Page 52 of Wickedly Innocent

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“Oh, God, Ian! Fuck me!” Iscreamed as the orgasm started to fade into another.

Ian growled before pushing me backonto my belly. He released my neck and pussy just to grab my hipsand slam his big dick inside of me. The power from his thrust droveme up the countertop. My toes barely touched the floor as he fuckedinto me.

“I can feel that greedy littlecunt sucking at my cock, begging for my cum,” he roared behindme.

Sounds of wet smacking fleshfilled the kitchen as he pulled me back thrust for thrust. Thisposition made him go deeper than before and he knocked my G-spotwith each pull of his glorious cock.

“Yes, Sir! Come for me!” I criedas I tightened around him. My core spazzed as yet another climaxwracked my body. I didn’t know it was possible for a person to comethis many times with the same intensity.

Ian’s thrusts became erraticbefore he pulled me back to his chest. He wrapped his hand aroundmy throat again. I looked up at him as the last of my orgasm fadedenough to feel the first spurt of his cum shoot out of him.

“This is for you, only for you,”he groaned as his climax contorted his face into something akin toeuphoria.

I threaded my hands into his hairas he rubbed the rest of his release into me. His pumping hadturned languid long ago as if feeling every little quiver I hadleft within me.

When we were both spent, hecarefully slid us to the floor, not caring that it was covered withmy earlier water. “We’ll clean it up later,” Ian promised but Iwasn’t sure if he was talking about the water or Anna. He pushed myhair away from my face as he held me to him lovingly. I allowed himto pull me under his big body and he made a place for himselfbetween my legs.

“I promise we will figure thisout, just don’t leave me.” His voice was smaller than I’d everheard it before. My heart stuttered in my chest as I realized Iwould never be able to walk away from this man. I nodded and leanedup to take his lips with mine. His hands roamed all over me as hekissed me with everything he had.

I allowed myself to accept what hesaid wholeheartedly. I needed to give Anna time, I had to believeshe would come around when all the dust settled. At least, I had tohope so. I didn’t want to picture my life without either ofthem.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Look at me, Bambi.” Ian’s voicesounded in the otherwise quiet interior of his car effectivelypulling me from my scattered thoughts. I pulled my gaze from thepassenger window where I’d been staring silently for the last halfhour. I didn’t even know when we pulled up outside of my dormbuilding but I could tell he’d been waiting for me to say anythingfor a while now.

The light pitter-patter of raintapped on the windshield in a steady beat as if making a mockery ofmy steadily rising heartbeat. We were back home now but I stillwasn’t sure what I was going to say to Anna.

We’d stayed at the cabin just ustwo for the last day of our trip. When Anna and everyone else leftthe day before, Ian convinced me to stay and not chase after herlike I desperately felt I should.

“I know my daughter, we need togive her a little space and time to calm down,” he’d said as hesoothed my uneasy soul. As much as I wanted to fly back the sameday she did and beg at her feet for forgiveness, Ian was right. Iknew Anna too and she was as stubborn as they came. Most of thetime when someone pissed her off, it took a few days for her toeven say their name out loud, let alone speak to them again. Thetruth was, she was the first person to drop someone who did herwrong without a second glance. I envied that about her most days.That was until I was on the receiving end of her wrath.

I would find out in a few shortmoments if I too would be on the short list of people she no longergave a damn about.

I tried,really tried, tolet Ian’s words of confidence sink in these last twenty-four hours.He told me over and over again that Anna would forgive me. That shereally didn’t care if I was dating her dad, she was just hurt thatwe felt the need to sneak around behind her back. We’dinadvertently treated her like a child and tried to hide what wewere doing like she wouldn’t have been able to handle therevelation that we were indeed crazy about one another.

I tried not to cringe at thethought of someone doing to me what we’d done to Anna. I would bejust as pissed off and hurt as she was if someone treated me withkid gloves and didn’t think I was mature enough to handle twoadults doing adult things.I’m the worst type of friend.

“Are you hearing me?” Ian’s voicebroke through my internal struggle. I fluttered my eyes a few timesto escape my fog as Ian stared at me. The corner of his liptwitched in a smirk before sobering. I leaned into him as hebrushed his hand along the side of my cheek before dragging histhumb along my lower lip. “I said, are you sure you don’t want meto go in with you? You’re not the only one of us at fault here, Ididn’t confess what we were doing either.”

I tried not to melt into a puddleat his feet. It wasn’t every day you met a man willing to acceptblame and make up for his wrongdoings immediately. Just one moreattribute to add to the ever-growing list of reasons I was fallingfor this man more and more each day.

I stared up into his eyes before Icupped the outside of his hand, holding it to me before turning andkissing his palm. I then pulled his hand to my lap and traced myfingers along his. I kept my gaze trained on our hands as I spoke.“No, I think this is something I need to do. I’m supposed to be herbest friend and I royally fucked up. I broke rule number one ofbeing someone’s best friend.”

I glanced up at Ian’s face in timeto see him quirk a brow at me. I flashed him a sad smile. “You’resupposed to tell your best friend everything, no matter what,” Isqueaked in a small voice.

Ian nodded before leaning forward.His lips pressed against mine softly in a too-quick kiss. “Youdon’t need to take this on by yourself. Even though I know she willforgive us, Anna’s temper can be—”

“Believe me, I know,” I cut himoff before raising my hand to my cheek. I could still feel theplace she slapped me yesterday. She hadn’t left a physical mark onme past the redness that marred the skin right after, but thatdidn’t stop the memory of the sting left behind.

Ian’s jaw tightened and releasedas he ran his thumb over my knuckles. “She shouldn’t have hit youlike that.” I could hear the anger in the way his voice trembled. Icould see how this would be hard for him. If it had been anyoneelse that hit me, I knew without a doubt he would’ve dragged them.But it wasn’t a random person that hit me, it was his own daughter.I could see where he would be conflicted about defending me in thatway.

Nonetheless, I felt as though Ididn’t deserve to be defended. “I deserved it,” I mumbled beforereturning my gaze out the window. The rain had let up some since wearrived back home but it was still coming down in a somewhat steadybeat. It stood as a reminder of my shitty mood.

“I think we’ll agree to disagree,”Ian muttered under his breath. “All right, if you really need to dothis on your own, I’ll wait in the car.” He sounded so pouty aboutit that I couldn’t help the grin that split my lips.

I turned back to him and kissedhim swiftly before opening my door. “I’ll let you know when it’ssafe to venture in,” I teased as I pushed the door open and steppedout of the car. I closed the door behind me with a soft push as myadrenaline spiked.

I shivered as the chilled rainbounced off my exposed arms and walked on heavy feet away from Ianand toward the front entrance of my dormitory with determination. Iwas going to make Anna forgive me come hell or high water. I neededher to be in my life and I would be damned if I let her out of itthat easily.

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