Page 38 of Wickedly Innocent

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Even if he insulted me today, Istill cherished our friendship and wanted to continue it. BesidesAnna, he was my only other friend. I made a mental note to sit himdown when we got back home and discuss where we were to go fromhere.

I meant what I told Ian, I wantedto be with him when this week was over. I knew everything washappening super fast for us but I couldn’t help but think this wasthe way it was always going to pan out. I wasn’t making anyproclamations of love, but I wanted this. For the first time in myadult life, I was going to fight for something that mademehappy. I wasn’t going to let other people’s perceived opinionscause me to lose out on something that could be great, perfecteven. Even if one of those people was a close friend of mine.

Let’s just hope that Anna isokay with this when the dust settles.I honestly didn’t knowwhat I would do if she wasn’t.

Anna led the others toward thedoor and opened it for them. When they were out of hearing rangeshe smiled at me. “I’m going to make them stay with me at the lodgefor dinner tonight so we will be out of your hair until at leasteight this evening,” she said and I was taken aback. When I meantto ask why she held her hand up, halting my words. “I can tell youneed a break from people. I know you, Lyns,” she admitted.

I flushed slightly. “You don’thave to do that,” I said softly.

Anna beamed at me now. “I know butI’m going to. Consider it your birthday gift.”

I snorted at that. “And what wouldyou callthis?” I gestured to the room we were standingin.

“Also a gift,” she said andshrugged. “What can I say, I’m an awesome friend.” She giggled andI did too. “And don’t worry about my dad, he’ll be locked away inhis room for most of the night. You won’t see him at all.”

God, how I hope you’re wrong onthat one, I thought to myself and then immediately had tostifle a giggle. I was acting like a horned-up teenager.

“Thank you, Anna,” I said

“You’re welcome,” she said as shebacked out the door. “Okay, love you, bye!” she yelled beforeclosing the door, and suddenly I was alone.

I took a deep breath as if tobreathe in my solace before what was about to happen. The onlysounds in the room were the crackling of the fire in the hearth andmy own rapidly rising heart rate.

“All right, Lindsey, let’s dothis,” I murmured as I rubbed my suddenly sweaty palms down thefront of my jeans.

I forced my feet to move and Iheaded toward the hallway. It felt as though time slowed down thecloser I came to his door. He’d left it slightly ajar, his way ofwelcoming me in. I took a deep breath as I pushed it open andslipped inside.

My feet padded quietly against thedark hardwood floor as I turned and shut the door. The resoundingclick made my anxiety tick all the more. I forced myself to breatheas I twisted the lock. When I turned to face the room I was takenaback.

I’d only seen his room the nightI’d caught him pleasuring himself. The room had been bathed indarkness that night so I had no idea what I’d find when I venturedhere today. His room had the same floor-to-ceiling windows minehad, though this room seemed almost darker. It vibrated with a cozyvibe with the dark fabric that lay strewn on top of his bed. Ismiled to myself as I stepped up to the unkempt bed. It was nice tosee he wasn’t perfect after all. He was a bit messy by the looks ofhis room.

His bedside table was litteredwith a couple of empty water glasses as well as a few medicaljournals with the pages marked in various places. His laptop satabove the mess, half open, half closed as if he’d been in too bigof a rush to finish what he’d been doing.

I allowed my eyes to drift to theopposite side of the room where a plush seating area sat facing anequally messy desk. I could picture him sitting behind that desksifting through papers and scrawling hasty notes as he went. Iwalked toward one plush armchair with a few shirts throwncarelessly atop it.

My fingers danced along the softfabric of one of the t-shirts before I picked it up. It was a plaincharcoal grey shirt with a modest V-neck I just knew he would lookdelectable in. Without thinking, I brought the smooth material tomy nose and inhaled deeply. His masculine scent coated every fiberof the shirt and I found myself wanting to be surrounded by it.Just the smell of him sent hot arousal flooding my panties.

I turned to face the en suitebathroom where I knew him to be. The light was on and the door leftslightly open as though he knew I’d come for him. The steampermeating from the room indicated that he was enjoying his hotshower.

I placed his shirt back onto thechair before I slowly walked closer. My pulse jumped in my throatwith each advancing step. My nerves were starting to get the betterof me the closer I came.Am I really going to do this?

It was obvious I wanted to dothis, with him no less. I couldn’t think of any other person Iwould rather do this with. But I couldn’t stop that little voice inthe back of my mind that screamed I was making a huge mistake. Iwould never be able to go back to the girl I used to be after thisday.

I stopped outside the door andclosed my eyes. Placing my hand on the door but not going anyfurther, I hardened my resolve and quieted the voices telling methis was a terrible idea. I wanted Ian and he wanted me, so howcould this be wrong? When I opened my eyes I told myself it wasokay to never be the girl I used to be. That was a part of life.One day, we all had to decide if we wanted the same we’d always hador if we deserved new things for ourselves, better things.

I shoved the old Lindsey down, theone who was always insecure and cared too much about what othersthought of her. The Lindsey who always took everything given to herand never dared ask for what she wanted, what sheneeded.Isaid goodbye to the girl of my past as I pushed that door open andwelcomed the woman of my future.

“There you are, Bambi.”

Chapter Seventeen

It took a moment for my eyes toadjust to the sudden fogginess of the room, but when they did mybreath stalled in my chest. The object of my desire stood under thehot stream of water looking like he stepped straight off the set ofa porno. He was in the middle of washing himself when he saw meenter the room. I was too stunned by the sight of his soapy body tobother with shutting the door behind me as I stepped closer.

“What’s the matter?” He chuckledas his lathery hands roamed down his washboard abdomen, headingfurther south. “Cat got your tongue?” he teased.

Something like that.

His hair and beard were soppingwet, making the normally light grey color look darker. His longerhair on top of his head was slicked back as if he’d shoved it outof his face while he rinsed the shampoo from the silky locks. Hiseyes flickered with lust as he stared me down, begging wordlesslyfor me to join him. As if my body had a direct link to histhoughts, I slipped my hands under the hem of my top. I kept myeyes on him as I lifted the material up and over my breasts beforepulling it over my head. I dropped it to the ground in front of mebefore pulling my hands toward my back to grip the clasp of mybra.

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