Page 57 of Wickedly Innocent

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“Hey,” he said as his hands grazedover the sticky wetness of Ben’s blood on my shirt. I shook my headagainst him as more tears leaked from my eyes. “Not mine,” Imanaged.

As if the mention of his blood wasfunny, I heard Ben’s quiet chuckle coming from the hallway. Iglanced over to see him laying on his belly with the three securityofficers holding him down. My stomach rolled and revolted at thesmile he held on his bloody face. He caught me looking at him andtilted his head up off the ground and sucked at his teeth. Iflinched as he spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor below himbefore he smiled broadly once again. I wanted to throw up as hestarted laughing like this was all a big joke to him.

I always laughed and brushed itoff anytime Anna had made fun of him in the past. When sheconstantly called him a psycho or mocked him with some famousserial killer’s name. But as I sat there with him staring into myeyes covered in blood and smiling, it solidified every inklingfeeling that he truly was deranged.

As if he knew I couldn’t look awayfrom the psychopath in the hallway, Ian gripped my head and turnedme to lie on his chest. I gripped him fiercely and all but crawledinto his skin. “Okay, it’s all right, shh. I’m here.” He soothed meas we sat on the ground and waited for the authorities to takeover.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Three Weeks Later

“You sure you don’t want a ride tothe restaurant?” Ian’s voice sounded in my bedroom doorway just asI exited the bathroom. I would’ve jumped, frightened that he washere at all if it weren’t for the fact that he was always here. Ismiled as I loosened my grip on the towel wrapped around me.

“And what would you do while I’mat brunch? Sit in your car and wait for us to finish eating?” Ismiled up at him as I brushed past him on my way into my room. Thatwas weird to think,my room.I hadn’t had my own room sincemoving from Mom’s house to college. But here I was once more, in aroom I didn’t have to share with anyone. Well, except for Ian whenhe stayed the night, which seemed like almost every night.

I was still getting used to nothaving to share sleeping space with a roommate, even if saidroommate was just down the hall now, it still felt odd. I hadn’trealized how accustomed I’d become to sleeping in the same room assomeone else until the first week in our new apartment. It wasrough the first couple of nights when I realized I’d come to relyon Anna’s steady breathing a few feet away to help lull me tosleep. Luckily, Ian had stayed with us more often than not and himbeing next to me every night helped a lot.

After everything that happenedwith Ben, Anna and I decided we no longer wanted to stay in ourdorm. The place where we’d spent the last few years building ourfriendship had become quickly tainted by the memory of what he putus through.

Thoughts of Ben caused my chest toclench as I dried my hair. It was too soon to know what was goingto happen to him. All I knew was that he was still being held injail until his court hearing later that month. The police wereworking with the college on an open investigation. So far, a lot ofthe case was still hush-hush but being as Damon was married to myaunt, I knew more than most about what was happening.

Apparently, not a lot of peoplerealized just how depraved Ben really was. Some students, mostlyguys that I’d gone on a couple of dates with, were now comingforward and speaking up about the threats they’d received. I wasdisgusted to learn about the multitude of death threats they’dgotten simply from going out with me once or twice. It was nowonder to me now as to why they ghosted me. I still couldn’tbelieve how blind I’d been to not see what was happening rightunder my nose.

I didn’t know enough about Ben’sfamily to know if he would be getting any legal help from them ornot. I still didn’t know how I felt about the whole situation. Itwas weird to go from being someone’s close friend and then to worstenemy so quickly. I felt uneasy anytime his name was spoken like Ishould’ve done something to help him in the end.

When I opened up to Ian about it,he’d helped me sort through the feelings I was having. He made mesee that there was more than likely nothing I could’ve done forhim. I didn’t know what his past was like but Ian’s thoughts from aprofessional standpoint were that he must have had some kind ofpast trauma that made him compulsive and obsessive with women. Iguess we all have issues and he just chose a poor way of copingwith his.

Nonetheless, Jill and Mom helpedme find a lawyer that would take on my case against him. Jill,being herself, was ready to cut Ben’s balls off at the earliestopportunity and I think my mom was ready to help hold him down. Istill felt bad for him but my hope was when all the dust wassettled he would get the help he clearly needed. I don’t know whatwould have happened to me if Ian hadn’t shown up when he did. Iliked to think that I knew Ben enough that he wouldn’t have forcedhimself on me but we would never really know.

Even if he wouldn’t have triedanything sexual with me, what Ben did to Anna and me in our dormcaused us to be on the fast track out of there. Ian was all toohappy to help us find an affordable apartment near the college andcoincidentally closer to his condo.

I smiled at the memory of movingday. Anna and I hadn’t had to lift a single finger that day. Ian,Heath, and Reid had all come to help us move what little we had inour dorm into our new two-bedroom apartment. Watching all the mentogether with my mom and Anna next to me had been amusing. I hadn’tmissed the way Anna’s eyes tracked Mom’s husbands but then againshe hadn’t tried to hide her obvious attraction. I couldn’t blameher really, if they weren’t my stepdads they would totally be hotin all senses of the word.

I teased her about having astarry-eyed crush on my stepdads. That was until she pointed outthat I not only had a crush onherdad but I was activelyfucking him. I still felt the hot flush that rose to my face at themention of him. It was taking us a little time to get used to thefact that I was with her dad. I was just glad we chose an apartmentwith soundproof walls and bedrooms on opposite sides of the space.The last thing I needed was for Anna to know how much I thoroughlyenjoyed being with her dad.

Who just so happened to be staringat me from the doorway like he was about to eat me up. I broughtmyself out of my thoughts and watched him carefully as I finisheddrying my hair. I smiled to myself as I thought of all the ways I’dlike him to have his way with me. It was funny really, I’d noticedthings about myself these last few weeks. I’d clearly gone througha sexual awakening since my first time with Ian.

In the past, if he would’ve lookedat me like he was now I would’ve blushed and looked the other way.Not stood up straight and met his searing gaze with one of my own.The smile that creased his lips emboldened me as he gripped thedoorway. I felt confidence rise in me as I dropped the towel I’dbeen drying my still-damp hair with.

“I think I can manage to getmyself to brunch, Dr. Young,” I answered his earlier question. Iloved the way his eyes flared at the mention of his official title.I nearly melted into a puddle as he crossed his arms and leanedagainst the doorframe.

“Do you want to playDoctor, Bambi?” he grumbled. It was clear he could feel thesame sexual tension I was feeling.

I bit my lip as I ran my fingersalong the top edge of my towel, teasing the top swells of mybreasts. His eyes flickered there and watched my movements. He madeno other move toward me, though, seemingly content to just watchthe show.

I nodded as I played with the partof the towel I’d tucked to hold it in place. “I have about an houruntil I have to meet the others. Anna isn’t here either, we havethe whole place to ourselves,” I said as I gripped the plushfabric.

It took no effort at all torelease the towel and let it drop to the floor around my feet. Istood completely naked in front of him. I wasn’t sure if it was theA/C or the intense way he stared at me that caused gooseflesh torush over my body. The dampness between my thighs had nothing to dowith my shower and everything to do with the man currently gapingat me. My nipples puckered painfully and I didn’t stop myself as myhands climbed my body in search of the tightened peaks.

I kept my sights trained on him asI pinched myself. His eyes darkened and he clenched his jaw as ifholding himself back.That just won’t do.Along with mysexual awakening, I learned that I’m undoubtedly an instantgratification kinda gal. I didn’t like waiting for all thedelicious things this man would do to my body.

I released my breasts andsauntered over to my bed. It didn’t even cross my mind anymoreabout how my body looked. I knew Ian loved my body for all itsflaws and I did too. I kept my gaze on him as I laid down on top ofthe freshly made bed. I pointed my legs in his direction and bentthem at the knees. He watched me like a wolf observing its prey asI parted for him.

He finally pushed away from thedoorway and stalked my way then. I trailed my hand down my bellyuntil reaching my mound. I wasted no time pushing my fingersthrough my slick folds, finding the place that begged for hisattention. My breath caught as I grazed over my clit and swirled myfingers around the thumping nerve.

Ian knelt at the end of the bed sohe was at eye level with my most intimate area. “That is abeautiful pussy, Bambi. Spread yourself wide so I can see how wetyou are. Are you ready for my cock yet?” he asked.

I obeyed immediately and keptworking my fingers in tight circles. “I’m always ready for you,” Imoaned as I dipped down, gathered my arousal, and swirled itaround. We’d both grown to love this. He liked watching me bringmyself pleasure as much as I enjoyed doing it. His groan ofappreciation drove me higher as I continued to work myself. I wasalready so close to the edge, all I needed was a little extrapush.

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