastefor it, you will notwantto go backtocotton.”

“There’s nothing wrong with cotton.”Shesighedand looked attheoutfitson thebed. “Which oneof thesegod-awful dresses amIsupposedtoweartonight?”

Jen smiled,casuallydropping intoGigi’s deskchair. “Whicheveroneyouwant.Lookover themall then I’ll tell you whatoneIwantyoutowear,butthefinal decision is yours.”

Groaning,Gigipicked up thefirstdress,which was nothing butsheer laceexceptfor two panels in thebustand hip area. “Pass,”shesaid,dropping thedress backtothe bed. Thenextthreewerejust as bad. If theyweren’tsee-through,theyhadverylownecklines, werebacklessor weresimplytoo shorttosufficientlycoverGigi’s ass.

Thelastdress,however, wasperfect. Itwasanemerald green strapless dress thatfell tojust aboveherknees.Sheturned to Jen with a smile.“This one.”

“Perfect.I was goingto haveyou wear thatoneanyway. I was justhaving somefun withyou by showingyoutheothers.”

Gigi wasn’tsurethatwas true. ThefactthatJenevenhad those other dresses inher wardrobe wasa scaryreminderofwhather roommateliked towear.

“Getdressed, then I’lldoyour hair and make-up.”

Gigi shookherhead.“Noway. You never said anythingaboutthat. I’llwearthedress,butthat’s it.”

Jen pouted for amoment then laughed. “Itwaswortha try,I guess.”Getting upoutof thechair,

she saunteredovertothe bedroomdoor. “We’releaving in twenty.”

Gigistared after Jen,thenbackdown atthedress in her hands. Whathad shegotten herself into?

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