Page 28 of Wickedly Innocent

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I couldn’t help but watch his darkgaze as he stared at me. I let my inhibitions fly away as I bracedfor what was to come. I truly didn’t know if I would like what hewas about to do, but the way my body trembled at the thought mademe think yes.

I threaded my fingers through hishair and gave over to him completely as he lowered his mouthto—

“Lyns?” A voice at the door jarredus out of the moment. A knock followed and I panicked. I pushed atIan and scrambled for the sheet.

Anna was at the door while I wasgetting ready to fuck her dad.

Chapter Twelve

“J-just a minute!” I screeched asI scrambled away from Ian.Fuck!I kicked my feet out as Isat up hastily, effectively tangling them in the sheet. I twistedto get out of them and severely overestimated the motion I wouldneed as I started to roll out of the bed. Ian grabbed for me but itwas too late. I squealed as I plummeted toward the floor and landedwith a thud against the hardwood.

It felt like it took a momentlonger than necessary for my body to stop vibrating from the fall.I groaned from embarrassment rather than pain as Ian’s grinningface peeked over the bed. I covered my face to stop the blush thatwas quickly taking over.

“Are you all right?” Ian chuckledquietly as he gracefully slid from the bed and stood over me. Ishook my head and held my breath as I looked up at him. He wasstark-ass nude and still rock-hard.How could he still be readyto go while Anna was outside the door?

“Hide!” I harshly whispered. I satup and became painfully aware of the fact that I was still naked aswell. I could only imagine how I looked right now. Ian held hishand out for me still and I grabbed it reluctantly. He pulled mefrom my spot on the floor in a quick motion that left mebreathless. Before I could turn from him and grab something tocover up with, he slipped his hands around me and grabbed myass.

I bit back a whimper as he kneadedthe now sore area as he pushed his erection against my belly. WhenI tried to pull away again, he only gripped me tighter. I looked upinto his eyes then. “What are you doing, you need to hide. Now,” Iwhispered.

“Lindsey? Are you all right? Iheard a thump,” Anna’s muffled voice sounded as she knockedagain.

“Yeah—” my voice cracked as Ianbrought his head down and nipped my earlobe, making me weak in theknees. “I, ah … yeah, I’m looking for my robe, just a sec.”

Ian chuckled against me as hesucked the lobe past his lips before grinding against me. Theoverwhelming urge to let him have his devious way with me wasalmost too much to bear.Almost.

I pushed at his chest anddislodged him from me finally. I shoved my disheveled hair out ofmy face before rapidly searching for my robe. I spotted it slungover the window seat and rushed to grab it. After hastily pushingmy arms through the soft material and tugging it around my body, Ilooked back up to find Ian watching me curiously. I flicked my hairup and out of the robe as I rushed back to him.

“You need to go hide in theb—”

My next words were cut off as hegripped my chin and sealed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes andwent on my tiptoes against my will as I sunk into his touch. Hereleased my lips but didn’t step away completely. “You know, thiswould be the perfect time to tell her about us,” he murmured.

I sucked in a sharp breath andstarted to protest when he kissed me again. His tongue slippedbetween my lips in a tantalizing way that silenced me and made medizzy. His hands held me firmly at my hips and all of my beingzeroed in on the contact. When he pulled away from me again my lipsfollowed as if they knew exactly where they wanted to be.

“But I understand you want to tellher in a different way. As long as you hear me when I tell you thatI will have you soon, Little Bambi. With or without Anna’sblessing,” he whispered as he searched my eyes seriously. “I wantthis, Lindsey. I want you, and not just in a one-time,fuck-your-brains-out-and-never-see-you-again way. I thought maybe Iwould need to have you a couple of times and then be able to walkaway after. But now…” he trailed off as his hands flexed againstme. “Now there’s no walking away for me,” he finished beforepulling away from me completely.

I stood stock still as I watchedhim back away from me before turning and disappearing into thebathroom. The soft click of the door closing behind him echoed inmy brain as I stared at the plain wooden door. I hadn’t everexpected to hear the words he just said to me.

If I was honest with myself, Inever really knew where this was all headed with us. I just knewthat I personally wanted him in a carnal way. I hadn’t looked muchpast thenowin regard to him. All I knew was that he wasthe one I wanted to play out all the lustful, primal urges thatcoursed through my mind the moment I laid eyes on him.

Another knock at the door jarredme from my thoughts. I shook my head and released a breath I hadn’tknown I was holding as I strode to the door. I calmed myself beforeswinging it open to reveal a very curious-looking Anna.

“Hey,” I breathed as she brushedpast me.

“What took you so long?” she askedas she stepped into the room. I turned to follow her as my mindraced to think of an excuse.

“I, uh, was just looking for myrobe,” I offered with a shrug.

Anna walked further into the roomand I followed her line of vision right to my bed. I cringed as Itook in the sight of rumpled blankets and threw about pillows. Thesheet I’d gripped on my tumble out of the bed was strewn half on,half off the bed. From an outsider’s viewpoint, it looked like someseriously inappropriate things happened in this room.

I scrunched my face up and hopedAnna wouldn’t put two and two together as she stepped up to thebed. She ran her fingers over the rumpled sheets before turning toface me and plopping down. She leaned back onto her hands as shesmiled at me mischievously.

“Were you masturbating?” she askedsuddenly.

I choked on thin air as Iblustered at her question. “What? No!” I sputtered as I gripped myrobe tightly around myself.

Anna rolled her eyes beforepicking up one of my pillows and tossing it my way. I barely caughtit before it smacked me in the face. “You were totally diddlingyour skittles, weren’t you!” She laughed and I reddenedfurther.

I tried to defend my innocencewhen she held her hand up to stop me. “Dude, look at your bed.Don’t get me wrong, I get it. We all need to act like a DJ with aturntable sometimes. It’s okay to make a little music withyourself,” she teased before making the universal sound for porn.“Bow-chicka-wow-wow.”

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