Page 56 of Wickedly Innocent

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I licked my dry lips and tried tocalm myself as best I could as his fingers moved to the button ofmy jeans. He continued to kiss me up my neck until he reached myear. I felt the button release and a little part of me wanted todie as he spoke. “I can make you forget all about him,” hewhispered as he pressed his excitement against my ass.

I played along with him just so hewould release me but I didn’t know what I’d do if he took me righthere against the wall. He still held me tight enough that there wasno chance I would escape.Would Ian forgive me if this went anyfurther?I had to believe he would want me to do anything Icould to get out of this situation.

“I want to touch you.” I hopedplaying that card would win me his favor but I wasn’t sure at thispoint. After all, what person in their right state of mind wouldbelieve anything from a girl who just stabbed them? He was showinghow truly unhinged he was.

I sucked in a sharp breath as heignored my words and pushed his hand into my pants. I had to bitemy lip to smother my cry as he fumbled around my panties. I didn’tknow if I could keep this act up much longer.

“Ladies, is it safe to come inyet?” Ian’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. Bensnapped his head up and removed his hand from me in a split second.I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I felt like I could breatheat all. His hand at my back gripped my wrists tighter but I wasn’tthinking of the pain anymore.

I sucked in as large a breath asmy containment allowed and screamed for my freedom. “Ian!” My voicesounded just as fearful as I felt as Ben jerked me away from thewall only to slam me against it again.

That time when my head hit, myvision swam. His roughness was effective in the way of silencing mebut not in getting Ian to go away. My scream coupled with the thunkagainst the wall only made it blatantly obvious that something wasamiss.

“Lindsey!” Ian roared on the otherside of the door before a loud bang sounded. I could feel the hardkick against the door from the vibration along the wall. Ben pulledme away roughly and walked us backward further into the room.

“Fuck!” he hissed as he knew thegame was over. Tears washed unabashedly down my cheeks as I staredat the door.

“Hey! Over here!” I heard Ian’smuffled yell as he kicked the door again. That time a swell oftriumph rose in my body as I heard the door crack at the handle. Afew more kicks and I knew he would be through to me.

“Tell him you’re fine!” Ben yelledat me as if Ian wouldn’t hear him. I simply shook my head as Iankicked the door again. I could practically feel his wrath as thedoor splintered further. “Tell him!” Ben screamed again onlythis time he brought those bloody scissors up to my neck.

I turned my head slowly to facehim. The look of pure terror I saw in his eyes was almost enough tomake me smile. “No,” I spat just as Ian’s final kick landed againstthe door and it busted open.

I swung my gaze around just as Ianhurried into the room followed by campus security. His eyes flaredwith fury as he caught my gaze before finding Anna on the floor. Iwatched as he quickly assessed her and saw the moment he realizedshe was breathing. The security guard spotted the bloody scissorsstill pointed at my neck and immediately released his gun from theholster before speaking into the radio at his shoulder.

“Goddammit!” Ben roared behind meand pressed the weapon against me harder. I craned my neck as faras I could away from him as the sharp scissors stabbed against me.“You couldn’t just leave us alone? She doesn’t want you, she wantsme!” he screamed so loudly his voice broke.

Ian held his hands up to show hehad nothing to harm Ben as he stepped forward. His body movedgracefully and he seemed calmer than his eyes let on. I could tellby the dark look in his eyes that he would kill Ben the moment hecould.

“Let her go,” he said in a calmvoice.

I trembled as Ben shiftednervously behind me. I wiggled my hands against him as his gripseemed to loosen. If he noticed I was inches away from freedom, hedidn’t let on. He was too focused on Ian moving closer and closerwith each passing second.

“No, she was mine first,” Benseethed as if I were a toy on the playground to be fought over. Asif he remembered he was supposed to be holding me hostage, his gripclamped down on my wrists again. Though I couldn’t see his face, Iknew by the way his muscles twitched he was looking wildly from Ianto the security guard holding the gun pointed toward him.

I desperately looked for a way outand only one thing came to mind. It would hurt like a motherfucker,but it would give Ian the opportunity he needed to subdue Ben.Before I could talk myself out of it, I glanced at Ian and caughthis gaze. He held my stare and I tried like hell to convey what Iwas about to do with my eyes before I nodded. He seemed to get themessage as he readied himself to pounce.

Without another thought, I took adeep breath and dropped all my body weight against Ben. He heldonly my wrists tightly but it did him no good as I let myself dropto the floor. My shoulders screamed in pain as they jerked in anawkward position before he was forced to release me, unable to holdonto them anymore. I felt the scissors drag against my neck up mycheek and narrowly miss my eye but I forced myself to ignore thepain as I rolled away from my captor.

Ian lunged into action then. Hegrabbed for the scissors as he punched Ben across the face for thesecond time in the last two days. The crunch of his already brokennose breaking further caused bile to rise in my throat. Ben howledin pain as his grip on the scissors released completely.

Ian moved with the speed of apredator as he gripped Ben around the top of his head and held himin the same position he’d held me in moments ago. Ben yelped inpain as Ian pressed the sharp scissors against his strained neck,drawing blood. Ian looked barbaric as he bared his teeth and heldBen still.

“Stop!” the guard commanded as Iheard the stomps of more people running down the hall. I foundmyself a little bloodthirsty as I begrudged the fact that Ian tookthe guard’s warning and stopped himself from sinking the scissorsin further.

“You’re lucky that man with thegun is here to save you. Because if he wasn’t watching, I wouldslit your fucking throat for hurting what ismine.” Heleaned in toward his ear then and whispered so quietly there was noway anyone else could hear him besides Ben and me. “You ever comenear these two again and I will gut you like a fucking fish andmake you watch while I do it.”

He dropped the scissors then,turned Ben in his arms, and rammed his knee into his groin. Bengroaned in pain before crumpling to the ground at his feet. Twomore campus security guards rushed into the room then and all threedetained him. I tried to hide my joy at the fact that they weren’tbeing gentle with him even though he was now bleeding from his gutand his face. He probably tasted his balls too as far as Ian kneedthem into his throat.

Ian rushed and knelt down for meas they dragged Ben out into the hallway to finish cuffing him. Iscrambled from my spot and slid over to Anna as soon as he wasgone. She was still in the same position she’d fallen in as Iancame to my side.

“Anna,” I cried as I pushed herhair away from her face. I could already see the faint purple underher skin of the bruise that would soon be there. Ian turned intothe doctor I knew him to be before my very eyes as he assessed hisdaughter. I could hear sirens in the distance, I was sure theguards had called the police.

I watched Anna’s eyes flutter andthen she winced and groaned. She picked her head up from the floor,saw me and Ian sitting there, and then laid back down with a moanof pain. “Fuck, that hurts,” she whimpered.

“I know, the ambulance is on theway,” I said, almost to reassure myself more than her. Ian helpedher roll over onto her back and placed a pillow under her headthen.

When he was finished tending toher I tackled him with a sob. I slung my arms around his neck andburied my face into his chest. He pulled me to him and roamed hishands over my body, looking for signs of damage.

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