Page 4 of Wickedly Innocent

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“Oof, that’s a good one, Lyns.”She smiled at me before leaning in to kiss my forehead. “I can getyou some ice?” she offered. I instantly felt all the tension leavemy body. I may be in my early twenties, but that didn’t stop my momfrom being my safe space. When you grow up with one parent whodidn’t really care much about you, you learn quickly to latch ontothe one that does.

“I would feel a lot better if youwould let me take you to the hospital,” Ian said, breaking themoment.

My head screamed as I pulled awayfrom Mom and looked back toward the doctor. The look on his facewas laced with worry. He may be right, I probably did need to beseen by someone at the hospital, but did I really want him to bethe one that took me? I briefly thought about asking my mom to takeme but then quickly dissolved the thought. This was her childhoodbest friend’s wedding. I couldn’t let her leave.

But the thought of being alone inthe car with this man, made all sorts of feelings flood me. It’snot as though I had never been alone with a boy before. Sure, myexperience was limited but that didn’t mean I lived under a rock. Ihad never been too scared to leave a place with a boy even if Iknew his intentions were pointed toward more than justhand-holding. But the thing was, Ian wasn’t a boy, he was a man.The only man, in fact, that had ever sparked this deep yearning Ifelt every time I looked at him. Could I really be alone withhim?

The throbbing in my headintensified further as I stared at him. So much so that I had tosquint as the pain assaulted my senses. Even if I didn’t think itwas a good idea to be alone with him, I was going to listen to mybody.Well, not the whole thing.I did force myself toignore that one part of my body screaming at me for the very man Ishouldn’t have.

I swallowed thickly as I pulledaway from my mom completely and held my hand out toward thehandsome doctor. A zap of awareness jolted through me as his handconnected with mine. Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze.

“Take me.”

Chapter Two

As I sat in the front seat ofIan’s Audi, I silently cursed myself once more. I should have justasked Heath or Reid to take me to the hospital. Or anyone else forthat matter. Because the moment I sat inside Ian’s car I wasimmediately assaulted with everythinghim. His style, sleekand suave. His scent, clean and masculine. Even his damn confidenceas he drove along the busy streets at this time of night. Watchinghim steer the car with such precision that it would put aprofessional driver to shame.

Only moments ago, when hecarefully placed me in the passenger seat, shivers of awarenessslithered up my body originating at his every touch. I took a deepfortifying breath after I sat, hoping he wouldn’t touch me anymore.I didn’t know how much more I could take of that touch that felt sogentle and caring. But just when I thought I could relax, Ianleaned down and grabbed the seat belt.

He had gripped that belt andsmoothly wrapped it across the front of my body. I smothered whatwould have been an embarrassing groan as his wrist grazed againstmy breast. Lighting up my still-tightened nipples. I turned my headwhen all I wanted to do was bury my face in the side of his exposedneck. It wouldn’t have been hard as he was mere inches away fromme. I thought he took longer than necessary to snap the buckle intoplace. I could have sworn he stalled at the side of my neck a beatlonger than necessary. I had seen his jaw clench before pullingaway from me and closing the door, allowing me to release thepent-up breath I’d been holding.

There was something undoubtedlywrong with me, I decided as I watched his every move with the laserfocus of a hungry hawk. The way his muscles flexed and releasedunder the black jacket that had to have been made just for him.Every turn we made caused his biceps to move in a different way.The way his hand gripped the steering wheel. I could see histendons work in tandem with the strong hand muscles there. The wayhis other hand was resting against his upper thigh. So close to theslight bulge at the center.

I clenched my thighs together asan unfamiliar ache built more and more the closer we came to thehospital. My head was still pounding but that didn’t stop thewetness from pooling between my thighs. I nearly whimpered as wehit a bump in the road causing my thighs to move against that achypart of me. I let my head fall back against the headrest as Iclosed my eyes. I tried to control my breathing, focusing on theinhales and exhales. Tried to ignore the scent of the man sittingnext to me.

“We’re almost there.” Ian’s deeprumble filled the otherwise quiet interior of the car. I saidnothing, afraid that if I spoke I would sound like a bumblingidiot. “Lindsey?” he spoke my name in the hushed tone of one loverto another. I still said nothing as I kept my eyes closed. My headhurt so bad and everything about being trapped in this small spacewith him was making me hyperaware of everything else.

I felt the car turn and slow to astop. I still didn’t bother lifting my head until I felt a stronghand grip my thigh. I hissed between my teeth and jerked my headupright. The dull ache at the movement was quickly overshadowed asIan squeezed the meaty part of my thigh over the silk fabric of mydress. I swallowed thickly before I peeled my tongue from the roofof my mouth.

“Ah, there you are, Little Bambi,”Ian said as I met his gaze. My heart skipped a beat at his term ofendearment.Little Bambi.It could have been laughablebecause I was anything but little, but the way he said it almostmade me believe it. “Are you feeling okay? Nauseous?”

I shook my head. “No, just aheadache now.”

His hand never left my thigh as wecontinued to stare at one another. Even though it was dark in thecar, aside from the dim lighting on the dash, I could still see hisexpression shift to something darker. It was almost as if I couldfeel my awareness going to that one spot on my body that he wastouching. I could see what looked like a flash of challenge inthose blue eyes before his palm started to move. I sucked in asharp breath as it climbed. His lips twitched slightly as westudied one another.

His gaze traveled from my eyesdown to my lips as my tongue darted out to wet my parched lips. Icould feel myself start to tremble as his hand inched closer andcloser to the part of me that ached for him. His eyes seemed todarken further inside the dim interior of the car. I bit my lip tosmother it but that didn’t stop the moan that wretched from mythroat as his pinkie grazed the side of my panties before movingdown and away from me.

He cleared his throat as I feltfire lace my cheeks.I didn’t just do that.“We’re here,” hesaid as I heard the distinct sound of my buckle being releasedfollowed by a small chuckle, causing me to sag in relief.

I released a hurried breath as myeyes fluttered closed before I looked out the windshield. Thebright sign indicating we were indeed at the emergency room cameinto view. I turned back toward Ian just in time to be met with himstepping out of the car and closing his door.

What was I doing? I was sitting inthis insanely hot man’s car after making a complete fool of myself.I was probably concussed and here I was lusting after him like apreteen girl at a Harry Styles concert. I couldn’t help the feelingthat maybe he wanted me as much as I wanted him when it wasprobably the furthest thing from the truth. He was a doctor andmore than double my age, for heaven’s sake. He was probably justtrying to be a good guy and help his old patient’s kid and how didI repay him? By acting like a sex-crazed idiot in his car.

Before I could compose myself Ianopened my door and held his hand out for me. I hesitated before Iplaced mine in his. He gently pulled me from the car and my headonly swam a little that time. I grabbed onto the side of the car asIan slid his arm around my waist. I couldn’t stop that inner voiceI heard every day screaming at me every time I put something in mymouth. She was now telling me that Ian could probably feel everyone of my fat rolls on my side. I bet he was used to dating thinsupermodels, I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought my body was thefurthest thing from feminine.

Once my head steadied, I tried topull away from him but he held me firm. “I’ve got you, Bambi. Justlean against me.” His hushed voice brushed over me like arefreshing breeze. That feeling of being precious to someone warmedmy insides again as I did as he asked of me.

He was much taller than me so whenI leaned into him the top of my head barely reached the bottom ofhis chin. His arm that held me tightened before he stooped down andgracefully picked me up, cradling me to his chest.

The squeal that came out of me wasloud to my own ears as I fought to grab onto his neck for balance.He didn’t even so much as huff a sound of exertion as he startedtoward the ER entrance.

“I could walk, you know,” I said.“You’re going to hurt your back.”

His chuckle jostled me before helooked down at me. “What? Is that some sort of old age joke?” Hesmiled.

I couldn’t fight the grin of myown as I stared back at him. “No, I don’t think you’re old. If youhaven’t noticed,”—I gestured down atmyself—“I’m not exactly some little slipof a girl.”

His smile vanished as he stoppedhis forward advance. His hand flexed against my side and under myknees at the same time his jaw did. It was as though he wasthinking of his next words carefully before he spoke. “You’reright,” he said as his eyes bounced between mine and slowly rakedthe rest of my body.

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