Page 51 of Wickedly Innocent

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I tried to swallow again only torealize how dry I was. I’d cried everything out of me and wasbecoming dehydrated. Without looking back at Ian, I turned andheaded toward the kitchen. Maybe if I got away from him I wouldhave a better time figuring out where to go from here. If only itwere that easy.

I didn’t have to look behind me toknow that he followed me into the kitchen. I ignored him as Istepped up to the cupboard and grabbed a glass. I walked on numblegs to the fridge and filled the glass with cold water. I couldfeel Ian standing at my back as I brought the liquid to my parchedlips. I downed half the contents before filling it again. I saidnothing still as I drank again.

Ian’s hands found their way underthe hem of my shirt and circled my waist. He knelt down and nuzzledhis nose against my neck. “Don’t do this,” he grumbled against me,sending shivers down my spine.

I pulled my shoulder up as Istepped away from him. I couldn’t do what I needed to do if he wastouching me. “Do what?” I asked numbly as I brought my glass backup to my lips. I wasn’t thirsty anymore but I needed something todistract me from his all-encompassing self.

Ian used his finger to latch ontothe rim of the glass and pulled it down from my mouth. I flashedhim a glare when I finally looked up at him. “You’re pulling awayfrom me,” he said as he stepped into my space.

I thrust my hand out and placed iton his warm chest, stopping his advance. I couldn’t deal with himbeing so close. “I don’t see that I have any other choice in thematter,” I mumbled and averted my gaze. I could feel my eyesburning all over again but I refused to let him see me cryanymore.

“That’s bullshit and you know it,”he growled as he towered over me. I could feel his frustrationradiating off of him and I tried to act like it had no effect onme. Likehehad no effect on me.

I shrugged as if nothing aboutthis was bothering me as I raised the glass to my lips again. “Notlike it mattered much anyway. We both knew this would never work,”I lied even though everything in me screamed for him. I wanted himmore than I wanted my next breath.

I almost had the glass up to mymouth when Ian swung his hand out, swatting the glass away from me.The glass shattered on the hard-tiled floor and water splashed mylegs. I scowled up at Ian as he caged me between his hard body andthe counter. “What the fuck is your problem?” I gritted behindclenched teeth.

Ian pulled me to him as his handwound into my hair. He clenched his fist and tugged until there wasno room for escape. I bit back my whimper of pleasure as thesensation radiated along my scalp.

“You’re my fucking problem,” hegrowled. I felt my already ruined panties become wet again as hisfingers pulled the hem of my shirt up. He grabbed my hip bone in apunishing grip that I was sure I’d get a bruise from. I ignored theexcitement that flooded my body at the thought of wearing hismark.

“If you’re upset, then you can cryto me. If you’re confused about our next steps, then you can talkto me. If you’re angry, then you can fight with me. But I will notallow you to just walk away from me. You acting like none of thisbothers you and you could just end this without a fight pisses meoff,” he seethed as his fingers pulled my panties down.

This time he wasted no time withteasing me as he pushed through my folds. I sucked in a sharpbreath as he plunged his thick fingers into my soaked center. Hegroaned as he pumped into me and I clenched down onto him. He thenpulled his fingers out and rubbed my wetness and his earlierrelease around my clit.

“You can’t leave me when my cum isstill inside of you, Bambi,” he murmured before pulling me over tothe bar. He was careful to avoid the broken glass as he turned mearound and pushed me onto my belly. I had to go on my tiptoes to becomfortable. He continued to hold my hair as he forced me to pushmy ass out for him. I felt a tug and heard the rip of my panties ashe pulled the tattered remains away from my body, exposingeverything to his hot gaze.

I didn’t feel like fighting himbefore. I thought if I just acted like I didn’t care about us, thenmaybe he would get pissed off and walk away from me. That wouldmake my decision easier. But I could see now that that would havenever worked. But now, as I lay splayed on the bar, I wanted tofight.

I kicked back toward him and cameup empty as he stepped out of range. Before I could kick again hestepped between my legs, pushing his towel-covered cock against theseam of my ass. “Let me go!” I growled, knowing full well I didn’twant him to let me go. I wanted him to take his towel off and fuckme from behind. I wanted him to punish me like I felt Ideserved.

“Not until you talk to me,” hegrowled right back before I felt the hard smack of his hand againstmy ass. I yelped as the sting settled across my flesh. He gave meno time to adjust to the pain as he delivered another one rightunder the first.

Yess.This is what Iwanted. I didn’t want to talk, I simply wanted to feel.

I arched my back and pushed my assout for him as he struck me again. He held my hair so tightly thatI had no choice but to lay with my cheek against the coldcountertop as he delivered his punishment to my achy ass. Hepeppered me with harsh succession and I sank into each strike. Ilost count of each land as they became slower and fewer. He’d rubme and soothe the reddened skin between each one like he knewexactly what I needed. He always knew what I needed.

I felt tears leaking from my eyesas he halted his punishment. It wasn’t from the pain as that wasbecoming something I craved. It was almost cathartic in a way, likeI had so many emotions building inside me and this was the only waythey would come out.

“Talk to me, baby,” he pleadedsoftly as his hand kneaded my sore backside.

I opened my mouth to speak andthen closed it as if deciding what to say. “I—” I whined. “I don’tknow what to do. Anna hates me and I feel like the only way to getback into her good graces is to end things with you but that’s thelast thing I want to do. How I feel for you…” I trailed off as Ithought of my next words carefully. “I don’t think I want to live alife without you in it.”

Ian paused his kneading andreleased my hair. He pulled my hips back to his and that’s when Ifelt that his towel was no longer covering him. He must have lostit while he was spanking me and not bothered to pick it back up. Iallowed him to pull my upper body up against his front. He pulledaway long enough to pull my shirt up and over my head beforehugging me.Nothing between us.

“I don’t think I could let you goeven if you asked for it, Lindsey. I need you too much. I know youdon’t want to believe me right now, but things with Annawillwork out. We need to give her time to cool down andthen we’ll talk to her.” His hand roamed my torso as he spoke. Itwas like he couldn’t stop touching me, he needed to have his handson me.

His big hand climbed up between mybreasts before he clamped it around my throat. A surge of arousalleaked down my thighs as he turned my face up to his. He leaneddown and took my lips like a starved man. He shoved his tongue pastmy lips and danced with mine. My nipples puckered painfully as mysex throbbed for him. I could feel his thick cock between my asscheeks and I wanted nothing more than for him to fill me. I neededhim now more than ever.

His other hand slid down my bodyand nudged between my folds. I whimpered into his mouth as hisfingers circled my clit. I was wound painfully tight after myerotic spanking. My hips moved with his fingers as he spread myslickness around. I pulled my lips away long enough to beg.

“Please, Sir.”

My words urged him on as hegroaned and took my mouth again. He gripped my throat tighterbefore pinching my clit between his fingers. I sucked in a hugebreath as my orgasm exploded from me.

“Fuck, yes, Bambi. Keep going,” heordered against my lips as his fingers moved hastily againstme.

I swear the orgasm started overbefore the first had stopped as he rubbed me from clit to entrance.I cried my release and gripped his wrist holding my neck like alifeline. I could feel wave after wave of scorching arousal leakfrom me as he brought me the most pleasure I’ve ever felt.

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