Page 3 of Wickedly Innocent

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“I would say you’re definitelyconcussed.” He chuckled.

I tried to shake my head again buthe held me firm. His gaze darkened and his grin flattened as histhumb started to move against my throat. My pulse leaped as thesoft digit grazed against me. I swallowed thickly as my nipplespuckered painfully under my dress. I watched his eyes follow histhumb’s movements and further still. His nostrils flared as Irealized he could see my hardened peaks through my wedding partydress. Damn Jill for choosing a dress that made it impossible towear a bra.

Shit, I thought to myself.Party dresses, Jill’s wedding, I was still at the reception.

Reality crept back in as I pulledmy lust-filled eyes away from the all-encompassing man hoveringabove me. My gaze flew to the blurry figures that surrounded me andI felt my body flush.

My mom stood above me with herhand against her chest, worried. Heath and Reid hovered behind her,each had a hand on her in some way. Emily and Leo stood next tothem. Leo’s face was written with concern while Emily’s eyesbounced back and forth between Ian and me. Jill’s white dressfinally came into focus as I spotted her and Damon staring down atme. Jill wasn’t even trying to cover her smile as she held back herlaughter at the scene I had caused.

I remembered then what I had justsaid to Ian in front of everyone and the gasp that came after.Embarrassment flooded me as I felt a flush take over my chest allthe way to my face. I sucked in a startled breath as I tried to situp, only to be met with searing pain. I hissed and my hand flew tothe back of my head. I had a solid knot under my hair that wasevidence of the fall I must have taken.

“Try not to move,” Ian repeated ashe gently pushed me back down. The lust I found earlier was gone asthe medical professional took its place. “Does your neck hurt atall?” he asked as his fingers prodded me gently.

“No,” I said quickly as my gazecontinued to fly around the room. That’s when I noticed Liam. Hewas squatting next to me on the ground.How had I not noticedhim before?

I had to smother my huff offrustration as our gazes connected. I hadn’t noticed him because Iwas too busy lusting over someone I shouldn’t be.

“What happened?” I asked Liam asconcern clouded his eyes. I could tell by his expression that hefelt bad for all of this. Why he felt that way, I could onlyimagine.

“I have no clue,” he said with aslight shrug. “One minute we were dancing holding hands and thenext you came to a dead stop. It was like you saw a ghost orsomething.”

I winced at his words as it allcame flooding back to me. I had been dancing and having a blastwhen I spotted grey out in the sea of faces. It was Ian, and I hadcome to a screeching halt in the middle of the aisle. I was acomplete moron.

“I’m so sorry, Lindsey. If I hadknown you stopped moving, I wouldn’t have pulled you so hard.” hetrailed off.

“It’s not your fault, Liam. Ishouldn’t have stopped like I did,” I offered to soothe hisguilt.

He smiled down at me beforesmoothly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I could see Iantrack the movement out of the corner of my eye. If I didn’t knowany better, I would say those blue eyes flared with some darkjealousy.

I didn’t know what he had to bejealous of. Sure, Liam was handsome, strikingly so. He was coveredin dark tattoos that most women would positively drool over. Hishair was deep brown as were his eyes. Even his scent drew you in.All around he was the type of dark mysterious man any sane womanwould beg for even a slither of attention from.

But he wasn’t what got my heartpounding. His touch didn’t make me hyperaware of every achy part ofmy body. His chocolate gaze didn’t light me on fire and make all myforgotten girl parts perk up and take notice. No, those parts of mewere fine-tuned to sea-colored eyes. Which was silly considering hewas more than double my age and nowhere near interested in me likethat.

I tried to ignore those very eyesdrilling into my soul as I smiled up at Liam. Trying to reassurehim I was fine.

“Can I have everyone clear out andgive her some air, please?” Dr. Young’s booming voice echoedthrough the room with authority. When I glanced back toward him, Inoticed his hard gaze trained on Liam. When I snuck a glance backtoward the younger Latino, I swore I saw challenge flare in thosedark eyes. I couldn’t help the feeling of being a prized toybetween two toddlers as he smirked back at the doctor.

“Of course, you want us to leavejust as it’s getting interesting,” Jill mumbled behind her grin.She yelped when Damon pinched her ass before grabbing her hand andleading her away.

Emily was still surveying thethree of us as if she was weaving a story only she could read. Leogripped her around the waist and turned her away from us. Shecraned her neck to keep watching us until she no longer could.

“I’m staying,” my mom voicedbefore she turned to Heath and Reid. “I’ll be along shortly, I justwant to make sure she’s fine.”

With that, the boys sauntered offquietly speaking to one another. I didn’t even want to know whatthey were talking about.

That left Liam, who was in arather intense staring contest with Ian right now. I didn’t know ifhe was just trying to ruffle feathers or what, but Liam wasn’tbudging. I could practically feel anger vibrating off Ian thelonger I lay there. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I startedto sit. That seemed to break their spell as they each helpedme.

I looked around the room and mystomach somersaulted. Nobody had moved me from the place I hadfallen. I assumed that was Ian who stopped anyone from moving me.It made sense, if I had injured my neck they wouldn’t have a way ofknowing until I was awake. Even I knew not to move someone whomight have a neck injury.

My head swam as I fully sat and Ibecame dizzy. Ian gripped my upper arms with firm hands as if tocatch me before I went careening to the side. I hissed as Isteadied myself. Liam moved in closer and Ian’s hard gaze shotstraight to him.

I didn’t know what Ian’s problemwas and I was too busy getting a headache to find out. My mother,as always, knew how to read the room. I watched her as shecarefully assessed whatever situation was going down between thetwo men. She stepped forward and lightly touched Liam’s shoulder.“Liam, I think we should let Dr. Young take it from here.” Her softvoice seemed to break the tension.

Liam nodded, slowly taking hishard gaze from Ian and softening it as he looked me over. “Are yousure you’re good?” he asked.

Sharp pain rippled from the backof my head to my temples as I nodded. I tried to smother my winceas I spoke. “I’m fine. Sorry about all of this,” I offered.

He seemed hesitant but stoodnonetheless. With one last smile down at me, he turned and headedtoward the open bar. Mom stooped down and took his place. Sherubbed her hand soothingly down my head as she comforted me. Isucked in a sharp breath as her fingers gently grazed my bump.

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