Page 47 of Wickedly Innocent

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My tightly coiled orgasm releasedat the same time he did. Both of us watched the other as ecstasycoursed through our bodies. The female pride I felt from watchingthe pleasure on his face was enough to make me want to do a happydance.I did that!

He slowed his thrusts and rubbedout the rest of his release. He released my hair and pulled my legwhich was curled in front of me up and around his hip so he couldlay down. Both of our rough breaths filled the room as he relaxedon top of me. I felt a euphoric grin crease my lips as he nuzzledhis face in my neck.

“You’re fucking perfect for me,Lindsey,” he muttered as he kissed my shoulder lovingly. I rubbedmy hands up his sides until burying one into the hair at his nape.I played with the soft locks as I drank in the moment.

“You’re pretty swell yourself,” Iwhispered back. I didn’t think there was anything that could ruinthe way I felt about him.

His chuckle shook me as he sat upon his elbows. His smile was almost boyish as he kissed my nose.“Swell?” He laughed “And I thought I was the old one in thisrelationship.”

I giggled and flushed. “Maybe Ihave an old soul,” I defended myself.

Ian nodded as he pushed up andaway from me. I instantly wanted to recall his heat as he slid fromthe bed. “Well, you better get your old soul out of bed,” he teasedas he carefully slid my panties back into place before helping mesit up. My oversized shirt fell back down into place. “Anna will beup soon and we need to figure out what to say to her. I’m donebeing your dirty little secret.” He grinned as he found his pajamapants and began to put them on.

I tried not to flinch at hiswords. I had indeed treated him like a dirty little secret and itmade me feel terrible. I gripped his hand and pulled him to me ashe pulled his pants up, taking away my view of his muscled ass.“Y-you know you’re more than that, right?” I admitted.

His eyes softened and he crowdedme. He wedged himself between my legs and caressed the back of myneck. I craned my neck to look up at him as he lowered his lips tomine. He kissed me softly before pulling away and placing hisforehead against mine. “I know that, Bambi.”

I nodded and pulled him down foranother kiss. It was too short for my liking when he released meand stepped away. “I’m going to shower and then we can figure outhow best to tell Anna.”

I nodded as he sauntered toward mydoor, opened it, and closed it behind him. I sat still in my spotas I listened for him in his room. It was quiet this time of themorning so I could hear everything. From him opening his door todigging in his dresser.

When I finally heard his showerturn on, I stood from my spot. My shirt’s hem fell to my mid-thighas I walked over to my suitcase and dug for a clean pair ofpanties. Even though I’d just changed them last night, they weretoast now. I’d packed enough pairs to last me the whole week andbeing as we were going to be flying back home tomorrow, I should’vestill had two pairs left.

I frowned as I searched through mybag just to come up with one less pair than anticipated.Whatthe hell?I knew damn well that I packed the little red pairwith the pink heart on the front. I remembered because it was thelast clean pair I’d had because I didn’t get a chance to do laundrybefore we left home. But as I pulled clothes from my bag I sawnothing red.

I wracked my brain as I grippedthe other black pair I’d packed. Maybe I was mistaken. I could havesworn I’d packed enough but maybe I didn’t. I would have to wearthis clean pair today and tomorrow on the ride home, Isupposed.

Oh, well. I shrugged tomyself and then grinned. I’d just have to tell Ian to not make amess out of these for the next twenty-four hours. That man wreakedhavoc on a girl’s panties.

A wicked thought struck me then. Irushed to my door with my clean panties in hand and quietly lookedout into the hall. When I deemed the coast was clear I slid out ofmy room silently and padded over to his closed door beforelistening.

I could still hear his showerrunning as I gripped the doorknob. I grinned to myself again as Iturned the knob, I was going to surprise him by slipping into theshower with him.He couldn’t ruin any more of my underwear if Iwasn’t wearing any.

I snorted at my internal joke.After such a short time of being sexually active, I’d thought ofcountless ways I wanted him to take me. The shower topped that listright now.

I pushed the door open and heard arustle from within the room. I frowned as I listened for the sprayof water coming from his bathroom.That’s odd.Was he justletting the water warm up?

My head was turned toward his ensuite bathroom when I heard a quiet gasp from the oppositedirection. I stepped further into the room and flung my gaze to hisdark bed.

“What the fuck are you doing inhere?” Melonie’s voice carried my way as I watched her coverherself with Ian’s blanket. Though she covered her small bodyquickly, I’d still seen that she was naked underneath the softbedding.

I stood rooted in place as Istared at my bully currently occupying my boyfriend’s bed. I foughtfor words as she scowled at me. “W-wh—” I stuttered.

Melonie all but snarled at me asshe looked me up and down. She halted her gaze on my legs, drawingmy attention back to the fact that I had no pants on. And I wasstill in the same panties that were covered in Ian’s release and myarousal. My face flamed at the thought of her knowing exactly whathappened between us not moments ago.

“What?” She stuck her nose up inthe air at me. “You act surprised that I would be in his bed. He’smy lover after all.”

My stomach dropped at the thoughtof her words being true. I knew they were all lies concocted by anattention-seeking bitch, but the thought still stung. Melonie wasthe type of girl I could picture Ian with. I on the other hand wasthe opposite.

I heard the water in the bathroomshut off and Melonie snapped her head in that direction. She took adeep breath and let the blanket fall to her lap, exposing herperfect tits. My nostrils flared in anger as I watched her put on ashow for when Ian would emerge from the bathroom. She returned herscowl to me and paused her preening. “What are you still doinghere,Lardy Lindsey? Get. Out,” she bit out.

The old nickname was like a shockto my system.I’m not that girl anymore. I couldn’t allowMelonie to keep having this power over me. I didn’t need to comparemyself to girls like her anymore because Ian liked the woman I was.He didn’t crave someone that looked like Melonie, he craved me.

“You need to get the fuck out ofhis bed, now.” I stood my ground in the doorway even if all Iwanted to do was rip her out of his bed by her hair.

Melonie’s eyes flared as she satup straight, further revealing that she was completely naked underall that bedding. We would have to burn those sheets. “Youget out,” she seethed behind clenched teeth.

“No,” a deep voice sounded fromthe opposite side of the room. “Youget the fuck out.”

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