Page 113 of Primal Kill

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“Rest. I’m tired from the spell and I need to shut my eyes for a few minutes.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was enough that they both backed off and left her alone.

Juniper laid on the sofa and covered her eyes, but that made the memories worse. She saw them no matter where she looked. No distraction seemed powerful enough to silence the past as it blared at her from all directions.

She remained in the library long after dark. Dane and Adriel had checked on her a few times but, for the most part, left her alone. She appreciated the privacy, needing time to process. Accepting the headache wasn’t going to fade, shereturned to her books, specifically searching for any information about fated mates.

“You’re still working?”

She glanced up from her books and found Adriel standing in the doorway. “I haven’t gotten very far.”

“It’s been hours.”

She sat back, her body stiff and aching from staying in the same position too long. “There’s a lot here. Sometimes I have to read an entry five times before it sinks in.”

“Your mind needs a break, June.”

She’d tried resting, but when she closed her eyes, she was haunted by visions of that psycho hurting Adriel. “I’ll rest when he’s dead.”

“Don’t say that.” She stepped into the study and closed the door. “I’ve thought about what Dane suggested.”


“I’m putting my foot down.”


“No. You cannot ask this of me. I have lived through more than any person should, and I have a right to decide what I want for myself. I was helpless up on that cliff.”

“We were under prepared.”

“We will never be prepared, Juniper. You and Dane nearly died.”

“But we didn’t. That’s won’t happen again.”

“You can’t guarantee that.”

“I can. See all this?” She shoved her hands toward the stacks of books. “This is me preparing.I’ve set spells to help me absorb as much information as possible. My mind is open?—”

“You just admitted that you were struggling.”

“I’m tired. That’s all. I haven’t eaten. Maybe I need more blood. But those aren’t reasons to give up.” Didn’t she realize she was more than enough reason to keep going. “I can’t walk away, Adriel. Not now.”

“This isn’t your choice.”

“It is. I’m choosing to fight for you and stand by your side. I’m sorry if that scares you, but that’s… That’s what love is. If it happens to one of us, it happens to both of us, and that sick fuck isn’t getting near you again—not while I’m guarding you.”

“You’re young, Juniper. Arrogance is often the result of foolish youth.”

“Don’t patronize me. I’m not a fool, and I’m perfectly aware of what I’m risking.”

“It took a band of male immortals to take him down the first time. I know your magick is getting stronger, but you have to think about this logically, up here.” She pointed to her head. “You cannot let your heart lead. Not in this.”

Juniper rejected such nonsense. “I love you. Maybe you don’t get what that truly means, but I do. I’m not leaving you unprotected. We do that and he willabsolutelywin. I’m sorry if that’s too much for you or too fast. But it’s how I feel. Even if it ruins everything we have together, right now, I refuse to let you face him alone.” Her hand splayed on her chest, where her heart still feltbroken from the cruel visions she experienced earlier. “That’s what real love does.”

“I can’t bear this!” Adriel snapped, turning away. “You’re giving me no choice in the matter. Why do you get to protect me, but I cannot protect you?”

“I’m not trying to take your choice away. I’m trying to save your life.”

She dropped her face into her hands and sat down. “What if I can’t be saved?”

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